Brilliant Pinning By Beth Ann

Brilliant Pinning By Beth Ann

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Old Price: $29.90

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Brilliant Pinning By Beth Ann Discount

Hi there! It's so nice to meet you! I'm Beth Anne Schwamberger, and I'm a mom, wife, blogger, podcaster, online shop owner, and the creator of Brilliant Pinning. When it comes to online business, I....sort of do it all!

My love of Pinterest started in the Fall of 2015. I launched a brand new online shop, and I had no idea how I would drive enough traffic to it to make sales.

I spent 15 months guest posting and begging people for shares to get my first 10,000 pageviews per month on my blog. But after digging into Pinterest, I nearly tripled my pageviews in just a few months' time.

After trying giveaways, blog features, sponsored videos and Instagram posts, Pinterest stood out among every other marketing tactic I tried as the easiest way to get traffic for both my shop and blog.

Within a few months, I grew my blog traffic by 3X and started earning email subscribers at a steady rate each day. I took my shop traffic from zero to over 9,000 visitors that first month.

Best of all, I took my business from struggling to six figures in less than a year. I owe a lot of that growth to Pinterest!

I want to help you get these these kind of results too! I know they're possible, because when I started using Pinterest for my business, I started completely from scratch. I didn't have loads of blog traffic or a huge following elsewhere to help me out.

Join me and over 1,000 other happy students inside Brilliant Pinning.

This isn't one of those courses that talks a big talk, has a big price-tag, and then delivers the same old general advice you've read everywhere else online. Brilliant Pinning is a comprehensive course that will walk you through every single step you need to follow to set your Pinterest marketing plan on autopilot.

I can't wait to help you grow your business with Pinterest and breathe easy because you're not stressing about traffic anymore. You got this, Brilliant Lady! Just click the buy button and you're in!

Get started now!

46 Lessons + Bonuses
Over 10 Hours of Detailed Video Tutorials
A Comprehensive Action Plan to Grow Your Business on Autopilot
A Growth Strategy that works for Bloggers, Shop Owners, and Any Online Business Owner Ready to Double Their Traffic!

I have had two promoted pins now go from 100 something pins to over 1k in one day from promoting. The first one (a blog post) was my first promoted pin during the course. It got me over 100 email subscribers that first day (which was not normal for me at the time) and it is now at 13.4k pins.

I created another pin super quick on my phone and it quickly got over 100 pins organically, so I promoted it and it is now at 7.8k. This one is for a product in my TpT store and it has sold a ton ever since!

-Kelsey of

Since enrolling in your course last spring, my followers have gone from about 6,000 to over 14,000 in only 6 months! My repin rate has also been super high, but most importantly, my click through rate has significantly increased.

-Victoria of Creative Home Keeper

I implemented the strategies in Brilliant Pinning and I am seeing steady growth of my Pinterest account and more page visits from Pinterest than any other source. Even though I am totally new (just started my site in September), Pinterest is my main source of traffic and email list growth, and my account is growing organically without consuming much time or money. In January, I had around 550 pageviews. In February, I had almost 2,500 and so far in March, I have over 3,600 pageviews.

-Ellen Hopkins of Scripture Confident Living

Case Studies

Real business owners show how Brilliant Pinning has grown their email lists, multiplied their traffic, and generated passive income streams. You don’t have to take our word for it--this system works!

$197 Value

Brilliant Style Guide

16 pages of stunning photos, color codes, and font pairings to inspire your own brand. You need a clear and cohesive color and font palette so your followers and customers instantly recognize all your fabulous content.

Use this one-of-a-kind style guide to set your business apart from the rest, without spending big bucks on a designer.

$27 value

How to Set Up a Facebook Retargeting Campaign

Learn how to get back in front of your Pinterest traffic and turn those site visitors into customers!

$97 value

Quickstart Guide to Pinterest

Over 100 questions asked and answered! From pins and boards, to images and your business account, find the answers you’ve been looking for, all in one place.

$47 value

2000 Free Pins with BoardBooster

We’ve partnered with BoardBooster to bring new BoardBooster customers the best deal we’ve seen! An Extended Free Trial + 2,000 Free Pins! This gives you time to go through the course and try out all of BoardBooster’s fabulous features to put your pinning on autopilot!

Note: This offer does not apply to existing BoardBooster users.

The 3-Step Formula to Gaining Pinterest Followers Fast

It's not magic, just a proven strategy. Discover the secret sauce to quickly gaining a following on Pinterest.

$27 Value

Promoted Pin Examples PDF

If you’re new to Promoted Pins, you’ll love this book of samples! We’ve gathered some of our favorite Promoted Pins from small businesses and well known brands to show you their strategies, images, and ideas.

$27 value

The Brilliant Pinning Course has afforded me the knowledge needed to rapidly grow my e-mail subscriber list through Pinterest ads! Without BP I was clueless regarding how much to bid for an ad as well as details like “daily budget” etc. BP cleared the way so I can quickly build an ad with confidence every time I have a new opt-in offer to promote.

Pinterest has proven to be an extremely affordable and efficient way to find my target audience and gain quality leads! Bottom line: Brilliant Pinning has saved me time and money granting me the opportunity to reach and encourage more women. Win, win. Thanks Brilliant Business Moms!

~Stephanie Joy of

I want to tell you that this is the most informative course I've ever taken! I've enrolled in many webinars over the years, and so many of those simply contain reminders of things you already know, or tips and tricks that you might not be sure how to carry over into your own business. But the Brilliant Pinning Course is absolutely packed with hands-on learning and a complete action plan! I took copious notes through each section of the course, and quite frankly, I left every lesson with new information I had never heard or seen before.

To top it all off, you're so enthusiastic and genuine to listen to, which also made it fun. It feels like a brainstorming session with a friend. Thank you thank you!

- Courtney from

Class Curriculum

Unit 1: Your Home Base

How to Define Your Target Market (43:25)
How to Create Your Ideal Customer Avatar (16:59)
Why You Need a Business Account and How to Convert to One (2:41)
How to Create a Brilliant Profile on Pinterest (so You'll Earn Followers Fast!) (41:16)
How to Enable Rich Pins for Your Site or Shop (Etsy shops - rich pins are already enabled on Etsy so you won't need this one!) (4:34)
How to Verify Your Site with Pinterest (1:58)
Brilliant Board Curation (so You Can Stop Wasting Your Time Pinning Content your Customers Don't Care About) (39:23)
How to Craft Beautiful Board Covers for Your Pinterest Profile (10:02)
How to Clean Up Your Boards & Profile (15:14)
How to use the Pin Doctor Tool to Get Rid of Low-Quality Pins Fast (9:05)
Pinterest Board SEO (How to Rank Quickly and Get in Front of Your Ideal Customers!) (19:18)

Unit 2: Your First Impression

Learn the Pin Image Formats that Stand Out in the Feed (12:39)
Learn how to Craft Killer Headlines that Pinners Can't Help but Click and Save (17:08)
Creative Ideas for Product Pins (6:34)
How to Create an Eye-Catching Ad for your Email Freebie (so You Can Turn Pinterest Traffic into Email Subscribers!) (12:09)
How to Use Picmonkey (a Free Tool!) to Craft Beautiful Pins (15:07)
How to Use Canva (a Free Tool!) to Create Eye-Catching Pins (6:43)
How to Use Photoshop to Create Gorgeous Pins (15:28)
Pin SEO: How to Write the Perfect Pin Descriptions and Get Found in the Smart Feed (18:57)
How to Create Custom, Pre-Populated Descriptions for Your Pins (so Every Pinner Helps You Get Found More Often!) (3:24)
How to find Fabulous Group Boards on Pinterest (My 4 Secret Strategies!) (32:54)

Unit 3: Growth on Autopilot

How to Schedule Your Pins out to Group Boards Using BoardBooster (& Get in Front of Loads of Pinners Fast) (11:47)
How to Continuously Add New Pins to Your Boards using BoardBooster (8:14)
How to Make Every Single Board you own Fresh and Active using BoardBooster (& Become a Smart Feed Ninja!) (6:15)
How to use Board Booster Analytics to Maximize your Growth (11:55)
How to use Tailwind to Set Your Pinterest Scheduling on Autopilot (20:30)
How to get the Data You Need from Pinterest Analytics to Help You Grow (20:59)
How to use Google Analytics to Make your Best Blog Posts and Shop Listings more Effective (12:21)
Buyable Pins - What Are They and Why Are They Powerful? (15:06)
Buyable Pins - How to Enable Them in Shopify (14:43)
How to Think About Spending Money on Advertising for Your Business (15:25)
What is a Promoted Pin and What Does it Look Like? (7:59)
5 Ways to Use Promoted Pins (6:58)
How to Set up a Promoted Pin Campaign (with Strategies and Metrics Others Aren't Sharing!) (35:39)
How to Install the Pinterest Pixel on Your WordPress Site (7:15)
How to Install the Pinterest Lead Tracking Pixel (8:07)
How to Install the Pinterest Pixel on Your Shopify Site (3:57)
How to Track Purchases on Your Shopify Site (3:17)
How to Install the Pinterest Pixel in WooCommerce (1:24)
How to Track Sales as an Etsy Seller (12:20)
How to Use the Google Keyword Planner to Find Hundreds of Keywords for Your Promoted Pin Campaign (7:58)
How to Use Google Webmaster Tools to Find Even More Targeted Keyword Phrases for Your Campaigns (7:29)
How to Analyze Your Campaign Results (22:26)
Inside a List-Building Campaign (14:17)
How to Use Promoted Pins on a Tight Budget (2:47)

Old Price: $29.90

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