Instant Clients by Jeanna Gabellini

instant clients by jeanna gabellini

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Old Price: $149.90

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at any price point, in any niche, and in any economy...
Check-in time. Do you ever feel...

    Resistance to doing the stuff you need to do in order to get more clients?
    Let down because you learned and implemented a new marketing strategy and it didn’t create a frenzy of buyers... yet again?
    A driving need to truly live your mission so you can serve more clients (and make more money)... but you’re clueless as to what it’s gonna take to finally get to 6 or 7 figures this year?

I feel ya! Most of us get into business to do something truly fulfilling so we can have more time and financial freedom. It totally sucks to spend so much time marketing yet never really move the needle to achieve success you’re proud of.

You know you bring value to the table, but why the hell don’t potential clients and customers jump on your products, programs, and services like white on rice?!
Not knowing how to have a constant flow of clients causes a constant slew of issues that can weigh heavily on your soul like...

    Battling to find an ideal way to be more visible, gain more followers, and have a fan base to consistently market to.
    Doubting your value and price points because potential clients seem to be interested but don’t take the final step to commit.
    Fumbling to find the perfect words that describe what you offer so you get an instant “Yes!” every time.
    Putting huge amounts of pressure on yourself to do “something” (anything! )that’ll bring in more income right now... making you feel desperate and icky.
    Feeling confused and overwhelmed by all this online marketing and AI shizz you have to learn and implement. Ugh!

Attracting clients can feel like a full-time job. And the emotions that’re triggered when you don’t succeed negatively impact your mood, bank account, and lifestyle.
And you shouldn’t tolerate this for one more day!
Instant Clients
to ensure you easily get new clients whenever you want ’em...
 Join The 5-Week
Mentor Program
There is another way... a simpler way that guarantees more clients in a fraction of the time... and eliminates all stress related to “getting sales.”
Imagine having a framework that...
Turns you into a superhero in your niche, attracting new followers every day... without having to leave your comfort zone or natural zone of genius.
Allows you to easily get new customers without ever having to sell or to do anything weird or complicated.

Doubles the results of any client-attraction strategies you already have in place... and lets you ditch all the time-sucking strategies that make you cringe.
This isn’t a pie-in-the-sky, sappy, made-up fairy tale. This is reality that’s 100% possible whether you’re new to your niche or you’ve had a flatlined business for decades.

It’s possible because it shows you how to strip away all outdated premises of marketing, stay true to who you are, and learn a new approach that simplifies the entire process.

This exciting framework makes 5-Star Clients say yes without endless follow-up, costly marketing, or having to pray for a miracle.
If you want clients on demand, then you want...
Instant Clients
A 5-week intensive that transforms you, your offer, and your message into the Pied Piper of client attraction.
This formula is so simple ’n easy, you’ll almost feel guilty that you’re not working harder. But then you’ll remind yourself that THIS is what you wanted from the beginning.

Awesome clients. Full-time freedom. Living your soul’s purpose.

Everything you ever thought you had to do to get clients but didn’t want to... is a lie. This mentor program is not that.

Finally, you get to let go of the latest fads, funnels, and fast-paced AI tricks because you’re about to discover the only client-attraction shortcuts that work for every personality style, every niche, and any price point.

You’ll become immune to the fluctuations of the economy... which means you’re fully in charge of your destiny.

And never again will you have to make a marketing move that feels complicated, slick, or stressful. Never.
Because this formula makes you magnetic to your perfect clients, without having to be perfect!
Instant Clients
to ensure you easily get new clients whenever you want ’em...
 Join The 5-Week
Mentor Program
Here’s what you’ll uncover during this 5-week intensive...
Week #1: Instant Yes Phenomenon
Become a person and brand that’s naturally irresistible... making it impossible for your ideal clients to say no.
Discover how to...

    Use your 5-star filter to create a vacuum of focus on the offers and clients that’ll simplify your business and make you a lot more money... in half the time.
    Build a customized client-attraction “story stack” that slays your sabotaging self-talk... allowing you to emerge as a superstar in your niche.
    Activate your Inner Money Maker to guarantee your income flow increases far beyond what you need... and moves you into “pinch me” status.

Week #2: Supernatural Messaging
The art of communication that creates certainty within
potential clients so they’re excited to follow you... and
Discover how to...

    Stop overthinking and channel the exact words that’ll pique your ideal clients’ interest so they want to know more about what you offer... right now.
    Fully become and embody your message. Spotlight your natural personality and style to attract clients that get you, trust you, and want to buy... no matter the price point.
    Share and educate in concise and clear language that positions you as a standout expert or brand (even in overcrowded niches) without sounding cheesy, hypey, or lame.

Week #3: Superpowered Marketing
Turn your products, programs, and services into best
sellers without ever leaving your comfort zone.
Discover how to...

    Uncover your marketing superpower to generate a record number of followers and super fans for future sales.
    Snap a simple strategy in place that delivers instant clients and cash with very little needed for setup and follow-up.
    Uncork your creativity to call in your ideal clients with high-frequency moves that are fun ’n fulfilling to implement!

Week #4: The Inviting Invitation
Gracefully guide potential clients from interested to
invested without feeling awkward or salesy on live calls,
webinars, sales pages, social media, emails, and/or from
Discover how to...

    Design clear and confident calls to action that inspire potential clients to jump to the final step and buy.
    Flip buyers’ objections into an opportunity for them to become your most committed clients that invest with you over and over.
    Demolish your doubting demons about your pricing, expertise, or anything else that stops you from owning your badassery... so clients trust you and easily say yes!

Week #5: Sold-Out Game Plan
Design feel-good, winning follow-up strategies that
convert fence sitters and new-to-you followers into 5-Star Clients!
Discover how to...

    Leverage “habit stacking” to cement your audience’s love so they buy the next thing you put in front of ’em.
    Overcome your fears to take bold, mission-driven, follow-up actions that convey true caring... to skyrocket your ideal clients’ trust factor in you!
    Use the power of “future forecasting” to intuit the needs of your newest fans to create an easy yes offer they can’t resist.

By the end of this course, you’ll be off the client-attraction, head-trash treadmill and using perfect-for-you instant yes strategies to attract new clients... in fewer steps and with zero stress!
(As it should be!)
Instant Clients
to ensure you easily get new clients whenever you want ’em...
 Join The 5-Week
Mentor Program
Here’s how we ensure this 5-week mentor program delivers success...
Deep-Dive Mentor Sessions
Each week, for 5 weeks, ask Jeanna your questions about the training, implementation, and mindset to attract clients right now.

24/7 Mentor Forum
Get instant support whenever you need it to overcome limiting beliefs, brainstorm ideas, and nail your client-attracting system.

Focus Labs
During these power-hour sessions every other week, you’ll drop into sacred space to get a ton done in record time to attract clients.

Breakthrough Rooms
Using leading-edge technology, we’ve created a space for you to have unlimited breakthroughs for each training module. They’re open 24/7 and include super fun surprises!
Instant Client Playbook
Come back to this client-attraction blueprint with templates and checklists over and over. It’s a gold mine for generating best-selling services, products, and programs!

Daily Mojo Messages
Keep your head ’n heart in the client-attraction zone and manifest fast results with these powerful daily text and/or email messages!

Instant Clients
to ensure you easily get new clients whenever you want ’em...
 Join The 5-Week
Mentor Program
Our mission is to take away the overwhelm, stress, and time delays of attracting your very best clients and customers... and get as much joy from the client-attraction process as you get serving them!
So, to make it even easier for you to create a client
waitlist, we’re including these badass bonuses...
Badass Bonus #1: 5-Star Clients Gone Wild!
How to Attract, Engage, and Enroll Clients You Adore
($500 value)
This proven process shows you how to identify, attract, and connect with only those clients who light you up, love what you do, and happily pay your top-dollar fees. Includes training, templates, and more.
Badass Bonus #2: 5-Star Promotional Partners
How to Get Leading Experts to Promote Your Stuff
($1000 value)
One of the quickest ways to build a loyal following of 5-star prospects and get instant visibility is with JV partners. Discover how to attract top-notch partners with tens of thousands of fans to promote and support you. I share my secrets for creating heart-based, highly profitable JV relationships.
Badass Bonus #3: Breakthrough to Visibility
($500 value)
This unique breakthrough workshop will show you how to bypass fears that stop you from having massive visibility... so you can be a best seller in your niche. Clients will start pouring in once you put your expertise and offers in the spotlight... so your ideal clients can easily find them.
You’ll get access to some bonuses instantly when you enroll.
Training Module #1 drops Monday, February 19th!
What People Are Saying

Asha Croggon
“I just landed a client in the $5–$10K range. The highest ever outside of my consulting work!!!!!!! And all because of this program and all your amazing inspiration and support!!!!”

Tammy Braswell
“I wanted to stretch into a goal of 30 paid
participants for my event. 6 people registered. In the morning more people registered. And... I reached my epic ending!!! 24 new registrations came in since yesterday morning, and several of those were while I slept last night.”

Lou Hawkins
“This program was the missing piece for me... and helped me get my mojo back. I literally doubled my income, not by doing more, but by just following the model you shared. I tell all my entrepreneurial friends to join your program!”

Luci Dumas
“I just performed some Jeanna Gabellini style magic. My gut told me to STOP... stop pushing, thinking about a zillion ways to market, creating anxiety and worry. I started sending waves of love to my ideal clients and raising my own vibration. I just booked 2 new clients that came to me almost by magic.”
Here’s the recap of everything you receive in:
Instant Clients
to ensure you easily get new clients whenever you want ’em...

    Instant Yes Phenomenon Training $500
    Supernatural Messaging Training $500
    Superpowered Marketing Training $500
    The Inviting Invitation Training $500
    Sold-Out Game Plan Training $500
    5 Live Group Mentor Sessions with Jeanna $1,000
    24/7 On-Demand Mentor Forum $1,000
    Focus Labs to get shizz done $600
    Playbook with templates ’n checklists $500
    Breakthrough rooms for each training module $500
    Daily Mojo Messages $250
    Client Attraction Activation Audios $200

    Bonus #1: 5-Star Clients Gone Wild! $500
    Bonus #2: 5-Star Promotional Partners: $1,000
    Bonus #3: Breakthrough to Visibility $500

Total value: $8,550
But you’re not investing anything close to that!
Enroll now to ensure you attract your very best clients... fast!
Score this $1,000 BONUS
when you choose the full-pay option below.
Instant Sales Crash Course
Create a low-cost, high-demand offer that attracts buyers every damn day!

This ONE strategy has made me over 2 MILLION DOLLARS and it’s so easy and fun to create.
Inside this bonus package you’ll discover how to...

    Create a best-selling low-end offer that attracts 5-Star Clients who upgrade to higher ticket offers
    Know what to include to get an instant yes... and keep ’em coming back for more
    Name your offer, price it, and get it in front of thousands of people who’ll go gaga for it
    Design and write a sales page that causes clients to buy in mere seconds. (It’s a Godsend!)

Score this $1,000 BONUS
when you choose the full-pay option below.




All Sales Final



    You’re tired of marketing strategies that don’t deliver clients... and you’re not sure what you’re doing wrong.
    You’ve made a commitment to bring in more money this year... a lot more.
    You’re sick of forcing yourself to do stuff you hate to get clients.
    You need to upgrade the quality of leads you attract.
    You’re a new entrepreneur or entering a new niche and want your first clients lickety-split.
    You’re tired of being a best-kept secret and want to uplevel your business without working yourself silly.

    You already make mid-6 figures or more. If you want to uplevel to superstar status, my 7-Figure Player one-year mastermind is a better fit.
    You’re under severe financial stress and may panic a couple of weeks into the program if you don’t bring in new money. Extreme anxiety repels clients and often makes it a challenge for you to implement new processes with an open mindset.
    You’re seeking a specific strategy and don’t want to take the time to dial in all the things that make strategies work... like the perfect-for-you mindset, messaging, and marketing.

Instant Clients
to ensure you easily get new clients whenever you want ’em...
 Join The 5-Week
Mentor Program
Okay so who am I?
I’m Jeanna, Master Business Coach and Chief Rabble Rouser of MasterPeace Coaching.

After 25+ years of liberating business owners from the curse of "not enough" and the myth of "hard work pays off"...

I know, without question, you can attract all the clients you want, make massive amounts of money, and impact millions (even if you’ve been struggling for years) if you’re willing to flip the switch in your thinking...

Old Price: $149.90
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