Mfa Live event 2017

Mfa Live event 2017

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Old Price: $39.90

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Mfa Live event 2017 Download

Marketers in attendance scribbled notes feverishly as they heard...
"The Newest Customer Acquisition Secrets From 9 Legendary Marketers!"
Get Your Copy Now!
For the first and likely last time ever...

Right now in Orlando, Florida...some of the world's best direct marketers have come together for one purpose -- to help you bank more money from your business by giving you the most powerful customer-generating and business-scaling methods working today.

Your Hall Of Fame Faculty:
Todd Brown
"The Marketing Wizard Other Experts Go To When They Need Help With Their Own Campaigns!"
Clayton Makepeace
"The Highest Paid Copywriter On The Planet... And A Legend In The World Of Direct Marketing!"
Brian Kurtz
"The Former Vice President Of Boardroom Inc... And THE Authority On List Building & Monetization!"
Rich Schefren
"The Business Guru Behind Most Of The Biggest Names In Online
Marketing Today!"
Molly Pittman
"Digital Marketer's Vice President... And The Secret Weapon Behind DM's Groundbreaking Traffic Strategy!"
Mike Filsaime
"Internet Marketing Legend... And The Man Who Pioneered The Evergreen Webinar Tactic & Technology!"
Ryan Levesque
"The Man Behind One Of The Fastest Growing Trends In Online Marketing Today -- The ASK Method!"
Jon Benson
"The Creator & Pioneer Of The Biggest Sales Breakthrough In Online Marketing - The Video Sales Letter!"
Dave Dee
"Former Marketing Director For GKIC" (a.k.a. Dan Kennedy's Right-Hand Marketing Man!)
This Is Your Chance To...

Get access to powerhouse marketing techniques transforming average entrepreneurs into multi-millionaire business owners at staggering speed.

Discover the new acquisition strategies multiplying new customer sales for even the most ordinary businesses.

Learn how to double, triple, even quadruple the profits you get from new and old customers... with a twist on the common backend marketing methods.

Create personal and professional connections with like-minded entrepreneurs who can help you continue to grow your business and income long after MFA Live 2017.

Walk away with the knowledge, skills, tools, and confidence to multiply your business and income … starting the minute you get home!

Get Your Recording Bundle Now
These Recordings Are For You, If...

You're just getting started marketing online... you know you want to have a successful business that sells online, but aren't sure of the right way to get traffic and generate new customer sales.

You’re doing some marketing online... you're eager to get consistent traffic and sales, but don't know what you're doing wrong... and why your marketing isn't producing for you now.

You’re getting new customers daily and ready to scale your business... you're making respectable money from your online marketing and are ready to grow your sales by 2X, 4X, even 10X over the next year.

If any of these describe you … then you need to get your copy of the MFA LIVE 2017 recordings.


Because, with them, you’ll be privy to how the best marketers are driving their traffic, acquiring new customers, and growing their business profits and take-home income – so you can do the same.

You'll learn how to create products that are sure to be winners...

You'll learn how to decrease the costs of acquiring new customers...

And you'll learn how to turn new customers into rabid repeat buyers, and grow your bottom-line and bankable income.

That's why the sharpest direct response marketers & entrepreneurs on the planet have shelled out a hefty penny to be in attendance. And, now, you can get the same methods... from the comfort of your home!

"The Insider Customer-Acquisition Secret That Can Grow Any Business To
7-Figures And Beyond
In 1/3 The Time!"
Presented by
Todd Brown, Founder

The surefire way to grow your business revenue BIG and FAST is by identifying your M.A.A.C. Number! (Nothing will produce faster growth for you than knowing and using this one simple number to make every marketing decision.)
How to generate more new customers than even your biggest competitors... with one simple tweak to your traffic generation approach... no matter how small your marketing budget may be.
Do this... and within 24 hours you'll be getting new customer sales... at a profit... from almost all the traffic channels too expensive for the average marketers in your marketplace.
The "Warren Buffett Method" of Customer Generation: This will unlock a monster source of new customer sales for you that 98% of your competitors are clueless about.
...and much, MUCH MORE!


"The Makepeace Method For Crafting Your Own Million-Dollar Marketing Message In
7 Days Or Less!"
Presented by
Clayton Makepeace
Direct Response Copywriting Legend

Clayton's "Secret Project Planning Method": How to get most of the marketing work done before you even set-up a single web page or write a single word of marketing copy.
Clayton’s Multi-Million-Dollar Outlining Method - How non-marketers, non-sales-people, and non-writers are producing wildly effective marketing messages... producing crazy levels of sales... with a simple and unique type of outline.
How to identify the exact Dominant Resident Emotion to tap into in your marketing campaign that will drive prospects to respond to your offer.
What to say in the first 350 - 800 words of your marketing message to guarantee your prospects are deeply engaged with your entire marketing message and offer!
How to instantly establish yourself as trustworthy to your prospects. (This works even if you have no track record, authority, or credibility in your market.)
3 types of benefits you must present in your marketing campaign to create a buying frenzy amongst your prospects.
“Product Presentation Magic”: How to uncover the exact emotional benefits that’ll make your product irresistible to prospects!
What you must say to your prospects to make the purchase of your product mandatory in their mind.
The Ultimate Close: The exact language to use to drive maximum sales conversions from every marketing promotion.
...and much MUCH MORE!


Database Enhancement:
"The Real Secret To Growing
A Wildly Profitable &
Hyper-Responsive Email List!"
Presented by
Brian Kurtz,
Legendary direct response marketer
& former Vice President of Boardroom Inc.

Use this simple "list management method" to extract serious money... every month... from even a tiny email list of prospects and customers. (Imagine getting $7-$12 PER name on your email list. Every month without fail!)
How to generate jaw-dropping open-rates & click-thru rates with your emails... without changing a single word in the subject line or body of the message. (Less than 1 in 8 marketers know this!)
The ONE thing to do with every email lead within 3 minutes after opt-in. It's been proven to double, triple, even quadruple the dollar value of every lead.
ASTONISHINGLY EASY! How to enjoy DOUBLE-DIGIT sales conversions with almost every offer you present to your list going forward... by making one tiny tweak to your email scheduling.
AVOID LIST BURNOUT! What you should never do when sending any email marketing messages... if you don't want to "leak more and more responsiveness" from your list with every message.
How to turn ordinary email leads into ravenous subscribers who drop everything the moment an email from you arrives in their inbox.
A pro-level list segmentation secret that'll make you more money the very first time you use it. And, it's brain-dead simple.
Never wonder again what you should email to prospects to get them to buy. Just use this simple process to know with certainty when and what to say in your email messages.
...and much, MUCH MORE!

You Won't Miss A Single Secret, Tactic, Or Strategy Shared...
Get Your Recording Bundle Now!

"The Counterintuitive Business Advice I Shared With Jeff Walker, Frank Kern, And Ryan Deiss… Before They Became Three Of The Biggest Gurus Online!"

The no-holds-barred truth about how to become viewed as a "guru" in your market in a matter of weeks. (And enjoy all the perks and benefits that come with it.)
“HORIZONTAL PENETRATION!” One of the most powerful business growth secrets today for solo entrepreneurs!
How to create a 5-month surge of HYPER--SALES-GROWTH for your business! And have it happen twice within the next year.
How to command and get premium prices for your products -- up to DOUBLE your industry standard -- by using Value Chain Positioning.
The unconventional way of bundling your products... that can bring you up to 3x more money from every customer transaction.
UNKNOWN? Here's a simple trick for creating instant authority and expert positioning within the first 25 seconds of any marketing campaign.
The AMAZING secret of Accelerated Celebrity Status! It can make you a household name in your marketplace in a matter of weeks... no matter how unknown you may be right now.
...and much, MUCH MORE!

Presented by
Rich Schefren, "Guru To The Gurus"

Just some of Rich's past clients:


"5 Traffic Generation Shifts You Must Follow To Scale From 5 to 6 figures, 6 to 7 figures, and 7 to 8 figures!"
Presented by
Molly Pittman, VP of Digital Marketer

NEW CUSTOMERS, EVERYDAY! An automated traffic system that can bring you a consistent stream of leads and new sales every day!
A proven & duplicatable traffic plan that'll bring you new customers out of the gate.
What you must understand about the three levels of “Traffic Temperature”... so you get new customers from all of them.
Learn how to scale your traffic campaigns once you have a winner so you build a massive subscriber list while avoiding the dreaded "ad fatigue" that can lead to increased costs.
4 simple numbers that tell you when that actually matter so you can “trim the fat” from your campaigns and scale.
...and much, MUCH MORE!

"The 5 NEW Rules For Running Big-Money Webinars Which
Convert Like Crazy!"

The NEW "Webinar Promotion Blueprint" created from the most powerful conversion methods shared by 26 of the world’s best webinar marketers.
How to generate up to 200% in additional sales after a live webinar… WITHOUT offering a replay or recording. (Do this instead.)
The common marketing element you should never have on a webinar registration page. (It's almost always the cause of a below average registration rate.)
How to use the "Short-Cycle Promotion" to more than DOUBLE your webinar attendance rate!
Struggling to keep all your attendees until the end of your webinar? Here's a Sticky Engagement Trigger that'll have your attendees hanging on your every word until the very end!
The Ultimate Webinar Close! The reason why even new marketers and timid webinar presenters are now seeing small webinars produce hefty cash paydays.
How almost any entrepreneur can model what Mike did to generate over $2 million in sales... in just 45 days... using nothing but FREE webinars!
...and much, MUCH MORE!

Presented by
Mike Filsaime

"My Secret 'Conversion Weapon' For Consistently Creating Big-Money Marketing Campaigns!"

Presented by
Todd Brown

The ONE thing to say in your marketing so prospects are convinced your product or service is different and better than everything else out there!
Why presenting a promise in your headline may now be the biggest SALES KILLER in online marketing! (Discover what you should be saying instead.)
How to turn your prospects' deep desires... into a powerful emotional DEMAND for your product or service! (You'll have swarms of new customers grateful for the chance to pay you for your product. Seriously.)
How to present your marketing message so prospects view your product or service as the perfect solution for their needs. (This technique is how and why smart marketers are seeing double-digit sales conversion rates.)
The simple way to ensure your prospects never search for a cheaper alternative to your product or service. (Never again will you lose a new customer to a competitor or some other product option.)
3 places in your marketing where sharing a customer testimonial will destroy your chances of generating a sale! (Are you positive you're not losing money right now by unknowingly making this mistake?)
The one thing you must get every prospect to believe before you mention your offer... if you ever want to sell a significant amount of any product or service.
"THE HOPE FACTOR": How to give your prospects an emotional rush... which drives them to buy your product with excitement!
...and much, MUCH MORE!

Get Your Recording Bundle Now!

"How To Get A 50%+ Optin-Rate From Cold Traffic Using The Power Of Simple Segmentation!"

How I instantly SPIKED my optin-rate by adding these same 11 words to every lead generation page I have!
How to use the secret of Perceived Customization to turn email optins into highly-engaged prospects who actually go through your marketing (and don't simply ignore you after they opt-in).
How to get your new customers to absolutely adore you... and become die-hard supporters & fans... by asking one surprising question in your first email communication.
FIRST MOVER ADVANTAGE! How to quickly capitalize on the newest sales boosting trend --"Investigation-Based Selling". Being called "the most profitable form of online selling, ever!"
Another new marketing strategy I taught to Jamie M., that QUADRUPLED his monthly leads... and DOUBLED his new customer sales! (And how anyone can do the same.)
...and much, MUCH MORE!

Presented by
Ryan Levesque, creator of the ASK Method

"How To Craft & Send Email Messages That speak directly to your prospects’ 'Buying Brain' so they read, click, and buy!"
Presented by
Jon Benson, Founder
3X Sellerator

The unconventional subject line structure that makes your email messages standout in your prospects' inbox!
How to use a few "hypnotic language patterns" to make sure, when you send an email, your prospects open and read it. Immediately!
The secret, duplicatable structure behind the most profit-pulling emails of the past decade!
LONG OR SHORT? Have we finally proved how long your email messages should be if you want to get the most clicks possible? You'll find out...
Are buttons better than links inside your emails? Which gets more clicks? Which should you use?
How to recycle proven "Email Themes" to cut your writing time by 75% when crafting your next email marketing sequence.
3 Call-To-Action Triggers that almost guarantee, when your email gets opened... it's producing a click!
...and much, MUCH MORE!

"How To Bring-In An Extra
7-Figures With A Single Automated 'One-To-Many' Sales Message!"

A simple marketing structure which can sell more of your products in a single day than you have in the past year!
How to attract only your best, A-list prospects... AND grow your overall lead flow at the same time. (Can you say GEOMETRIC income growth!)
The one surefire way to raise your prices, attract even more clients, and finally get paid the money you deserve!
How to orchestrate a single MONSTER DAY OF SALES... and do it again and again... at least 15 times a year! (It'll take you less than 5 hours of work, each time.)
The "hypnotic way" to package and present your offer to get your target audience to say “Yes” quickly and with more enthusiasm than ever before.
...and much, MUCH MORE!

Presented by
Dave Dee, former GKIC Marketing Director

Never revealed before...
"A Complete Analysis & Breakdown Of Everything I Did To Create & Launch My Newest
7-Figure Marketing Campaign"
You get it all! My thinking & planning... the complete timeline... every strategy employed... psychological triggers used and when... the copy, the ads, the emails, partner recruitment, and more!
Presented by
Todd Brown
Get a complete behind-the-scenes view of Todd's most recent seven-figure marketing campaign.

Starting at the planning phase, you'll get a complete view of how every piece of this extraordinary marketing campaign was developed, set-up, and launched.

You'll hear how Todd reached out to brand new joint venture partners and turned them into raving promotional partners.

You'll see the entire campaign timeline from beginning to end, including all the emails sent, all the social media posts, and all the content leaked and shared throughout.

You'll get a complete breakdown of the entire marketing message delivered throughout the entire campaign. Including all of the psychological triggers used, when, where, and why.

You'll see all the traffic generation channels used, including all the ads, copy, creative, budgets. and results metrics.

And you'll even see the complete marketing campaign used to stimulate incredible joint venture partner support and promotional activity.

And so much more!
Top Marketers Come To MFA LIVE To See
What's Really Producing The Big Money Today!
Don't Miss-Out On This...
These Recordings Could Be
Worth A Fortune To You!
Get Everything for
Just Three Payments of $249
Get Your MFA Live 2017 Recording Bundle Now!

Old Price: $39.90

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