Referral Marketing Training by Conversionxl

Referral Marketing Training by Conversionxl

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Old Price: $29.90

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Referral Marketing: Live Course
Building & Optimizing your Viral Channel
You most likely already have your most valuable marketing asset at your fingertips and aren’t using it right: your existing customers. Acquiring new users through existing user referrals is the most leveraged marketing activity possible because you not only acquire more valuable users, but also reduce your CPA and CLTV.

This live course starts April 11th.

What this course will teach you:
A step-by-step implementation guide to turn your existing users into new users, indefinitely
How companies like TOMS, Bonobos,, Shutterly and more all leveraged their existing customers to grow their organic customer base using referrals
“Sideways” strategies to get referrals that don’t involve you directly asking your users to “refer a friend” again and again.
Dominic Coryell,
Growth expert
This Course Is Right For You If…
You have existing users who like your product (measure with a high NPS)
You currently have a referral program you don’t feel like you can manipulate.
You don’t yet have a referral program, but have high “direct” traffic ration that must be cause by word-of-mouth-activities (WOMA).
You were at one point excelling at referral marketing and have hit a plateau
This course is probably not for you if…
You do not yet have Product/Market Fit (PMF)
You have a low NPS
You have an extremely long sales cycle with high enterprise value that has no mid/top funnel optimization points
What You’ll Walk Away With Afterwards
A complete five-step formula squeeze every possible referral out of your existing CRM by optimizing each of the 4 referral levers:
Formula to find the right incentive to get users to share
Formula to find the most valuable sharing channel
Formula to help advocates pick the right people to share with
Formula to get referred users to convert
Formula to help nurture referrals
A model to map out the referral channel and make predictions like other channels
A referral roadmap integrated into existing marketing campaigns to maximize touch points and keep your program top of mind
A model to measure normally intangible brand mentions
This results in an evergreen channel to reduce CPA and increase CLTV of all your other channels.

Why Dominic?
Dominic Coryell, (aka DistroDom) is a tech entrepreneur in San Francisco. As a Co-Founder of Talkable, he understands referral intimately since he’s built programs for companies like TOMS, Bonobos,, Shutterfly and so many more. He’s spent years in the weeds optimizing referral programs to make sure that referrals as a channel are valuable and relevant.

Dom has also coached hundreds of startups during his time as a Partner on the 500 Startups Distro Team and educating founders on how to grow faster and secure funding with his online traction program GIMME GROWTH.

Before all this Dom was featured on many well known business publications such as FOX BUSINESS, the SUCCESS and the New York Times while he was building his first business in college, which happened to survive and thrive because of their successful referral program.
Dom played an integral part in helping us more than double our supply volume in less than a month. Just in time for the upcoming holiday season!

Karen Horiuchi, CEO @ Glambot
Dom has a tremendous focus on building systems and tuning growth experiments in systematic ways that allows for clear testing and results. His skills double as a Head of growth and growth product lead. We all have a lot to learn from Dom.

Sieva Kozinsky, CEO @ StudySoup
Dom is an excellent growth marketing teacher and mentor. He deeply understands and is able to effectively communicate that growth marketing derives first from the mindset then the process. He has the understanding to teach you both.

Philippe LeBlanc, CEO @ Flixel

Your 2-Week Live Class Schedule
The 60-90 minute live classes will take place twice a week at 9 a.m. Pacific / 12 p.m. Eastern. This time works well for folks in Europe as well.

Those who attend live will have the opportunity to take part in Q&A. (Sorry, Asia-Pacific friends, but you’ll still have full access to all of the recordings.)



Class 1: Build a Referral Plan and Model
Building a referral program has many moving pieces that should be thought out and planned ahead of time. This class will teach you about all of those pieces, by using current relevant examples, then will give you a framework to build your plan using all those pieces. The plan will be highly dependant on a mathematical model that we build to predict program performance based on the 4 levers of referral marketing (visibility, sharers, new impressions, conversions)

Topics covered:

Overview of what makes a successful referral program, the levers and the components
Examples of programs in the wild for different types of businesses e-Commerce, Mobile, SaaS, and marketplaces
Mapping out the different components such as structure, placements, positioning, and rules
Reviewing a mathematical model for referrals with a templated example
Ending with a clear plan of action to prep for an implementation
April 11th, 2017

Class 2: Implement Your Referral Program
There are really two options to launch a referral program: build it yourself or user a 3rd party tool. We’ll go over how to make the decision based on your plans and in-house capabilities as well as all open-source and 3rd party options.

Topics covered:

what are the features in your plan and what type of technical functionality is needed to
what are the technologies that exist (yesgraph, talkable, friendbuy, extole)
fraud detection
step by step integration of a program
April 13th, 2017

Class 3: Promote Your Referral Program
Referral programs will not work unless they are promoted on site in the correct way. In this lesson we will cover how to show off your referral program onsite, in-app, through email and how to constantly keep it top of mind using the campaign methodology.

Topics covered:

Where are the most visible places for your referral program to be hosted (onsite and inapp)
How can you use email to drive advocates to share
How to use campaigns as contests and leaderboards to constantly keep your referral program top of mind.
April 18th, 2017

Class 4: Optimize Your Referral Program
Referral programs, compared to other acquisition activities, have 4 levers. In this lesson we will go through how to optimize each lever. We’ll also cover how to use referrals to reach your current objectives, should they be driving revenue, driving valuable customers or reducing CAC while driving up LTV.

Topics covered:

TOFO: How to get more people to see your offer
TOFU: How to get more people to share you offer
TOFU: How to get more shares per person
TOFU: How to increase the shares value per advocate
MOFU: How to get more engagement per share
MOFU: How to increase the likelihood of purchases (or intended action)
BOFU: How to get more conversion
BOFU: How to use nurture style campaigns to increase conversions
April 20th, 2017
You will also get 10 pre-recorded video lessons
In addition to live classes, you’ll get access to snack-size video lessons to bring you up to speed on the course topics. When you purchase the course, you can immediately login and start watching videos. Topics covered include:

1. Why Referrals Matter
2. What Incentivizes Users To Share
3. Setting Expectations
4. Getting Shares
5. Referral Conversions
6. Tracking Referrals: Who Referred Who?
7. Referrals are Part of The Journey
8. Keeping the Referral Program Fresh
9. Referral Program Roadmap
10. Dominic’s Favorite Referral Programs
Show Off Your New Skills: Get a Certificate of Completion
Once the course is over, pass a test to get certified in Referral Marketing strategies and processes.

Add it to your resume, your LinkedIn profile or just get that well-earned raise you’ve been waiting for.
Why you’ll learn more from live classes
In short: You’ll actually make time for learning.

Most people don’t ever complete self-study courses. It’s difficult to prioritize learning over urgent items on your to-do list. (Hey, we’re all busy.)

How do we know?

A 2015 study shows that the current average completion rate for MOOCs (Coursera, edX, Udacity) is approximately 15%. So 85% drop-off rate. The course that received a Coursera award for having the highest completion rate — wait for it — had a rate of 20%!
Seth Godin reported that his courses on Udemy and Skillshare have an 80% drop-off rate.
We’ve run self-study courses for years, and our numbers confirm this
Our previous live coaching classes have had over 90% completion rates. Around 60% attended every single live class, the rest watched recordings (due to time zone differences, etc).

Our #1 goal is customer success… That you actually master this stuff. We’re confident that this live class format will do it.

Enroll Now
Before It’s Too Late
You’ll get…

4 Referral Marketing live classes with Dominic.
10 pre-recorded self-study videos you can access right away.
Access to a private, members-only discussion group with Dominic and your peers.
To ask Dominic all of your burning Referral Marketing questions.
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Old Price: $29.90

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