Leadcraft Masterclass: Facebook by Scott Oldford

Leadcraft Masterclass: Facebook by Scott Oldford

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Old Price: $49.90

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Leadcraft Masterclass: Facebook by Scott Oldford Download

Leadcraft Masterclass: Facebook by Scott Oldford Download

Leadcraft Masterclass: Facebook by Scott Oldford Discount

Leadcraft Masterclass: Facebook by Scott Oldford Discount

Watch over “my shoulder” for 6 weeks as I show you the tactics, strategies and methods that I’ve used to grow a multi-million dollar company (and that I’ve used to help grow a LOT of other companies)

The #1 reason a business can’t grow when they are below $1,000,000/yr is inconsistent Lead Generation

If you’re relying on your own “Gary-Vee Hustle Mode”

... referrals… networking… proposals…

You’re basing your entire business on luck.

Yes, you get luckier as you work more.

However, at a certain point, you can’t do it anymore.

You burn out.

Then what happens?

You want to quit.

All of the freedom and impact of being an entrepreneur vanishes into thin air.

Not good.

I’ve been there.

See, your job is to increase the distribution of your value.

That means more people need to be introduced to you and how you can solve their pain…

I’ll give it to you straight.

Since May 2015, I’ve spent nearly $750,000 on Facebook Ads for myself and I’m responsible for advising tens of millions of dollars on Facebook Ads.

I don’t consider myself an expert.

I’m just an entrepreneur like you.

The fact is, I’ve seen ads used in so many industries and niches with so many different strategies and tactics that I’ve detected a pattern.

So, how can I help you?

I can show you how to go from zero experience with Facebook ads to being able to competently build, launch and scale a profitable advertising campaign that brings in customers and clients every single day.

Instead of giving you modular training, I’m going to walk you through the development of a LIVE campaign.

That’s right.

I’m going to spend tens of thousands of dollars of my own money in order to show you everything I know.

Instead of slides… theory… and all the stuff that might be great for some, I know most entrepreneurs learn from real-life experiences.

So over 6-weeks, I’m going to show you every single step you need.

Understand the basics behind Facebook and ensure you’re ready to actually run ads using your advertising account.

Understand the structure’s of campaigns and how to use the 3-Lane Method within your online advertising for success.

Develop your 3 Lane Strategy and your 4-Part Advertising Pyramid, giving you an insane advantage over the competition when launching your campaigns.

Setup and develop your audiences based on your own unique unfair advantages.

Setup and develop your customer conversions, allowing you to properly track and ensure that you’re ready for success.

Ensure that your online marketing funnel is fully ready to have ads deployed and your messaging and funnel flow allows for maximized ROI.

Develop your budget, understand your Green Lights and ensure that you’ll create a Financial Success Program Overview, allowing you to know exactly what we’ll be covering across the 6 weeks of the program.

Are you afraid of Facebook™ Ads?

Does it feel like it’s just a money pit where you spends hundreds or thousands of dollars and don’t see a single dime come back to you?

Or perhaps, you generate some sales but can barely generate a profit?

Earlier this year, I made 8 predictions on what will happen with Facebook™ Ads.

All of them are coming true.

Now, the cost of advertising on the platform is increasing every single day.

In a few months, it will be much harder to profit with Facebook Ads.

But you haven’t missed the bus just yet.

In 2016, I spent $250,000 of my own money on Facebook Ads. As a company we generated multiple millions.

In 2017, I spent over $100k a month on Facebook™ Ads and we’re on track to hit $1,000,000/revenue per month by November 2017.

Furthermore, I’ve helped thousands of entrepreneurs do the same with our LeadCraft, ELITE and Mentorship programs.

Now, I want to help you build and launch Facebook Ad campaigns that generate real, cold hard profits.

Imagine making sales every single day...

and having the ability to scale up at will.

Danny Iny

“Scott’s method of lead generation is one of the best in the world. He understands that entrepreneurs can’t afford to spend tens of thousands a month on advertising. He’s brilliant both as an entrepreneur and as a marketer.”
Dov Gordon

“He's smart. Works hard. And he's real, genuine and caring. AND... when it comes to creating online marketing funnels, Scott is the guy I call for help.”

Wistia video thumbnail - FB-Sale-VSL

(Enjoy video? Here’s the low-down)

The Core Problem with Facebook™

People are ignoring the fact that it’s not as simple as it used to be.

You need to understand the 4-Type Advertising Pyramid:

And be able to use the correct targeting, messaging, and advertising types.

And… be able to use all the “new” advertising types that are SUPER hot…

Things like Canvas Ads… Lead Ads… and Video Ads…

Nearly NO one is using these profitably.

But you can.

Want to know something else most people aren’t using?

Audience building and Awareness Campaigns.

These are the hidden keys to


Understanding advertising copy, messaging and how it aligns with buyer mindsets.

Setup of Image-Based Conversion Ads and development of your 3 main lead generation campaigns.

Setup of your high-impact, low cost retargeting lead generation campaigns.

Setup and development of your budget distribution strategy.

Setup of your unique reach campaigns and retargeting.

Setup of audience segmentation and Green Light Distribution.

Launch of your first Facebook Ads.

First level optimization and assessment of advertising.

Budget distribution for lanes.

Planning and development of your Advertising Pyramid.

Development and launching of Lead Ads and Video Ads based on real-time market feedback.

Audience segmenting, analysis and optimization Q&A #1.

Deeper analysis and data action.

Development of audience and Awareness Ads.

Launch of Advertising Pyramid.

Development of Like Campaigns for higher-engagement.

Development of Page Post Engagement Campaigns, allowing you to create more attention and awareness with your audience.

Development of Video View Campaigns, allowing you to be omnipresent with your audience.

Creative types deep dive, allowing you to use types that make the most sense for your brand.

Brand voice and using Open Looping and storytelling.

Deeper optimization and audience split testing.

Profitability and ROI time periods.

Sale Ads using images, canvas, video and pre-selling.

Campaign optimization, and duplication.

Budget scaling and advanced tactics.

Advanced retargeting and Micro-Targeting.

Budget Cycling and Funnel Stacking.

Audience Cycling.

Final overview.

Simply put…

If you take action on what I show you, you’re going to be able to copy all my methods, strategies and tactics for your own marketing.

These are the same strategies and tactics that have taken me from $726,000 in debt back in 2014, to having a multi-million dollar company and paying it all off in less than 2 years.

I'm giving this away


There’s a lot of Facebook™ Ad “fluff” that’s out there.

This isn’t our core product.

What I really want you to do is buy our LeadCraft program and learn how to build a fully connect lead generation system.

However, some people aren’t ready for that investment.

Furthermore, even more people, perhaps like you, are interested in Facebook™ Ads.

So, I’m going to show you what you need.

Consider this the “start” of our relationship…

And I’m gifting you a box of really great chocolates.

At this point you're likely ready to buy.

If you are hesitating because of price…


Facebook Ads is a paid advertising medium and requires some level of investment.

If you can’t afford $997…

Or you have to think about it.

You’re not ready.

“The 5,000% ROI: How Jenn got off the ‘six-figure hamster wheel’ and brought in $90k with $1800 ad spend”


“$0 to $50K recurring revenue per month with the SSF method and Facebook Advertising. ”

“16 people showed up to our first webinar ever and 4 BOUGHT! That’s a 25% sales conversion rate”

“I already had a successful business...but I wanted to more freedom. So I started from scratch on a new business...and did 33 sales of my program immediately using FB Ads.”


Then what’s better?

I’m giving you zero risk.

Here’s my guarantee.

If you invest in this…


You do the work I tell you to do…

And after this you say…

“This sucks”

I’ll give you your money back.
Buy Now: $997

Alright… you’re at the bottom of the page.

Seems like you’re more on the “logical” side of the brain.

I’m the founder of INFINITUS, a multi-million dollar eLearning company for entrepreneurs, just like you.

We help entrepreneurs scale past 7-figures… and that’s my speciality.

In my years of entrepreneurship, I’ve scaled 5 of my own companies past $1,000,000 in revenue.

I now help dozens upon dozens of businesses scale to 7-figures and hundreds grow into the mid-six-figure range.

I do this with Lead Generation.

I’m not a “business expert”... nor am I some “guru."

I’ve just been doing this long enough to see the pro’s, con’s and everything in between.


I want to help folks like you, so that you can figure this business thing out.

It’s not easy.

But there’s no reason you need to fail.

You have the determination, unfair advantage, and something amazing to give to the world, producing freedom and impact.

So, who am I?

Or take a look at these other "experts" who I work with...
Buy Now: $997
Invest Now for $997
Already convinced OR don't like long sale pages? Awesome.

Sound like gibberish?

If so... you 100% need this... however...

My job isn't about ensuring you just understand the "technology."

My job is to show you the innovative approaches of attracting and mediating attention with Facebook Ads.

Doesn't matter how much $$ I spend, the credit card company still doesn't like the fact that I was nearly $750k in debt a while ago... #BadCreditProblems

However, when I get results like these (in super competitive markets)... I sorta forget about it.

"Getting Facebook Advertising "Right" isn't easy. However, Scott's a person who you want to learn from. Not just for Facebook Advertising, either. We've seen huge results using his methods.

"Scott is one of the best marketers and Entrepreneurs I know. I spend a lot of money on Facebook Ads, however, Scott is one of the people that I derive many of my strategies and tactics from... and it works flawlessly!
AJ Rivera
Dave Rogenmoser


Old Price: $49.90

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