WebTV Wealth by Andrew Lock and Chris Farrell

WebTV Wealth by Andrew Lock and Chris Farrell

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Old Price: $69.90

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WebTV Wealth by Andrew Lock and Chris Farrell Free

There’s a Gold Rush Happening With WebTV Shows and Video Podcasts…


“At Last! The Ultimate Guide to
Creating and Profiting from Your Own
WebTV Show or Video Podcast in Any Niche,
Regardless of Your Background or Experience.”


Dear Friend,

Here’s a bold promise: You can have your very own WebTV show or video podcast ‘on-air,’ within 16 days from now, even if you have zero technical experience. Some have even done it in less time!

And you don’t need a ‘CNN’ size budget either…

You may know that for more than 10 years I’ve produced and presented one of the most popular marketing TV shows online, and after having so many people ask me “how do I do what you do,” I’ve decided to share everything that I’ve learned about how to create and produce a profitable WebTV show.

It’s the culmination of 23 years of TV production experience combined with my expertise as a maverick marketer. Introducing:

The Ultimate Guide to Creating and Profiting
from Your Own Web TV Show.

Why start your own WebTV show or video podcast NOW? Consider these 7 powerful reasons:
It’s a Proven Business Model
Get Started Quickly
Inexpensive Start Up Costs
No Special Education or Experience is Needed
Demand is Increasing Massively
Highly Profitable
Still untapped, and virtually competition free

A WebTV show could be the perfect opportunity for you!

The 5 Key Benefits to Having a Show…

Be Your Own Boss
Flexible hours (work when You want to)
You can live anywhere in the world
Money comes in 24/7, even while you sleep
You’ll be a celebrity, with many valuable ‘perks’
How Popular is WebTV?

No doubt you’re familiar with Hulu. It’s a way of watching all your favorite TV programs on one website. Combined with Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, these and other services like Roku have rapidly accelerated the growth and interest in WebTV.

In the UK, the BBC’s iPlayer has also revolutionized the way people watch shows.

ComScore, an independent research company found that in an average recent month, Americans viewed 12 BILLION videos online, a 45% increase over the previous 12 months! Can you spot the trend here?!

FACT: The WebTV market is a multi BILLION dollar industry already, and it’s just in its infancy.

WebTV is no passing fad. It’s here to stay because it has already proven itself as the next generation in the way people want to view TV shows. First there was traditional TV. Then came cable and satellite. Now we have WebTV.

Consider these many benefits that people are discovering, when you compare traditional TV to WebTV:
Traditional TV
Content has to remain broad and general
Not interactive. Communication is one-way
Shows are broadcast on a fixed schedule
Commercials bombard viewers every few minutes
Limited region where shows can be seen
Web TV
Content can be designed for niches and sub-niches
Easy and fun interaction between viewers and presenter
On demand access, for the convenience of the viewer
No annoying commercials
No geographic boundaries, they can be viewed anywhere
But you might be wondering, is there room for a show in my niche? Rest assured, there’s plenty of room for your show! There are MANY topics that have no shows currently. For example, see if any of these topics spark your interest:
Sales training
Pest control
Real estate
Tennis tutors
Street musicians
Mortgage brokers
Graphic Design
Personal trainer
Dog breeding
Card games
Jewelry making
Weight loss
Financial planning
Taxi drivers
Bar tending
Make-up Artists
Martial arts
Home theater
Guitar Instruction
Human Resources
Language learning
Audio engineers
Social workers
Video editing
Software developers
Massage Therapy
Auto repair
Self Improvement
Public Relations
Bird watching
Plastic surgery
Interior design
Even if there’s a show out there already on a topic you’d like to pursue, remember that YOU are unique. You bring your own personality, experience, and insights to create a show that’s completely different from anything else that’s out there!

What Makes This Training Unique?

This is the ‘ultimate’ guide to creating a WebTV show for a number of reasons:

First, this is not theory, it’s based on proven experience and results. Using the exact same system I reveal in the course, my show ‘Help! My Business!’ (www.HelpMyBusiness.com) rocketed to the #1 spot in Apple iTunes to dominate over ‘goliath’ like competition including TED talks, and Harvard Business Review!

Second, I’ll help you make a profit from day one, just as I did with my show. This is unheard of for many WebTV shows. Why? Because show producers are usually ‘artists’ not marketers. There’s a big difference. You can probably guess the result of focusing solely on the ‘art’ – many talented and creative producers and presenters go broke very fast! With my help you won’t make the same mistake.

Third, the course is presented in numerous formats to suit your preferred learning method – videos, audios, transcripts, and illustrations are all included in this comprehensive system.

Fourth, I’ve removed jargon, buzzwords, and complicated language so that anyone can understand the system. Rest assured, you won’t be blinded by science!
What Does The Training Include?

I’ve developed an easy to follow, P5 system that guides you through each step of the process…

PLAN – Decide on the topic and format for your show
PRODUCE – Setup a camera and record your show
PUBLISH – Upload the show to your blog or website

PROMOTE – Invite the world to come and view your show
PROFIT – Make money in both direct and indirect ways.

As you can see, I’ve divided the training into five parts to make it easy for you. Now, what about the logical question you may be asking yourself at this point:
“Does It Work – Can I Do It?”

Absolutely! I’ve now lost count of the number of success stories from ‘everyday’ people like you who have created their own show as a result of following my blueprint. Here’s just a sample of screenshots from some of my favorites, in niches as diverse as tourism in Denmark, to veterinary surgeons, and from football to music production!

Here’s What Others Say About WebTV Wealth…


Charlotte Streidel
“I purchased the WebTV Wealth course, which I used I to create a new show about window tinting (that’s the industry I’m in).

I released one episode a month for about 18 months. Around that time the main industry trade magazine approached me to express interest in purchasing the show. Initially I declined, but after I got pregnant with my third child the timing was right and I sold the show for $$$.

I also got many speaking engagements from within the industry, and was able to negotiate great benefits for my own business!”

Charlotte Streidel
Winners Window Tint, Rockville, Maryland
Dr Charles Martin
“I saw what Andrew had done with WebTV and video podcasts and he’s so far beyond what anyone else is doing in this space, I knew I had to get his help, and I’m delighted with the results of my show, Dentistry Secrets!”

Dr Charles Martin
Dentistry Secrets
Brian Lippey
“My background is a Wall Street broker so I had zero knowledge about WebTV.
Andrew walked me through a step-by-step process of how to create high quality content, and I’m delighted with my first 12 episodes!


I’ve now become an authority in my space as a direct result of the show, and I recommend Andrew enthusiastically!”

Brian Lippey
Guitar Shop
Doron Benbenisty
“Andrew I bought your WebTV course and I’ve launched the first episode of my show! My show is about helping people protect themselves in the field of counter terrorism, connected with my counter terrorism training school.”

Doron Benbenisty
CRI Training
Vicky Lashenko
“Before meeting Andrew I didn’t have the knowledge or the confidence to start my own show. I felt like it was a dream that I will get to “someday”.

With Andrew’s help – I was able to launch my show within 2 months, and had guests booked months in advance!

Andrews strategies, encouragement, and experience gave me the confidence to start and to keep going 1.5 years later!

My show wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for Andrew’s expertise! If you’re thinking about working with Andrew but are on the fence, please take my word for it – you either spend a LOT of time, money, and stress trying to do it on your own – or you use Andrew’s system to have peace of mind, confidence, and everything you need to launch a very successful show!”

Vicky Lashenko
The Mompreneur Show
Curtis Mock
“As a result of Andrew’s course, my online show is now top of the charts! It’s taken me from someone in the middle, to the top of the pack in the fitness industry. In fact at the biggest fitness conference, they’re featuring my show!”

Curtis Mock
Fitness Marketing
JoAnn Dahlkoetter
“Andrew Lock’s Web TV course is absolutely one of the best investments I’ve ever made. As a result of his course, I already have a paying sponsor for my own Web TV show, and I’ve interviewed several Olympic Gold Medalists and professional athlete coaches on my show. Now more Olympians and CEO’s are calling consistently, wanting me to work with them as their performance coach. Watching just one of the 35 videos is worth the entire price of the course!

I cannot say enough great things about Andrew Lock and his Web TV course, and his training and consulting resources are highly recommended!”

JoAnn Dahlkoetter
Olympic Performance Coach
Dean Hall
“Andrew Lock’s WebTV course blew me away! Andrew reveals the secrets of getting your show up and running and more importantly, how to profit from your show BEFORE you even launch it! It’s invaluable.”

Dean Hall
Email of the Day
Kevin Ryan
“This course enabled me to start my own show about rare maps and prints! I love the step-by-step format of the WebTV course! The video based training is so much better than just text or audio, because it’s easy to visualize what needs to be done, and I felt much more engaged with Andrew & Chris as they presented the information. I highly recommend it, and I encourage you to study every module carefully.”

Kevin Ryan
Rare Maps and Prints Show
Don’t Fool Yourself That You Can Go It Alone!

I know you might be thinking, “if this business is so simple why do I need this big course?” Why? Because there are a LOT of costly mistakes that you’ll make if you try do do it on your own.

Frankly, why would you want to stumble and guess when I’ve already done that! I’ve experimented with all kinds of ideas – some worked, some didn’t. You’ll be getting a blueprint for everything that works, plain and simple. I’m sure you’d agree that that has enormous value today in our busy lives. Most of us can’t afford to experiment and flail around while we test our own ideas from scratch.

Here’s a sampling of what you’ll learn:
Where to host your videos for FREE (the videos will be MUCH larger and better quality than YouTube)
The simple formula for getting viewers to come back week after week
How to get sponsors to happily pay you $1,000 to $5,000 per episode
Video tour of my studio – learn what every piece of equipment does
How you can be a celebrity, with many valuable ‘perks’
5 Simple words to hook the attention of the viewer (it works like magic)
How to avoid being ripped off or misled when buying a camcorder and other video equipment, guaranteed
The incredible video management system you can use for FREE
How to get Hollywood sounding audio without a Hollywood budget
The foolproof way to position yourself as a respected expert and trusted advisor
How to position yourself against competition (if there is any) to dominate any market
The critical formula of Ed + En = P, and how to implement and profit from it
Cool Shortcuts to creating a show template to speed up the production process
5 Ways to prompt viewers to eagerly buy something without using any advertising or crafty ‘tricks’

A Powerful, No Risk Guarantee for YOU
If you’re concerned about whether this is right for you, I’ve decided to guarantee the course with a 100% money back guarantee. You can try the system at my risk. I’m sure you’d agree that’s more than fair. The terms of the guarantee are simple: just use the phone consultation included to allow me to advise you, then show me how you implemented the training to create your first episode. I know that with my help you WILL succeed with WebTV.

Remember This Is Paint By Numbers

I’ll show you step-by-step, everything you need to do to get your show started and profitable, fast. You simply need to be willing to follow instructions, that’s all.

By now, you’re probably wondering what you get with the course, so let me explain all the components you’ll receive:
Here’s What You Get:

This new course is comprehensive! Each lesson is taught via online videos, and it contains everything you need to learn how to build and profit from your new online show or video podcast. If you prefer, you can listen to audio versions of each module, or download and read the transcripts.

Module #1:

How to PLAN your show. We’ll show you how to come up with great ideas for the show, how to research and validate those ideas, decide on the angle, and then plan every detail.

The 5 Frequency Options for a Successful Show
Should you present or co-present? Find out the answer.
The pros and cons of filming inside vs outside.
How to come up with an irresistable name for your show.

Module #2:

Producing a show requires 5 steps, which are easy when you know the P5 system. The steps are: Research, Write, Present, Film, and Edit.

Should you use a script or an outline? Learn the difference and the secrets.
How to overcome your nerves in front of the camera, and present like a pro.
Teleprompter tips – how to do it properly if you choose to use a prompter.
4 Insider tricks for choosing and using a suitable set for your show.

Module #3:

Publishing is the phase when you launch your show on the world! It’s a real thrill to see the views coming in… as long as you have a system to make that happen!

How to create a simple website to host and feature your show.
How to get listed in iTunes fast and efficiently.
The secrets of Roku, YouTube, and other distribution channels.
How to publish every episode in a systemized, easy to follow blueprint.

Module #4:

Promotion. You gotta let the world know about your new show, and I’ll show you the many costly mistakes to avoid!

Which social media channels to embrace, and which ones to reject.
The hidden magic of press-releases for promoting your show.
How to effectively leverage industry peers for free!
Harnessing the simple email signature effectively.

Module #5:
Profit. There are 13 proven ways to monetize your show, and I’ll go in depth into each one, to show you how to benefit in the easiest way possible.

Download the same forms and templates I use in my own shows.
Learn how to approach sponsors, with a pre-done, ready to use script.
Discover the best affiliate offers, and how to integrate them.
Since traditional advertising doesn’t work in WebTV shows, learn how to work with advertisers to give them exactly what they want, even when your show is new.

BONUS 1: A 30 minute telephone consultation with me about ANY aspect of putting together your new show. Grill me all you like!

You’ll have my undivided attention for a full 30 minutes to ask whatever you wish.
(REAL $250 value)

BONUS 2: 34 killer web tools and resources to help you create your show.

BONUS 3: Quick start guide to show production gets you up to speed fast with the plan, produce, publish, promote, profit system.

BONUS 4: Video sharing report gives you all the places you can promote your video for free.

BONUS 5: Video report about how to get sponsorship for your show.

This is a ridiculously simple way to get a business to pay you to mention them in your show. A friend of mine developed the system.

You’ll probably laugh when you see how easy it is!

BONUS 6: Video tour of another production studio.

Here’s an opportunity for you to go behind the scenes at another production studio. This guy runs a live weekly WebTV show as well as several recorded segments.

You’ll get to see a different production process from my own, along with the lighting and audio equipment for a different environment.

BONUS 7: One Year Membership in the NEW WebTV Wealth Membership Community.

Get the latest news, tips, advice, ideas, and support in this dedicated community for WebTV show producers.

You’re going to love it! This bonus alone has a $948 value!

BONUS 8: Once your show is up and running, we’ll consider featuring you on our ‘Help My Business!’ show, if it’s a good fit for our audience.

If chosen, you could get a flood of instant, targeted traffic to your website, so this is an incredible opportunity!

BONUS 9: A FREE ticket to our special live event: “WebTV Wealth Live!” You’ll be able to get our direct feedback on your show! You’ll also get to meet and mingle with other show producers! We don’t have the dates yet, but it will be around Autumn 2017 either in Los Angeles or Salt Lake City.
How Much Is It?
Honestly, asking how much it will cost is the wrong question. Really, the question is, ‘how much will it cost you NOT to invest in this course?’ I say that sincerely because online video IS a gold rush that’s starting right now. It’s as though you have the ability to go back in time and get shares in Microsoft or Apple when they were running the business out of a garage!

Online video will continue to become more and more popular. Accept that reality NOW, and you can start profiting immediately.

I genuinely want to make this course available to anyone that is excited about the potential of online video. Normally, information this in depth and comprehensive, presented in multiple learning formats would cost at least $2000.00 and even that would be a small price to pay because you could recoup that with a SINGLE show sponsor for ONE episode of your show (personally I charge more than that)!

Your investment for this program is just $990, which of course may be fully tax deductible as a training program.

Claim Your Copy Now!
YES! Andrew & Chris, I want to learn the exact strategies and techniques to start my own profitable WebTV Show or video podcast asap. I’m ready to get started today!

I will receive the NEW online video training: “WebTV Wealth: The Ultimate Guide to Creating & Profiting From Your Own Web TV Show”
I may schedule a 30min telephone consultation with Andrew for advice and feedback on my idea.
I will also receive one year’s access to the new WebTV Wealth membership community, for all the latest updates and news ($897 value)
I will receive a ticket to the “WebTV Wealth LIVE!” event (Dates TBC – Autumn 2017 in USA) – $1000.00 value
Regular Price $4147.00 LAUNCH OFFER: Only $990
Pay by credit card using the ‘get started now’ button directly below

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Old Price: $69.90

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