LIFT Foundation System & Toolkit by Alexis Neely

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LIFT Foundation System & Toolkit by Alexis Neely Download

Want True FREEDOM in Your Life and Business?
It All Begins with a Solid Foundation of Legal, Insurance, Financial and Tax Systems… Yes, “That Stuff!”
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Can you relate to any of the following?

Growing rapidly and know you need to get the right systems in place to smooth out so very many things, but you are not sure exactly where to start, so you just keep figuring it out as you go and are realizing you've started to make expensive mistakes (or you will soon).
You know you need a proper business structure for tax and liability purposes, ironclad, yet totally heart-centered legal agreements for clients, partners and vendors, and a bookkeeping system to optimize taxes, but you don't know what to look for, which parts you can do yourself, or who to hire.
Clients paying late… or not at all, or even arguing over your invoices.
Living payroll-to-payroll with your bills and expenses – where a month or two of slow revenue can have a serious impact on the well-being of your business (and your life) – even if you are bringing in good money!
Earning 6-7 figures or more, but still have this nagging sense that it’s not enough – plus, you worry you aren’t investing your money where you should be, or putting the right protections in place.
Feeling like you’re probably paying more in taxes than you should be (or want to be), but you don’t know what to do about it.
A vague sense of unease that there are things you should be doing to protect your business and relationships (i.e. contracts, insurance, legal structure, intellectual property protection) – but you aren’t sure what they are, or where to begin.
Frustrating conflict in the form of misunderstandings, customer complaints, boundary violations, or other similar disappointments.
You wish there were some way to put the right systems in place – without having to read dozens of books, or hire expensive “experts” to do it for you.

I get it, because I've been there...
In my first several years as a business owner, if you looked at my life from the outside, it appeared that I was thriving and excelling, big time.
I was a serious player, having built my own law practice to over a million a year in revenue in just three years, and then entering the big leagues of the online business industry with millions more in sales, a bestselling book and the TV appearances to go along with it.
Behind the scenes though, I had my eyes squeezed shut to the things I didn’t want to see or deal with – the Legal, Insurance, Financial and Tax (or LIFT) parts of my own life and business.
In some areas, I simply didn’t know what I didn’t know. In other ways, I was naive…

I thought I was “too small”
I trusted the wrong advisors
I didn’t want to spend the money

“It’s fine,” I thought. “Nothing bad will happen.”
What I didn’t want to admit (to myself or others) is that I was completely in the dark when it came to these parts of my business. I just felt really bad at all of it.

It was confusing. And hard. And NOT what I was good at.
So I just brushed it under the rug, and kept focusing on what I DID know – how to get seen, get clients and get paid.
Because it seemed like that’s what mattered.

And the lesser-seen parts – the financial meetings, categorizing expenses for tax purposes, record-keeping, and protecting and reviewing of my numbers – just seemed, frankly, boring and unnecessary.

I mean, none of that stuff applied to my lil’ ole business, right? At least that’s what one part of my mind certainly thought.

Maybe you can relate?

But, here’s the real truth…

No matter how much (or how little) money you make in your business, if you don’t have a solid Legal, Insurance, Financial and Tax (LIFT) foundation, then all the work you are doing in the world is built on a house of cards – one issue away from disaster.
For me it took going all the way to bankruptcy to wake up and see what I had been missing.
(By the way, this would have been completely avoidable, IF I would have known what I had to learn the hard way – what I’m about to share with you here…)

Coming out the other side of that experience, I created an entirely new relationship with the Legal, Insurance, Financial and Tax areas of my businesses.

I restructured my life and businesses with my eyes wide open – and this time as my impact and income have grown, I have been able to sustain the growth.
Now, I not only have more FREEDOM than ever before… to travel, work from anywhere, and enjoy a lot of time with my family… I also have the peace of mind (the ultimate internal emotional freedom, which is far more valuable than any external freedom ever could be) of knowing that the work I am doing will continue to thrive for the long-term.
I’ve built businesses and income I can count on – and that (more than anything else) has moved me out of the scarcity thinking and fear that I had before – even when I was making great money!

Please don’t wait to learn these lessons the hard way, like I did!

I want to help you LIFT your business, with a solid foundation… so you too can enjoy the kind of clarity, freedom, lifestyle, income & impact you’ve always wanted.

Are you ready?
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LIFT Your Business with the
Legal, Insurance, Financial + Tax
Systems You Need to THRIVE
I designed the LIFT Foundation System & Toolkit to help you rapidly and effectively fill the gaps in your foundation, so you will know to your core that you are deeply supported and thriving as you create and do your Great Work in the world.

Having clear legal agreements with all of your clients, contractors, employees, affiliates and partners – so both your business and your relationships are protected.
Taking maximum advantage of legal tax planning strategies – saving you thousands (even tens of thousands!) of dollars in taxes each year.
Feeling confident in taking calculated risks to help your business grow, because you know how to read your financial statements (and make decisions accordingly), get access to business credit (without putting your personal assets at risk), and get support from trusted advisors when you need it.
Getting the right insurance policies in place – so you’re neither over-paying, nor missing anything important – to protect you, your family and your business.
Knowing when to do it yourself, and when to hire it out – and exactly what questions to ask to make sure you get the right person to support you (this will save you time + money again and again!)

How It Works

Get Into Action + Get Results FAST

The core of the program is 5 Super Easy to Get Through Learning Modules covering Legal, Insurance, Financial and Tax knowledge you need. I conducted over 100 hours of interviews with top experts, and then narrowed everything down to only the most important information you need to know. You can get through all of this in just about 5 hours. Then use the Step-by-Step LIFT Implementation Maps to get into immediate action on everything you’ve learned.

Saves You Time, Money and Peace of Mind

Whether you’re entering an agreement with a client, vendor or partner, or hiring an expert, employee or contractor (i.e. a bookkeeper, financial advisor, insurance professional, lawyer, etc.) to support you in your business, the LIFT Conversation Starters will give you specific questions to ask to make sure it’s a fit, and that you’re truly on the same page. Then, select from our 30+ Legal Templates to get your agreement in writing – and prevent misunderstandings and conflict down the road.

No More Piles of Paperwork!

Do you ever feel like you’re drowning in paperwork, or can’t find what you need when you need it? The LIFT Personal Records Binder is the all-in-one solution you didn’t even know you were missing! This is so much more than an organizer – it’s a learning tool as well. Simply hand it over to a key assistant, or fill it yourself, and know you have all of your important papers, policies, and financial information at your fingertips. This binder is worth it’s weight in gold!

Learn From Anywhere (At Your Own Pace)

As soon as you sign up, you’ll receive a unique username and password to login to our online learning portal. Simply login from your home or office to access your Learning Modules and other LIFT resources (including special bonus content!). Lifetime access to the materials means you can learn at your own pace, use them only as you need them, and go back to review them anytime.
Let's Get In the Know and Get it Done Right!
"If I would have had LIFT in my business right from the beginning, I would have made far more money and saved myself hundreds of thousands of dollars in mistakes. If you are serious about building yourself a sustainable, profitable business, LIFT is a necessary ingredient."

- JJ Virgin | Celebrity Health Expert | Four-Time NY Times Bestselling Author

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Here’s Everything You Get With the
LIFT Foundation System and Toolkit
5 Learning Modules
The LIFT Learning Modules cover everything you need to know to put a solid Legal, Insurance, Financial and Tax foundation in place for your business. No matter how you learn, we've got you covered. The Digital-Only Edition of the program includes each module in video, audio and PDF format. The Complete LIFT Foundation System and Toolkit also includes CDs with the audio versions of each module. And it will take you no more than 5 hours to go through it and finally start thinking like the CEO of your business. You’ll be amazed at how smart you are about legal, insurance, financial and tax matters in such a short time. You’ll never have to worry again that you don’t know what questions to ask or that you don’t know what you don’t know.
15 Step-by-Step Implementation Maps
The LIFT Implementation Maps will get you into immediate action on everything you learn in the Learning Modules. Simply work through them yourself or hand them over to a key assistant, and know that the entire LIFT Foundation System will be implemented easily, effectively and as inexpensively as possible.
8 Conversation Starters
Never feel lost, stupid or insecure when talking to a lawyer, banker, merchant account provider, CPA or bookkeeper again. With your LIFT Conversation Starters in hand, you'll not only know the right questions to ask, but the answers to look for to ensure the advisors you are considering are truly a fit for your business.

And with our Agreement Process Conversation Starter, you’ll be able to create the foundation of every agreement by asking the right questions, and getting to the answers you need – in order to decide whether any project is a “go” or “no-go” before you invest a great deal of time, energy, attention and money. You will turn to the Conversation Starters again and again throughout the life of your business – to help you make empowered, enlightened decisions that support your growth.
30+ Legal Templates
One of the biggest mistakes business owners make is not getting their agreements in writing. These customizable legal templates will help you protect your business, prevent misunderstandings, and ensure clear communication with your clients, contractors, employees, affiliates and partners. Best of all – they will save you thousands of dollars in lawyer’s fees every time you use them! And, this is just a partial list because we’re regularly adding more agreements to the program, and you’ll get new updates each time we make them!
19 Expert Interviews
I interviewed over 100 experts in the fields of Law, Insurance, Finance and Tax and condensed the best of it into the Learning Modules for this program. But some of them were too good not to share in full! That’s why you’ll find 19 of the very best audio interviews from my research in your online learning portal, on topics ranging from “3 Simple Steps To Double (Or Triple) Your Profits, Cut Your Work Hours In Half & Enjoy A Business That Runs Itself” to “Everything You Need To Know About Business Credit,” and many many more.
Private Facebook Group with Direct Access to Alexis Neely!
You will have direct access to me through a private Facebook group in which I will regularly monitor and respond to your questions. Ask questions about implementing LIFT in your business and it will be a pleasure to continue offering free support and guidance ongoing.
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LIFT Personal Records Binder (Included With the “Get in the Know + Get Organized” Complete Edition of LIFT)
The LIFT Personal Records Binder is so much more than just an organizer – it's a key learning tool for you as well. After going through it and gathering your papers, you will be able to visually SEE specifically where the holes are in your LIFT Foundation and know exactly what to do to fill them. Plus, you can rest easy knowing you have all of your important papers, policies, and financial information right where you need them, when you need them.
Watch My Walk-Through of the LIFT Personal Records Binder
Plus These Bonus Gifts…
“LIFT Your Life & Business”
Strategy Session
($500 Value)

The LIFT Foundation System & Toolkit will help you get educated about what you don’t know, what you can do yourself, and when to turn to a trusted advisor for help. A Creative Business Lawyer® is specifically trained to be that kind of trusted advisor. In the “LIFT Your Life & Business” Strategy Session, you’ll go beyond what you learn in the program, to take your life and business to the next level.

First you’ll complete a clarity questionnaire that will allow your Creative Business Lawyer® to get to know you – while supporting you to get to know yourself on a deeper level as well. Then, during the 1:1 Strategy Session, you’ll go through a thorough inquiry process to help you clarify where your business could be more efficient, effective, and ultimately enjoyable for you and your stakeholders (including team members, customers, clients and vendors).
“Incorporate Your Business for Growth"
Video Presentation
($500 Value)

If you haven’t incorporated your business, or you think you might want to shift how your business is incorporated, this presentation will walk you through the best way to approach it so you can maximize your tax savings, protect your business, and keep on the right side of the IRS.

You’ll Discover:

The most common structure that works for most micro-business owners
How to simultaneously minimize your tax bill and keep the IRS happy
The tax structure that can save you 15% or more on your taxes
How to determine whether incorporating out-of-state will work for you or against you
Whether incorporating is right for you at all, based on your current situation

Walk-Through of My Personal Tax Returns
with Expert CPA Steve Spanola

Do you review your tax returns carefully before you sign them? Or do you feel overwhelmed just looking at them, so you just sign them quickly and hope that everything was done right? For years, I blindly trusted my CPA… that is, until I was audited by the IRS. If I had known what to look for sooner, I could easily have spotted the big red flags that were staring me in the face, and avoided a very drawn-out and difficult situation.

I want to help you avoid making the same mistakes, which is why I’m revealing my actual tax returns in this video presentation. I’ve enlisted the help of one of the top CPAs in the country, Steve Spanola, to walk you through exactly what you should be looking for to avoid overpaying on taxes (or worse, getting audited!) – whether you’re filling yourself, or working with a professional CPA.

The LIFT Foundation System & Toolkit Will
Pay For Itself The Very First Time You…

Enter into an agreement with a client, contractor, employee, affiliate or partner.
Save money on your taxes by setting up the right legal entity and tax structures for you.
Get a complaint letter, a request for a refund, or someone who wants out of your program.
Know exactly what questions to ask to hire the right lawyer, bookkeeper, CPA, or tax advisor.
Protect your intellectual property by putting a trademark or copyright on something you’ve created.
Get the right type and amount of insurance to protect your business (not overpaying or underpaying).
Protect your personal assets from any potential risk posed by your business activities.
Get your merchant account set up right, so you always receive your funds in a timely manner.
Feel confident and empowered, knowing your business is built on a truly solid foundation.

Select The LIFT Package That's Right for You
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In case you have any doubt whatsoever, I'm taking all the risk on getting you in the know with the LIFT Foundation System & Toolkit. Try it out for a full 60 days and if you don't feel more confident about running your business, and satisfied that I delivered on all the results outlined on this page, just send me an email explaining (1) how you used the program with specifics around exactly what you used and how you used it, (2) the results you experienced (or didn’t experience), and (3) where the program fell short of your expectations – and I'll refund you in full out of my own pocket. (If you purchased the Complete version, you'll need to send back your binder before I can issue your full refund.) Refunds do not apply if you did not attempt to use the system or if you decide that you purchased it at the wrong time for you. The 100% guarantee protects your satisfaction with the program content when you use it. You’ll be able to use this program when you are first getting started, as well as for the entire life of your business. Guaranteed.

"YOUR amazing work around Partnership agreements has transformed my business and it just keeps getting better and better and better. Every time I turn around in my business I find a NEW way to apply LIFT!! You are an infinite blessing in my life and ID am TRULY DEEPLY Grateful!"

- Amethyst Wyldfyre | Spiritual Advisor, Shaman, Sound Healer & Artist
"Who knew LIFT could be so fun? I just finished interview 19 from the system.
That's ALL of 'em. Got a massive list ready but I am so EXCITED!"

- Beatrice Johnston | Brand Excitement
"I got Alexis' LIFT program because I knew there was a gap in my knowledge around all the legal, insurance, financials, and tax side of my business. I was a bit skeptical at first because I'm from Canada and I wasn't sure how much of the information would apply to my Canadian business. Luckily I just dove in and I'm so glad I did because Alexis opened my eyes and helped me to really see the bigger picture.

Before LIFT I was taking unsolicited advice from people in my life who don't run businesses, and it wasn't bad advice for a consumer but for a business owner it didn't make sense. Because of the advice in the program, I had enough information to hire the right people to help me grow my business and take care of the important LIFT pieces. More importantly, I was able to save so much on my taxes these past two years because I knew what I was doing. Thanks so much Alexis! I keep going back to the program every year as my business grows and I'm ready for the next step!

- Nathalie Lussier |
"Even though I had been in business for many, many years, the legal and financial element of running my company had often felt intimidating to me. Even when I knew what to do, I didn’t know how to get started or who to work with. From the moment I read over the transcripts for the first time, I start implementing Alexis’ wise advise. Today, some months later, I have a business that stands on a solid foundation and I have a newly found deep sense of peace peace because I can see exactly where my business is going and I've got the resources to lead it fearlessly. Thank you Alexis for shedding light into the dark corners of MY business."

- Christiane Holbrook | CEO & Launch Strategist, Inspired Business Resources, Inc.

"I also wanted to say "Thank You!" for the LIFT programme. I've had it for a while, but haven't worked through most of the stuff. But I did start with the Client Agreement when I first started offering group programmes last September. I'm happy to report that being clear in the agreement about not offering refunds has probably gotten me out of at least one potentially sticky situation. A friend was unable to start the programme after signing up and paying. Because I'd defined that refunds aren't possible (but they can join the next run of the programme or transfer the place to another person, if we mutually agree), I didn't have to have that awkward conversation when the situation surfaced."

- Sook Han Lee

"I've completed LIFT and wow, what a powerful course. I never expected meeting with an accountant could bring on such a feeling of joy and clarity but I knew, truly knew that I was leading my business, aware of my numbers and on a solid foundation. Agreements are in place, minutes done, bookerkeeper set. I just wanted to say thank you. I feel the solidness of the foundation - like my business is something I can lean into as a support structure for me. I'm an attorney who has drafted agreements and taught contract drafting at Stanford - and I definitely am using some of your templates and incorporated pieces directly into my client and my contractor templates. I can't wait to recommend your work to my clients. And moving on to the Money Map as soon as I'm done."

- Jeanine Becker | Leadership, Collaboration & Negotiating Consulting,

Meet Your Guide

Alexis Neely graduated first in her class from Georgetown University Law Center and went on to work as an associate at Munger, Tolles & Olson, one of the best law firms in the country. After three years there, with two children under the age of 4 and a stay at home husband, she left the security of the big law firm and started her own law practice.Within just three years, Alexis had built that law practice into a million dollar a year revenue generating law business, by inventing a new law business model, which she now teaches to lawyers worldwide. She also created a system that guides people to a new relationship with time, money and how they get paid, so you can stop putting off your life until you have financial freedom – and step into financial liberation and personal sovereignty now. All of this born out of her own journey from making millions in business to losing it all because she didn’t have LIFT in her business, and then rebuilding it all again!

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