The Launch Lab by Jeanine Blackwell

The Launch Lab by Jeanine Blackwell

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Create 6 Figure Courses
Stop searching for your next client, giving away your time and spinning your wheels....
Earn Money While You Learn How to Launch Your Course This Year in a Big Way
The World is Filled With Brilliant Coaches, Consultants, and Experts Like You Who Have Amazing Content to Share.
The problem is, that very few actually figure out how to make money sharing it!

Why? Because they call it quits before they hit on the right formula for finding a steady stream of clients who are looking for exactly what they have to share.

After years of searching for the next client, saying "yes" to things I wanted to say "no" to and living in airports...
I finally figured out how to attract an endless flow of my favorite people to work with and serve them doing what I love to do most.

The results still amaze me. I've launched multiple 6- and 7-figure courses and steadily attract 3000+ new people to my community every month (and, it keeps growing).

I work with multi 7-figure celebrity experts and thousands of coaches, consultants and experts like you every year who are creating and launching courses (and even Fortune 100 companies), applying the same system I have used to launch and steadily attract traffic to my own 6-figure and 7-figure courses.
Selling your course, program, or any other offer does not have to be slow and difficult.

I believe in fast wins and having FUN. I know that if you are going to invest in something it has to give you a return. You have invested in creating a course and now it’s time to get a return. FAST.

With the right focus, the right training, and the right tools, you can implement a step-by-step plan to go from start-up to a leader in your space in a really short amount of time.

You can move from searching for the next client to having a steady stream of ideal clients you attract.

And, you can make money NOW as you learn how to make MORE money and grow your business this year.

Earn While You Learn the Best Way to Grow Your List and Your Sales
While there are many coaching and mastermind programs out there, the challenge for solopreneurs just launching their course is confidently investing what these programs charge...$20k, $30k or more.

I designed this experience to give coaches and consultants like you the "high touch" support you need in a structure that is easy to say "yes" to.

This is different because we focus on “bootstrapping”-making money as you go and reinvesting that profit to continue to grow your list, increase your traffic flow and your course sales.
Here's how it works:
There are five major components to The Launch Lab™:

one_orange2Build Your Launch With Seven Powerful Implementation Modules - We've put everything (45+ launching tools and templates) we do in our launches and our VIP client launches into simple tools and step-by-step checklists. Released weekly, these easy-to-implement, step-by-step trainings will walk you through how to build your entire launch in weeks.


two_orange2Six 90-Minute, Live Virtual Implementation Intensive Workshops - Each month, we’ll come together for a focused workshop centered around one big component of your launch funnel. We’ll walk through each piece, and you’ll have time to work on your own and bring back your work for feedback or refinement. This is a powerful way to set aside focused time every single month to move forward with your launch OR improve your existing launch. We know that with action, you will get momentum. In these workshops, our team will walk you through how to actually get your launch DONE and revenue flowing.

three_orange2Six 60-Minute Live Virtual Q&A Calls - These interactive calls are led by me personally and are designed to give direct, specific feedback on all aspects of your launch: opt-ins, emails, webinars, sales pages, ad campaigns and more.

6 months access to the private Facebook forum so you can mastermind together and share your wins with business owners on the same journey.

Accountability and Expert Support As You Build Your Launch so you can stay on track with your plan and your revenue goals for the year (no more pushing deadlines back and waiting to start making money).
Many of our students tell us that our courses are the first place they've been able to find momentum, support, and the structure they've been searching for.
Plus, they're finally able to make sense of all the theory they've learned over the years.
I'll hold your hand...
We'll go through launching your course, driving traffic and putting your lead generation on "auto-pilot" so that you are freed up to do what's next for you.

This is a lab where you’ll be getting the pieces of your launch DONE as you learn, with continued support.
This experience combines access to a proven launching and traffic generation toolkit PLUS ongoing get-it-done support and coaching.
We'll show you how to:

Create Your Own Custom Funnel Map

It’s impossible to build a launch without seeing and understanding each piece that needs to be included to create an experience that inspires your audience to take action. 80% of first time launches miss one or more critical components which can result in disappointing sales.

First, you’ll view the short video training and use the included template to create your own custom funnel map that outlines your offer and the experience your audience will go through to become customers. By looking at this map, you’ll know exactly how many emails to send (and when to send them), how many webinars to offer (and when to offer them). Then, we’ll all come together for a LIVE Implementation Workshop where you will be able to get feedback on your map and refine it. After your funnel map is complete, we’ll come together for a Q&A call so you can get any remaining questions answered before you move forward on creating your launch. You’ll be crystal clear on every single part of your launch, and you’ll know exactly what is happening each day you are promoting your offer.
Design and Create Your High-Converting Sales Page

It’s easy to make designing a sales page more complicated than it really is. When you follow a proven template it’s as simple as filling in the blanks.

Next, you’ll view the short video training on creating your sales page, and use the fill-in-the-blank Sales Page Power Planning Template to start drafting your sales page copy. During the LIVE Implementation Workshop, we’ll take a deep dive into your sales page copy, and you’ll leave the Workshop with some of your copy DONE! In our Live Q&A call, you can bring any questions you have about your sales page and get feedback and ideas on how to improve your copy and sales page design to maximize sales.
Design and Create Your Landing Pages

After creating and testing hundreds of pages and all different types of ads, we know EXACTLY what works, and we’ll share it with you so you can get results faster.

It’s time to create your landing pages and choose your technology! First, you’ll view the short video training, and then you’ll use the included cheat sheets to get a head start on your landing page copy. Choosing how you will send emails and build your pages will be easy with the included “Tech Bundles” which will recommend exactly which tools we recommend for your business. We’ll come together for the LIVE Implementation Intensive Workshop, and you’ll get some of your landing pages DONE! Then, in the Live Q&A call, you can get feedback on your first drafts so you can keep moving and finish your pages.
Script Your Preview Webinar

Having led close to a 1000 webinars (that’s not a typo), I can share with you that there is a formula to engaging your audience and inspiring them to take action. If you skip parts of this formula, you won’t get results.

In the short video training, you’ll get an overview and action steps to choose your webinar topic, and start structuring your preview webinar. Then you’ll customize the template we’ve shared to create your preview webinar script, and will use the Live Implementation Intensive Workshop to refine your draft. At the live Q&A call, you’ll be able to get any questions answered so you’re ready to deliver your webinar to your ideal clients.
Develop Your Email Campaigns

Your audience will be moved to take action based on information and emotion. Your email campaign provides an opportunity to tell a story and equip your audience to take action. Great emails are more than fact-sharing.

Next is your email campaign. In this Implementation Module, you’ll create your email campaign plan using the template we share after watching the video training. Then, in the Live Implementation Intensive Workshop, we’ll dive into specific components of your email campaign including your “story sequence” that are critical for conversions. In the Q&A call, you can submit your email campaign plan or your email copy to get feedback and ideas for refinements.
Attract Your Perfect People into Your Offer

We’re going to share with you the secret to finding exactly where your ideal clients are hanging out online so you can reach them through paid and free traffic.

Now that your launch funnel is built, it’s time to attract your ideal clients. You’ll design the copy and images for your Facebook ad in this Implementation Module. In the Live Implementation Intensive Workshop, we’ll dissect what makes a great Facebook ad so you can refine your copy and images. Then in the Live Q&A call you can get more feedback and ask any questions you have about creating high-converting Facebook ad images, copy, and more.

You are doing the work to create your course, event, or offer — let’s make sure you get the big return you envisioned:
The Ultimate Launch Toolkit
When The Launch Lab™ portal opens on October 3rd, you'll have access to two Implementation Modules (Getting Started and Designing Your High-Converting Sales Funnel). Then, the 5 additional modules and one bonus module will be delivered weekly.

Included are 45+ Power Tools and Templates:
Implementation Module #1: Designing your High Converting Sales Funnel

Creating a series of sales pages for your course is the easy part. This is about putting it together in a way that DELIVERS clients 24/7.

In this Power Tool, we'll walk through exactly what a sales funnel is -- which pages you'll need and what your audience will be doing in each step. Then, you will create your very own custom visual funnel map of YOUR launch. This is incredibly valuable -- you will refer to it every day as you create and optimize your funnel. Plus, it's a great introduction for a new team member or virtual assistant as you grow your business.


● Step-by-step video walk-through of a sales funnel sharing each step in the funnel, why you need it, and how it creates an engaging experience for your audience.
● Checklist with everything you will create for your launch
● Fill-in-the-blank funnel map to customize for your launch (so you'll always know exactly what to create next)
● What your funnel should look like if you're marketing to corporate and how you should adjust your strategy to get results
Implementation Module #2: Write, Design, and Create Your High-Converting Sales Page

It’s easy to make designing a sales page more complicated than it really is. When you follow a proven template it’s as simple as filling in the blanks.


● Step-by-step video walking you through each part of your sales page and what to include to inspire your audience to take action.
● The Power Sales Page Planning Template -- a step-by-step workbook that will walk you through exactly how to write your sales page (including how to order your copy, ideas for compelling bonuses, and more)
● The guidelines for how to price your offer, what guarantee to include, and the different types of bonuses you can offer to encourage quick action

Implementation Module #3: Creating Your Landing Pages

In this module, you’ll choose your technology for your launch and create your high-converting landing pages to welcome people into your Experience Funnel.

● Step-by-step video walking you through an effective landing page
● Landing Page Optimization Checklist for each page in your funnel
● Benchmarks for each step in your funnel to let you know what to refine for bigger results -- including how many sales you can expect depending on how many webinar attendees you have, how many visitors you need to your landing pages to hit the revenue goals you've set.
● Tech Guide that gets rid of the confusion around all the tech options, including our recommended tech "bundles" from free to premium tools.
● Our recommended landing page templates you can tweak and use for your own Experience Funnel.

Implementation Module #4: How to Script and Host Preview Webinars That Instantly Generate Sales

In this module, you'll structure and script your preview webinar to attract your ideal audience. Creating and delivering this incredible webinar experience to your prospects can change the trajectory of your launch and dramatically increase sales.


● How to pick the right piece of content from your course to include in your webinar
● The step-by-step Webinar Scripting System workbook -- the detailed template for planning what to say, including the critical scripting you need to add in the first 10 minutes to make selling EASY.
● What to say to establish your credibility and expertise, without sounding like an egomaniac
●The biggest mistakes people make in webinars and how to plan around them
●How to choose the right bonuses that encourage your audience to take action now (not later).
Implementation Module #5: Develop Email Campaigns That Build Trust and Convert

If you asked successful course creators and launchers which marketing technique they would take to a deserted island, they would ALL tell you the same thing: Email.

In this Power Tool, you’ll learn how to use email marketing to build relationships and increase sales – without staring at a blank page for hours wondering what you should say next.


● The 3-part email sequence that delivers higher sales (and is a piece of cake to write)
● Proven email copy you can customize for your audience when you've run out of inspiration
● Formulas for email subject lines that will get your audience to open your emails (without resorting to shocking or unethical tactics)
● Our "Story Sequence" that will set your email campaign up for success - and give you a straightforward framework to apply to any of your campaigns
● PLUS: Email copy to ensure people SHOW up for your webinar (a few small tweaks using these emails doubled our show rate -- and we'll give you the exact copy to tweak)
Implementation Module #6: Attract Your Perfect People to Your Course with Facebook Advertising

How to create high-converting Facebook ads to increase your reach, grow your community, and make more sales.

In this Implementation Module, you’ll learn how to use Facebook advertising to invite potential customers to your webinar. We'll walk you through the most important aspects of your Facebook advertising campaign: copy, creative, and targeting.


● The least expensive, high-return Facebook ad strategy to fill your programs (and when to start your ads). The three major components to your high-converting Facebook ad campaign (and how to create these components using free tools)
● Exactly how to find your perfect people on Facebook -- including how to show your ads to people who "like" your competitors, book authors, tools, and more
● Our "Facebook Ads Design Guide," which will walk you creating images and copy that stand out in the feed and convert
● Tips, hacks, and ideas from our testing that will enable you to warp-speed your results and grow your community fast.
BONUS: Implementation Module #7: Blogging, LinkedIn, Affiliates, SEO, and More

How to easily create and set up your content to provide consistent, targeted prospects to your course without hanging out on Facebook all day, plus how to find the right affiliate partners and give them what they need to grow your list FAST.


● The 6-Step Content Remix Plan that allows you to create once and share in multiple traffic channels
● The Downloadable Content Planning Calendar so you can create and plan consistent content for your tribe
● Competitive sleuthing: How to find out what content works with your audience
● 5 things you need to change on your LinkedIn profile to get page 1 search ranking
● How to find the right promotional partners for your course and the formula for calculating what to pay your affiliates
Get Your Launch Done (and have FUN) With the Included Challenges

In the "Get it Done Challenge" you'll have a business-building assignment and monthly accountability (and surprises!) to hold you accountable to implementing your plan. Each time you complete one of the Get it Done challenges you'll be entered to win cool prizes. Getting things checked off your list can actually be fun.
Get Expert Support and Coaching From Our Faculty as You Build Your Launch
Virtual Teaching Sessions with Our Expert Faculty
How to Get Free Traffic with Marla Tabaka, leading contributor at INC magazine online

Marla, leading contributor at INC magazine online, will show you how to pitch your offer to the press, promotional partners, and vendor partners to generate free traffic to your courses and other offers. Marla combines 20 years of experience in TV and PR with in-the-trenches experience in her own businesses.

What you must include in your pitch to stand out from the tons of pitches in the inbox of every journalist and thought leader with a big list (and the biggest rookie mistakes to avoid)
How to come up with your point-of-difference “angle” that will make even big players want to support your offers

How to Be Seen as an Expert and Grow Your Tribe with Andi Eaton

Andi began as a virtually unknown expert and quickly blogged and social-media-posted her way to being one of the most followed experts in her niche, being named Southern Living's Top 15 Bloggers to Watch. Andi will share a simple formula to position yourself as THE expert in your niche.


What to say and do to grab the attention of the press to grow your brand
How to create your brand's visual look on a budget when you aren't a graphic designer, photographer, or tech wizard
How to tap into the influencers in your network and get them to promote what you are offering
How to know what to post about and where to post it to find your ideal followers

How to Write Amazing Content When You Are a Non-Writer with Emmy Award-Winning Writing Coach, Amy Anderson

Amy is a former senior editor of SUCCESS magazine. She's an Emmy Award-winning writer, writing coach, speaker and creator of Transformative Writing for Non-Writers. She will be working with you to translate your powerful message into words that transform your audience.


The 2 things you need to be clear on to write copy that inspires action.
How to build on your message and mission as the foundation for every piece of copy you write in your launch.
How to generate an endless stream of writing ideas for your social media posts, emails, sales page copy and more.

Your Coaching Support

Summer Turner, Launch Lab Community Activist

Summer Turner is a creative thinking expert, professional trainer, brain-based teacher, and business coach with years of study in the psychology of getting things done. You will meet Summer as the host of our private Facebook forum and your go-to resource to get your questions answered quickly and push through to the next step of implementing your plan.

Helen Sellers, Program Manager

Helen has led the behind-the-scenes support for 7-figures in online course launches and live events. Helen will be there to help you with any support you need to figure out your best next steps in bringing your plan to life.

Stacy Stone, Launch Manager

Stacy brings her experience as a seasoned Launch Manager for coaches, consultants, and experts to our community. From copywriting, advertising, and technology to graphic design and launch and marketing strategy -- she's been the partner behind millions of dollars of launch sales. Stacy will share with you the best way to plan your launch, tricks and tips for getting your launch done quickly and all the tech work-arounds that only someone who has done this a bajillion times knows.
Your 7 Week Online Course PLUS 6 Months of Live Support and Coaching Includes:
Your Seven Implementation Modules with 45+ Launching Tools and Templates

From a birds-eye view of how all of your launch pieces fit together, to high-converting email campaigns and the exact tools and resources we use to launch our courses, everything you need to create and launch your course is included in the seven Implementation Modules. Have a question on how to create a great webinar or create a compelling headline? The answers are at your fingertips 24/7.
Six 90-Minute LIVE Virtual Implementation Intensive Workshops

Want a peek behind the curtain of 6- and 7-figure launches? We will dive into the 6 POWER TOOLs you have to create your launching and traffic generation system. I'll show you EXACTLY how we do it and how you can apply it quickly to your business.

The bottom line? We're experts in moving fast with a small team and carefully chosen resources. We'd love to help you get to the finish line faster. After all, your people are waiting for you!
Six 60-Minute LIVE Group Coaching/QA Sessions

You can post any question, share tools you want feedback on, ask for help on copy--all questions are welcomed. These interactive calls are led by me personally and are designed to give direct, specific feedback on all aspects of your course launch: opt-ins, emails, webinars, sales pages, ad campaigns and more.
Private Launch Lab Facebook Forum

Connect with your fellow course creators, form accountability groups, get feedback on your launch plans. My communities attract committed, creative, smart business owners who are ready to launch their new thing!
Accountability and Expert Support

In the "Get it Done Challenge" you'll have monthly accountability (and surprises!) to hold you accountable to implementing your plan. Plus, you'll have three live, virtual group teaching sessions with our expert faculty to help you get free press, develop your visual "look," and craft your mission for your copy.
Here's the mistake 99% of launchers miss:

The KEY to Successful launching is to TEST QUICKLY. FAIL QUICKLY. IMPROVE QUICKLY. You have to MOVE to IMPROVE. This is about getting out of thinking about it and into DOING it.

You can go really quickly from Ground Zero to being a LEADER in your space when you commit to testing each month what I am going to show you how to do.
There Are Two Ways to Play in The Launch Lab™

The Launch Lab™
The Launch Lab™ AND The Live, In-Person Inner Circle Incubator Workshop

Option 1 - The Launch Lab™

The Launch Lab™ includes:

Seven Implementation Modules which include 45+ Launching Tools, Templates, and Checklists from 7+ figure launches that you can reference and copy so you can go faster in your launch
Six 90-Minute Live, Virtual Implementation Intensive Workshops to get your launch DONE
Six 60-Minute Live Q&A Calls to get your questions answered, get feedback on your copy, ads, and more so you can move fast.
Private Facebook Forum to connect with your colleagues
Get it Done Challenges and accountability throughout the program so you can launch your offer into the world

Option 2 - The Launch Lab™ AND The Inner Circle Incubator Live Workshop

Do You Have a Big Dream for our "Teaching Others" Business and You Just Need a Step-by-Step Plan to Get from Here to There?

If you know you're the type of person that thrives in a live environment with an intimate group and personalized feedback, you'll want to add the Inner Circle Incubator Workshop into your Launch Lab program.

In The Launch Lab™ and Inner Circle Incubator Live Workshop, you'll receive everything in The Launch Lab™, PLUS we'll come together for a live 2.5-day in-person workshop right outside of New Orleans. The Incubator Workshop is an intimate group with me and my expert launch team to design your revenue plan, sales funnel, webinar, lead magnets, and more.

The Workshop is limited to a very small group so you can get personalized attention on your launch plans.

Join me for a 2-Day Intimate, Hands-On Workshop to Create Your Experience Funnel with Personalized Feedback and Support
The Inner Circle Incubator Workshop
December 6-7, 2017
Right Outside of New Orleans, Louisiana

A 7-Figure "Teaching Others Business" Model Revealed

I'll walk through the step-by-step approach I took to grow my business from zero to six-figures and then to 7-figures, PLUS we will create your plan to create massive growth in your business.

We'll discuss:

The blueprint for adding 6-figures to your business (that can be replicated to amp up to 7-figures and beyond)

Getting clear on your audience and how to find them

Identifying the right problem to solve first in your first offer (that leads into your deeper offers)

How to price your offers, guarantees, bonuses, payment plans, and more.

In our hands-on working sessions, you will:

Create, map out, and refine your offer with personal feedback

Write compelling copy for your sales pages and review in the group for high conversion

Get feedback during your dedicated mastermind time on any issue or opportunity in your business.

The Inner Circle Incubator Workshop Details

December 6-7, 2017 at The Southern Hotel in Covington, LA

Preferred room block rates are $129 per night
December 6, Day 1 - 9am to 5pm Central with dinner following
December 7, Day 2 - 9am to 5pm Central
The Launch Lab™ and Inner Circle Incubator package includes everything in The Launch Lab™, PLUS:

2-Day LIVE, In-Person, Small Group Workshop with Jeanine and fellow members to work on your offer, your launch and traffic strategies, and get personalized feedback from Jeanine and her team

Dinner at Jeanine's favorite restaurant with your Incubator colleagues and the team

2 Post-Inner Circle Incubator Workshop Small Group Q&A Calls to review your campaign results, get personalized feedback, share strategies for organic and paid traffic, plus get exclusive access to our behind-the-scenes test results from our own launch campaigns.

Elizabeth Stokes

In 2 days, I was able to go from an idea for my new venture to a completely mapped out product and sales funnel. One month after, I have a fully developed course ready to launch! I highly recommend the Inner Circle Incubator experience.
Elizabeth Stokes Creator of “Unlock Your Marketing Genius Virtual Bootcamp,” Powered by Stokes Media Group

Gwen Fox

As an Artist I am definitely not savvy about marketing so I decided to join the Inner Circle Incubator. One of the best decisions I have made ever! I now have a clear vision for my online workshops with pricing and the sales funnel mapped out. Hallelujah! Having clarity on “how to put the puzzle pieces together” is such a relief. I love this program!
Gwen Fox Creator of "Abstracts That Glow"

Maia Toll

The process you lay out in The Launch Lab makes 6 figure courses totally do-able… & did-able — I just crossed the six-figure mark! Thanks, Jeanine, for clarifying the systems needed to get my work out into the world & for giving me a straightforward plan, along with all the tools I needed, to get it done.
Maia Toll Creator of "Witch Camp™"

Dr. Sarah David

Working with Jeanine and her awesome team in the VIP Mastermind really transformed my course creation strategy. By the time the day was over, I had a winning sales page and a marketing strategy to launch my LinkedIn Branding Bootcamp to Get Clients! If you are serious about taking your course to the next level then I highly recommend creating space for your business to focus in this highly interactive, personalized time with Jeanine.
Dr. Sarah David National Institute for Career Empowerment

Are you ready to launch your course, program, or any offer in a big way, attract your perfect clients, and start making money?
Registration closes October 5th at 9am.

Save your spot below and get INSTANT ACCESS to the 30-Day Course-to-Cash Plan, the Getting Started Module, and Implementation Module #1: Designing Your High-Converting Sales Funnel.

Our first LIVE call is on October 9th at 2pm CST!

Join Us in The Launch Lab™

$1997 or $347 per month for 6 months

NEW payment option: $189 for 12 months
Click Here to Join The Launch Lab

Join Us in The Launch Lab™ PLUS The Inner Circle Incubator Live Workshop

$4497 or $797 per month for 6 months
Click Here to Join The Launch Lab

Kim Moore

Registration ended last night and I have 73 paid participants. WOOO HOOO!! I’m so excited for the future.
Kim Moore Creator of "Head Shape Matters®"

Nancy Hillis

I launched my course and got 24 students from my email list, Facebook posts, and Instagram. No ads or webinars. It has been beyond my wildest imagination! It all began as a dream of mine one year ago. Launch Lab took it into realization and manifestation. I keep remembering Jeanine’s words about taking the students through an experience and that is my guiding light.
As soon as the doors opened my life changed from working hour by hour and not getting paid if not working, to no more financial struggle. Everything has changed and it feels miraculous. Students have said they are blown away by how professional the course is and how well thought out and composed. Jeanine’s work is compelling and it’s changed my life!
Nancy Hillis Creator of "The Artist's Journey"

Catherine Trebble

Using Jeanine’s launch formula I massively reduced the amount of time I work while doubling my previous income. I sold 68 places during my ‘soft’ launch. The confidence this has given me is phenomenal.
Catherine Trebble CEO of Support Your Brilliance

Tamika Carter

Having a course is really changing things for me and my business. I launched the full course in February (before, it was only the beta with just 3 modules). After sharing the sales page of my course with one of the top three magazines for group travel, the publisher selected me as one of their Top 10 Most Influential People in Group Travel in 2016. I am SO excited about this. Having this course is really giving me the credibility I need to, as you say “get my content out of my head and into the world.”
Tamika Carter Creator of "Create a High Profit Group Travel Business Virtual Bootcamp"

Join Now and Get Your Quick Action Bonuses
First 25 Registrants: Two Customized Facebook Images to Promote Your Offer

Our Graphic Design Team will create TWO customized images for you to use on Facebook (or any social media platform) to promote your offer.

We have created and tested hundreds, if not a thousand or more Facebook ads, so know what works. This way you can start testing fast and get your offer out into the world.
First 35: Power Planning Bonus: Map Your Entire Business Plan on Your Wall

What if you could wake up every day and know exactly what to focus on to grow your business?

The Power Planning Bonus Training package walks you through step-by-step completing your own poster-sized wall infographic (mailed directly to your home or office) that details your plan to reach your business goals this year.

In this 6-part training, you will complete your wall-sized infographic and:

1. Establish your revenue goal for the year
2. Build a quarterly promotion/launch calendar
3. Create your 5-5-5 plan for finding your perfect clients online
4. Choose the right lead magnet to build your list
5. Create your social media content calendar that is fast to implement (and attracts clients)
6. Prioritize your daily focus to achieve your bigger annual goals

What you will receive:
• Poster-sized wall planning infographic (mailed directly to you)
• 6 video training modules that help you build your business plan step-by-step
• Downloadable “10 Questions Tool"
BONUS: INSTANT ACCESS to The 30-Day Course-to-Cash Plan™ Training

When you join in, you'll receive INSTANT ACCESS to my 16-page detailed 'Course-to-Cash' guide coursetocashmacbookthat walks you through how to quickly make course sales without a launch. You'll have access to scripts, email copy, and more.

You'll also have INSTANT access to a 60-minute training led by me on how to quickly make course sales without a launch.

Do you need to get cash flowing from your course to help you fund investing in promoting your course in a bigger way?

This is your get-started-quick strategy for generating cash from your course using a no-tech, proven sales approach including:
• 30-Day Course-to-Cash™ Checklist30 Day Course-to-Cash Guide
• Example of “Discovery Session” Invite Email Copy
• How to Write Your Invite Email Copy
• How to Structure Your Discovery Session Call

You will have everything you need to start bringing in students NOW so you can fund your next launch and move from feast and famine to leveraged freedom.

Matt Sullivan

Using Jeanine’s 30-Day Course-to-Cash Plan™, I closed one deal for $6,400, and another deal for a $4,800 monthly retainer client. Now I can focus on my course and my launch, knowing that my short-term revenue is in good shape.
Matt Sullivan Tech Comm Tools

Bonus for All Participants: A Proven Email Launch Sequence You Can Copy (With The Emails Pre-Loaded For You), Plus a Live Session to Walk You Through Your Funnel Setup
This is an extra HUGE bonus: We have loaded the proven email campaign templates included with The Launch Lab™ directly into a recommended email low-cost marketing system, where you can customize them.

Translation: Your launch is already loaded in and all you have to do is edit the copy by filling in the blanks. Sweet.

Choosing an email and marketing automation company to deliver your email marketing can be incredibly overwhelming.

And, we know that you are looking for an email and marketing automation system that will allow you to market like a big player without a big price tag. It also needs to be simple so that you can focus on launching versus trying to link this to that. We've done the research for you, compared and tested the many systems out there. We've partnered with a low-investment, robust provider to bring you an all-in-one solution that is easy to use.
PLUS the confidence of knowing your proven email campaign templates are already waiting for you in the system we recommend or to load in your existing email system.

Monika Birkner
Monika Birkner, Founder of Monika Birkner Business Transformation

"This alone is worth the whole fee for the course. During the last couple of years I have spent so much time and money on finding out which platforms exist and trying how to use them that I really wish I had known this notebook before. It would have saved me thousands of dollars (time, platform fees, wrong decisions…). Thank you Jeanine for this wonderful tool – and of course for the rest of the course which is of equal value."

Kat Tansey
Kat Tansey, Creator of "The Compassionate Reboot™"

Jeanine is an amazing teacher with material that is the best I’ve seen out there and I’ve seen ALOT. She helped me get really clear about my targeting, who my market was and how to reach them in a way that made them want to take my course.I urge you to take a serious look at how this can help you go faster.

Kim Moore

I am happy to announce that I have 8 new Certified HSM haircutters, 3 new Junior Educators, A Director of Education, a Technical Director, and a happiness officer!!!!!![In 6 months, my new online course has]… generated a revenue of over $75,000. I am blown away!
Kim Moore CEO of Head Shape Matters®

Terrianne Palmer-Peacock

I was blown away by [Jeanine’s] expertise, content and delivery. I have spent literally thousands of dollars on mentors and other marketing courses, that resulted in lots of frustration and zero results. In just a few hours, I am clear on my message, who I want to work with, and how I am going to earn a 7-figure income this year. The small distinctions I got from Jeanine today in her questioning and systematic processes and the support and feedback I received was worth 100x the investment I paid.
Terrianne Palmer-Peacock Creator of "The Life Mastery Club"

The Double Your Money Back Guarantee:
Participate FULLY in the online program. Implement the systems and tools I share ... and if you don't earn your tuition investment back within the six months, send us an email showing us that you’ve implemented all the systems and tools. We'll then process a refund for DOUBLE your Launch Lab tuition.

“… Jeanine’s work … is making such a big difference in my business. If you are looking to put together a course that can get your work out into the world, and you care that people are inspired by it and the design moves them into action (and into other courses you offer), I would highly consider Jeanine O’Neill-Blackwell as your person for getting it done…”
Lisa Sasevich
Creator of "The Invisible Close"

"Jeanine's course was one of the best trainings I've ever attended, and I've been in the training business for over 9 years."
Chris Montoya
Co-author of Cognitive Type Styles

"We use the system Jeanine teaches to design every course, every marketing message, every piece of content we deliver. It has made all the difference in the exponential growth of our company and community. Year after year, our clients ask us, "What's next?" because the courses and content we deliver consistently produce results."
Virginia Meyer
Creator of "Creating Confidence and Success In Hair Color"

I just finished my last webinar for the year and was thinking how much I've enjoyed them! I had lots of participation on this call too (Q&A, answering polls etc.) which was nice. I also added about 450 new subscribers to my list. Thanks for these awesome resources and guidance.
Cheryl Davis
Commit to Fit

Get Started Now:
Join the Launch Lab
Have questions about the launch lab?
What if I don't have an email list?

That's fine! In fact, this program is focused on supporting you to grow your list with simple, step-by-step implementation plans for putting your high-converting sales funnel in place to grow your community.
Do I need to have my course completed to benefit from the Launch Lab?.

No. The strategies you will implement can be used to drive traffic to any online offer including lead generation offers (like e-books), webinars, one-on-one virtual coaching or live events. Plus, 90%+ of our Lab members are creating their course as they are creating their launch. One informs the other.
How much time will I need to go through the program?

We recommend about an hour a week to go through the videos, tools, scripts, and cheatsheets included, and then you can decide how much time you will reserve to work on building your online funnel. Since you have 6 full months of support included in The Launch Lab, you'll be able to bring any of your work to the QA calls for feedback and refinement.

I find that the time it takes me to get something done expands based on how much time I have allowed. If I only have 3 hours, I can get something done warp speed that could take me 3 days otherwise. In short: just decide what amount of time you are working on making the dream happen and we can help with the best approach to maximize that time.
Will I get help on writing my sales copy?

You can get help on any aspect of your course launch. The community discussion forum, teaching sessions and Live QA calls are designed to review elements of your launch and give you the opportunity to ask for feedback.

Plus, one of our six live, virtual Implementation Intensive Workshops is 100% dedicated to writing your sales page. You'll leave the workshop with a head start on your copy, energized and ready to write the rest!
Will you be showing me the exact tools I need to launch?

Yes - we will share with you our recommended tools (including free resources) - from webinar services to do-it-yourself webpage design. We understand you need to make money before you invest a lot of money, so our tools and recommended resources keep this in mind.

Plus, we've partnered with an easy to use email marketing system and uploaded our email campaign template for you to see how it works. You can login and edit your campaign, and it's ready to go.
Will it take me 6-months to get my launch out into the world?

Definitely not! You will have immediate access to the 30-Day Course-to-Cash Plan, which will give you a low-tech way to start generating revenue fast. Then, when the learning portal opens on October 3rd, you'll have access to the first two modules -- the Getting Started Module and Designing Your Sales Funnel. Modules 3-6 will be delivered weekly, so you'll have access to everything you need to create a robust launch funnel in 6-weeks.
How does The Launch Lab process work? How long do I have support?

When we open the Launch Lab on October 3rd, you will receive your login and you'll begin accessing 7 weekly video-based training modules you can move through at your own pace.

These 7 modules come with the tools, scripts and cheat sheets and QA calls you need to get your entire launch funnel set up in a matter of weeks. PLUS, we are going to continue working together for a FULL 6 months to improve your results, get more traffic and refine every single part of your online marketing that fills your courses and programs.

I will personally be available on our calls to review any aspect of your marketing and help you get better and better results every month.

When you join today, I'll be sending you some powerful bonuses to help you go even faster. And if you have any questions, we're here to help -- you'll see the "Have a Question?" chat box at the bottom right hand side of your screen..enter your question there, and we'll get back to you ASAP.
When do I get access to the Implementation Modules?

You will have immediate access to the Getting Started Module and Module One (Designing Your High-Converting Funnel Map) when The Launch Lab opens on October 3, 2017. Then, Implementation Modules will be released weekly. On October 3rd, you'll also receive access to the Launch Lab private Facebook group, and we'll support you with group coaching, QA and the opportunity for feedback. You will receive a detailed calendar before the program begins.
How is this different from other programs?

This program combines access to specific, step-by-step tools plus implementation support and coaching. We're focused on giving you the tools you need, of course, but more importantly, we are here to help you implement them and get results fast. The focus is on methodically growing the traffic to your offers and consistently improving your sales conversion. We are experts in designing results-based courses and experiences that get people to a "yes".
What if I can't make an Implementation Intensive Workshop or QA session?

We design for that - if you can't make it, you can submit a question in advance or post your work to get feedback. You'll get your answers and/or feedback in the recording if you're not able to attend. All sessions are recorded and posted to the course portal within 24 hours (and it's usually the same day).
Have a question that isn't answered here?

Please click here to send our amazing Program Manager, Helen, an email.

(or, you can always send us an email directly: [email protected])
Why Start Now?

Join within one hour of the webinar and receive instant access to the 30-day Course-to-Cash Plan to get sales flowing now.
It’s Your Moment. Let’s make 2017 the year it all happened.

Rebecca Anscomb

I’ve increased my revenue by 50%. This course and the research for it helped me to deeply analyze what steps to take to get my business out of the doldrums.
Rebecca Anscomb

Rabiah Sutton

I was targeting just 10 folks at $997 each and I got 15 people to register in a week and a half! Until creating this course and attending Jeanine’s live event in New Orleans, I wasn’t even thinking of doing this!
Rabiah Sutton Creator of "Get That Government Contract"

Old Price: $59.90

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