Product Messaging & Sales Page Copywriting by Conversionxl and Momoko Price

Product Messaging & Sales Page Copywriting by Conversionxl and Momoko Price

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Old Price: $34.90
Stop Letting Amateur Copy & Lifeless Value Propositions Wipe Out Your Conversions

Get the recordings of this intensive training camp on Product Messaging & Sales Page Copywriting
Enroll in this 8-class Product Messaging course learn how to …
Choose messages that trigger your customers’ real-life motivations
Craft value propositions that capture visitors’ attention & pull them in
Strengthen your page copy with persuasive narrative & flow
Transform raw data & research into powerfully convincing copy
Momoko Price,
Expert conversion copywriter
Are You Frustrated (or Even Embarrassed) By Your Website’s Clunky, Confusing Sales Copy? You’re Not Alone
As a marketer, you know that having a strong value proposition & relevant messaging is critical for maximizing conversions.

But knowing this doesn’t make writing them any easier.

Pinpointing what’s uniquely valuable about your product? That’s hard enough.

Figuring out how to convey this value in words that convert … That can seem damn-near impossible.

But crafting high-converting value propositions and perfecting your sales page copy doesn’t have to be a painful, frustrating ordeal.

You don’t need to start writing by staring haplessly at a blank page.

What you do need is a step-by-step framework for turning those dry product specs into stellar, sticky sales copy. You need a repeatable, research-driven framework you & your team can come back to again and again.

… Which is precisely why we created this course.

Learn How to Fix Your Value Propositions, Product Messaging & Sales Page Copy … in Just 4 Weeks
Got a sales page or website that needs a serious messaging makeover?

Bring it to class and apply what you learn immediately as conversion copywriting maven Momoko Price reveals the exact process she uses to optimize messaging & page copy for enterprises, agencies & startups like Intuit, MetaLab, and Respondly (recently acquired by Buffer).

“… But is this course right for me?”
That depends. This course is perfect for you if …

You’re in charge of marketing, drive traffic to key landing pages (including your homepage), and feel like you just can’t get the needle moving
You’re tired of taking an ineffective “spaghetti” approach to your messaging (a.k.a. throwing random ideas around & seeing what sticks)
You suspect (or know) that your sales page copy … well, sucks (hallmarks of sucky sales page copy: persistently low conversion rate, +60% bounce rate, visitors fail to scroll, few CTA clicks)
Your team desperately needs a clear, structured, documented process for sales-page copywriting it can go back to again & again
Over the course of 8 deep-dive, video sessions, you’ll discover how to
Systematically “tear down” & rebuild the copy of virtually any sales page
Home in on your product’s most compelling value proposition
Nail your messaging through rigorous voice-of-customer research
Ditch the clichés and infuse your copy with authenticity & passion
Weave your messages together into a story that sells
Follow along as Momoko works over the copy & messaging of a real sales page, in class. Witness the research, analysis & behind-the-curtain problem-solving.

See how elite copywriters go from asking questions … to analyzing research … to creating messaging flows … to crafting the final copy.

PLUS: Get a complete kit of conversion-copywriting worksheets, templates & checklists along with the course, so you can immediately transfer & apply everything you’ve learned into your own business.

About Your Instructor:
Momoko Price
Momoko is an experienced conversion copywriter who kept sketching user flows & wireframes as part of her “writing” work.

She brings a powerful one-two punch to every client project.

While she mostly helps startups find their key messaging, she’s worked with giants the likes of Intuit, Scotiabank, AT&T, and Base CRM.


“Momoko’s copy transforms prospects into customers, period. How do I know? Because I’ve put her copy in front of CEOs & CTOs and seen the reaction it generates. Her copy instantly triggers excitement, intrigue, and most importantly, trust and desire.”
Devrim Yasar, Co-Founder & CEO of

“If I could hire one copywriter on the whole planet, it would be Momoko. She simply gets it – all of it, from branding and voice to design and research. And, more than that, she’s a really, really good writer.”
Joanna Wiebe, Founder of Copy Hackers

What This Course Will Cover


Class 1: How to “Tear Down” Your Own Page Copy
Watch & learn as Momoko reveals the exact system she uses to evaluate her clients’ messaging & copy, pinpoint problem areas, and home in on tactics to fix them.


Class 2: How to Hunt and Gather Messages Online
Find out how to gather & recognize powerful messages about your product — even when you don’t have a single customer yet.


Class 3: How to Pull Powerful Messages out of Your Customers
No one talks about your product more persuasively than your happiest customer. Learn how to coax compelling messages out of them with carefully structured surveys & one-on-one interviews.


Class 4: How to Home in on Your Best Value Proposition
By now you should be sitting on a mountain of rich, raw messaging data. In this class, you’ll learn how distill this data into clear value propositions that will set your product apart and boost your conversion rates.



Class 5: How to Add Structure & Flow to Your Messages
Getting the order, timing and flow of your messages right is crucial for maximizing conversions. Learn how to create tailored Messaging Hierarchies that seamlessly bridge the gap between your offer and your customer’s mindset.


Class 6: Writing the First Draft
You’ve done the research — now it’s time roll up our sleeves and write. Learn how to tackle tricky elements like headlines, subheads, hooks, forms, and CTAs (and avoid conversion-killing mistakes along the way).


Class 7: How to “Punch Up” Your Copy
Got everything down on the page (including the kitchen sink)? Great. In this class, you’ll learn how to cut fluff and filler with surgical precision and replace it with attention-grabbing statements that will keep your visitors reading.


Class 8: Formatting Your Copy & Laying Out Your Page
Learn how to leverage whitespace, contrast, typography, image choice, and directional cues to add powerful emphasis and flow to your page copy. Get your copy laid out in a clearly annotated professional wireframe, ready to move into high-fidelity design.



BONUS CLASS: How to Shift Your Team to a Copy-First Design Workflow
Does your team have a bad habit of diving into color schemes and glossy mockups, and leaving the actual copy behind? This bonus course is designed to help you get teammates and stakeholders to ditch chronic content chaos and embrace a copy-first (and more importantly, customer-first) approach to web design.

But wait, there’s more:
In addition to live class recordings, you’ll get immediate access to snack-sized video lessons on the fundamentals of conversion copywriting as soon as you enroll. Topics covered include:

Pre-recorded video lessons are as follows:
1. 1- Dispelling Toxic Copywriting Myths
2. 2- How Many Conversion Goals Should Your Page Have?
3. 3- Applying the Conversion Formula to Copy
4. 4- What is Customer “Motivation,” Really?
5. 5- What Makes for a Great Value Proposition?
6. 6- The Customer Awareness Spectrum
7. 7- Embracing a Copy-First Approach
8. 8- The Importance of a Persuasive/Narrative Flow
9. 9- “Punch-Up” Tricks to Improve Your Copy
10. 10- Anatomy of an Irresistible Call-to-Action
All of these videos will be available instantly after you enroll in the course.

Show Off Your New Skills: Get a Certificate of Completion
Once the course is over, take a test and get certified in conducting Voice of Customer research and writing conversion-focused copy.

Add it to your resume, your LinkedIn profile, or just get that well-earned raise.
Why live classes
instead of 100% self-study?
In short:
because you’ll learn better with live classes, and you’ll actually make time for learning.

Most people don’t ever complete self-study courses. It’s difficult to prioritize learning over urgent items in your to-do list.

How do we know?

A 2015 study shows that the current average completion rate for MOOCs (Coursera, edX, Udacity) is approximately 15%. So 85% drop-off rate. The course that received a Coursera award for having the highest completion rate — wait for it — had a rate of 20%!
Seth Godin reported that his courses on Udemy and Skillshare have an 80% drop-off rate.
We’ve run self-study courses for years, and our numbers confirm this
Our previous live coaching classes have had over 90% completion rates. Around 60% attended every single live class, the rest watched recordings (due to time zone differences, etc).

Our #1 goal is customer success. That you actually master this stuff. We’re confident that this live class format will do it.

Join now
Recordings of 8 deep-dive, live screen-sharing sessions
10 self-study copywriting videos
A complete kit of conversion-copywriting worksheets, templates & checklists
ENROLL NOW — $499.00
Teams of 2 and more get 25% off, use livecourse4team coupon at checkout.

ConversionXL Institute subscribers, log in during checkout to get a $70 discount (per each team member enrolled).

Terms & Conditions E-mail [email protected] or call us at (+1) 855-429-5295 CXL ©2017

Old Price: $34.90

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