UX and Usability Masterclass By Conversionxl and Karl Gilis

UX and Usability Masterclass By Conversionxl and Karl Gilis

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Old Price: $39.90

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UX and Usability Masterclass By Conversionxl and Karl Gilis Free


UX and Usability Masterclass
Get a proven and hands-on UX framework to make more money with your website & landing pages.

In this 4 week, 8 class course you will learn how to:

Use user research tools and techniques to uncover usability and UX problems on any site.
Implement a proven, repeatable process that will result in more revenue per visitor.
Extract the highest value insights from Google Analytics, heat maps, user recordings and form analytics.
Apply Karl’s 15 years of UX and usability processes, tools and tricks to your site right away.

This live course starts May 22nd.
Karl Gilis,
CRO Expert & Information Architect

This Course Is Right For You If…

You believe that your site or landing pages can be improved. A lot. But you’re not sure where to start.
You have the ambition to grow your online business or those of your clients and you understand Rome wasn’t built in a day. So you’re looking for a strategy and repeatable process to improve any website or landing page step-by-step.
You’re a business owner, webmaster, designer, marketeer, … who believes that online marketing shouldn’t be based on gut feeling and opinions. But you’re not sure how to gather those facts.
You realize that tools are important but are never the solution as such. You want to learn to get the most out of them. And even more important: how to connect the dots.
You understand that usability & conversion optimization are crucial to survive online. But you’re overwhelmed with all the information you can find online. So you’re looking for a hands-on training that’s build around the idea that the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

This course is probably not for you if…

You don’t have any ambitions with your website. And you don’t care if you go bankrupt this year.
You believe there’s a magic checklist with 10 tips that will make your website the best in the world. That list doesn’t exist. I’ll give you a framework and a hands-on process to make your website better.
You believe you can make tons of money online without any effort. Once again: that doesn’t exist. You have to work hard. And improve your site every day. But thanks to the tips & tricks you get during this course you’ll know exactly how to do this and how to get results.
You want more visitors on your website. This course is not about attracting more visitors. It’s about getting more revenue and sales from your visitors.
You don’t believe in data but gut feeling and opinions. I wish you all the best.

What Skills Do I Need for This Course?
Unsure if this course will be a fit for your level of skills and knowledge? Read on:

How long should I have been working in UX?

If you have a website and you want to improve it, you qualify.
Don’t follow this training if you can only change the content of your website. You’ll learn a lot, but you’ll get frustrated because you can’t change a thing.
If you have many years experience as a UX designer, you’ll probably learn more than you would think is possible.

What programs or tools should I be familiar with?

It’s helpful to have experimented with a tool like Hotjar, or another click heatmap, scroll heatmap and user sessions tool. During the training Karl will teach you how to read the data you get from these tools. He won’t teach you how to set them up. So start implementing on of those tools (it’s really easy) and start recording data.
Same for form analysis. You can use Hotjar or Formissimo for that. Just start collecting data.
These classes are not about the technical use of these tools, it’s how to interpret the data they provide you. So if you start collecting data before this course and if you get familiar with the interface of this tools before, you will get the most out of the trainings.

What books or resources should I be familiar with?

Karl recommends reading Don’t Make Me Think to get in the right mindset.

What would make a student overqualified for this course?

Karl gives similar trainings at digital agencies and they always admit they learned a lot.
+ 5 years experience as a conversion or usability specialist who has hands-on experience based on user research. Not someone who has mainly read many articles about the subject.

Video: What will this course cover?
What You’ll Walk Away With Afterwards

The right mindset to be really (and I mean really-really) customer-centric. From now on you’ll be able to sell how people want to buy. Instead of selling the way you want to sell, as you’re doing now.
A proven process and methodology that allows you to identify the weak spots of any website or landing page.
An in-depth knowledge of how to get useful insights out of the most important (and affordable) user research tools and methods available. Without spending ages staring at boring graphs and numbers.
An incredible amount of tips, tricks and guidelines to convert your visitors into customers. Yes, believe me: it’s incredible. See what I did there?
The knowledge & confidence to improve your website and landing pages, even when you don’t have enough visitors to do ab-testing.

Get More Revenue From the Same Amount of Visitors
CXL Institute brings you a live, intensive online training course led by world renowned UX and Usability expert, Karl Gilis. The course starts on May 22nd.

Throughout the course, you’ll:

See exactly how Karl improves the usability and revenue of websites & landing pages during 8 live video sessions plus Q&A:
During the first 4 sessions he’ll show you how to use user research tools and techniques to uncover usability and UX problems. So you know how to get the most out of them.
The last 4 sessions Karl shares the best UX tips & tricks he learned the past 15 years. So you can solve the problems on your site and turn those visitors into customers.

Why Karl?

According to PPC Hero Karl is the 3rd most influential Conversion Rate Optimizer worldwide. He’s also the G in AGConsult, a Belgium-based usability and conversion optimization company. He’s been optimizing websites since 2001. Always based on user research & facts.

Karl is a top rated international speaker (he was voted 2nd best speaker at Digital Elite Camp). He teaches at several university colleges in Belgium. And has trained people from companies such as TUI, Thomas Cook, Suzuki, Toyota and Atlas Copco.

In his spare time, Karl is working on a cure for people who think online marketing is based on gut feeling and opinions.

He’s also known as the ‘UX comedian’, but he has promised to be dead serious during this course. Not.

Why We Hand-Selected Karl to Teach This Course

An energetic and fast paced presentation full of practical conversion advice and hilarious jokes. We were laughing whilst learning! What more could we ask for?

Chris Kershaw, eCommerce Advisor @ Sweden

You can use this immediately. After all the very average workshops and trainings I followed, Karl really gave me a good feeling. Very actionable, funny and lots of new things.

Michael Djalti, Marketing & Sales @ CGK-Group
Your 4-Week Live Class Schedule

The 60-90 minute live classes will take place twice a week at 9 a.m. Pacific / 12 p.m. Eastern. This time works well for folks in Europe as well.

Those who attend live will have the opportunity to take part in Q&A. (Sorry, Asia-Pacific friends, but you’ll still have full access to all of the recordings.)
UX and Usability

Class 1
Class 1: Leave Your Ego at the Door and Find Out What Your Visitors Want

If I’ve learned anything over the past 15 years, it’s that most websites fail due to ego. Companies big and small put themselves first instead of putting their users first. Often without even realising it. Do you talk about what you think customers want? Or do you know what they want?

May 22nd, 2017

Class 2
Class 2: Google Analytics

The sheer volume of data in Google Analytics can feel a bit overwhelming. It’s easy to get lost. Unless you come prepared with the right questions to ask. Your data ain’t going to tell you anything interesting unless you know what to look for.

May 24th, 2017

Class 3
Class 3: Mouse Heatmaps and User Recordings

Heatmaps are more than just pretty pictures that you can integrate into presentations to impress your stakeholders. They can tell you a lot about your site and your visitors. That is… if you know what you’re looking for.

June 1st, 2017

Class 4
Class 4: Form Analysis & Getting Ready for Action

On most websites, forms are the last step in converting visitors. Unfortunately, they’re also often the last obstacle. Form analysis tools can give you deep insights into how people interact with your forms.

June 6th, 2017

Class 5
Class 5: UX Tips for Detail Pages & Landing Pages

I’ll show you the ins and outs of every element of a typical page (e.g. header, photo, design, text, call to action, USP, etc.) Not based on gut feeling or opinion, but on real life examples and what we’ve discovered in the previous sessions.

June 7th, 2017

Class 6
Class 6: UX Tips for Forms

Forms are crucial for every online business. I’ll share all the tips and tricks I know to make sure your visitors will feel the urge to fill out your forms. Okay, maybe that’s a bit exaggerated. But I can guarantee that if you follow my tips, your forms will convert like they’ve never converted before.

June 12th, 2017

Class 7
Class 7: Category Pages & Your Homepage

If you sell more than one product or service, you probably have category pages. We will tackle the most common, but often overlooked, problems with these pages.

June 14th, 2017

Class 8
Class 8: Building a Relationship & Summary

When was the last time you went on a website you’d never visited before and immediately bought something? Right.

And yet most websites are built around this concept. Someone lands on your website and buys.

In this session, I’ll show you some brilliant techniques that allow you to build a relationship with your visitors. So you can gently move them from visitor to customer.

June 21st, 2017

Class 9
Class 9: Bonus Class

Karl delivers a bonus class to wrap up the course. He’ll cover forms, category pages, and homepages.

June 28th, 2017
You will also get 10 pre-recorded video lessons

In addition to live classes, you’ll get access to snack-size video lessons to bring you up to speed on the course topics. Topics covered include:
1. Who Needs Usability Tips When There’s A/B Testing?
2. How Many Visitors Do You Need to Start Working on UX and CRO?
3. User Experience Pyramid: a Hierarchy of UX
4. Don’t Make Your Visitor Think. (Thanks, Steve Krug.)
5. Scroll Heatmaps, Click Heatmaps and User Session Recordings
5. Getting Into the Right Mindset
6. Start Getting Qualitative Feedback from Your Visitors and Clients
8. Take a Closer Look at Your Forms
9. Tools Are Just Tools… Everything Depends on the Person Using the Tools
10. A Method and Framework… Not a Magic 10-point Checklist

Show Off Your New Skills: Get a Certificate of Completion

Once the course is over, pass a test to get certified in Referral Marketing strategies and processes.

Add it to your resume, your LinkedIn profile or just get that well-earned raise you’ve been waiting for.

Why you’ll learn more from live classes

In short: You’ll actually make time for learning.

Most people don’t ever complete self-study courses. It’s difficult to prioritize learning over urgent items on your to-do list. (Hey, we’re all busy.)

How do we know?

A 2015 study shows that the current average completion rate for MOOCs (Coursera, edX, Udacity) is approximately 15%. So 85% drop-off rate. The course that received a Coursera award for having the highest completion rate — wait for it — had a rate of 20%!
Seth Godin reported that his courses on Udemy and Skillshare have an 80% drop-off rate.
We’ve run self-study courses for years, and our numbers confirm this

Our previous live coaching classes have had over 90% completion rates. Around 60% attended every single live class, the rest watched recordings (due to time zone differences, etc).

Our #1 goal is customer success… That you actually master this stuff. We’re confident that this live class format will do it.

Enroll Now

You’ll get…

8 UX and Usability live classes with Karl.
10 pre-recorded self-study videos
Access to a private, members-only discussion group with Karl and your peers.
To ask Karl all of your burning UX and Usability questions.

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ENROLL NOW — $499.00


Old Price: $39.90

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