Blog to biz hive by Melyssa Griffin

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Blog to biz hive by Melyssa Griffin Discount

Grow an AudienceFind Your Niche, & Turn Your Bloginto a Buzzing,Profitable Businesssales-bg-3Wistia video thumbnailsales-bg-5Have you ever seen super successful bloggers and wondered, “How on Earth are they making money?”If you’ve been blogging and trying to make money online, it can be really frustrating to see people who popped out of nowhere making multiple six figures per year.And if you’re newer to blogging, seeing other people’s revenue numbers can be totally intimidating.You see people with massive social media followings who seem to be “living the blogger dream”… but for the life of you, you can’t figure out how they actually make such a significant amount of money with their business.You’d love to get the same results, but how? Do they have something you don’t? Nope!You can do it too. Just imagine…Being the go-to leader of your topic and having hundreds (or thousands) of customers thanking you for helping them to get exactly what they wanted.Blowing the cap off of your income goals and having a limitless income potential.Finally being able to take amazing vacations, pay off your debt, and spend more time with your friends and family while working from home.Making money for your creative work without having to actually trade hours for dollars.You too can turn your blog and passion into a seriously profitable business without paid ads or one-on-one services.sales-bg-10There’s a common misconception that bloggers make big money with ads and sponsored posts.I can tell you from personal experience that this is not true.In order to make even a small amount of money with ads, you need to have a ridiculously massive following. It’s nearly impossible to turn ads into a full-time income. (Think about it: even The New York Times and Vogue have trouble with this business model.)Besides, if you’re building a following based on ads, you’re literally sending traffic away from your site once they get there. What’s the point of building a following, only to send people away?The other common way you can turn your blog into a business is with one-on-one services.Many people think that they need to work one-on-one first before they can create a profitable e-course. Not the case.One-on-one work limits you to trading hours for dollars.There’s a limit on how much money you can make because you’re only one person!If you do have a service-based business, don’t worry. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that. It’s wonderful to offer services (I used to!), but wouldn’t you like to pop the cap on your income ceiling, help hundreds more people than you currently can, and work a whole lot less?The secret to turning your blog into a profitable business is creating and selling online courses.sales-bg-11By using a specific system to create and launch online courses, I’ve turned my blog intoa 7-figure business.Yep, my blog business brings in over a million dollars per year. You just can’t do that with one-on-one services or ads (believe me, I tried!). E-courses and online programs are how I make money. Period.sales-bg-12Wistia video thumbnailMEET MINDY, COPIC MARKER TEACHERMindy is in a very unique niche — she teaches people how to use Copic markers in order to relieve stress. Using the strategies in BBH, Mindy was able to grow her email list to 2,500 subscribers and launch a Copic marker e-course that has earned over $3,000 in sales. Check out Mindy’s interview now.Wistia video thumbnailmeet lindsay, etsy shop coachAfter taking Blog to Biz Hive, Lindsay’s traffic doubled every month for six months! She also hosted her first webinar, which earned $1,000 in e-course sales. Lindsay enrolled in BBH because her blog was new, but she had a vision and wanted to hit her goals as quickly as possible. Listen to her interview to learn more about her inspiring story!Wistia video thumbnailMEET SARAH, WRITING + MEDIA COACHSarah decided to offer a group coaching program, but was still able to use all of the strategies in BBH to create and launch her offer and now has 7 coaching clients within her group program! She also said that having an accountability partner in BBH has been wonderful and she and her partner are very close.There are a few reasons why online courses are the gold standard for online businesses:With e-courses, you can make way more money with a way smaller following. (And if you grow your following, which I’ll show you how to do, you are truly unstoppable.)With e-courses, you become an expert in your industry and can create a business based on your skills and passion vs. ads and traffic. That’s more like it!With e-courses, your income potential is limitless. It takes you the same amount of time to make a course that sells 20 spots as it does a course that sells 1200. And people will buy your course while you sleep. Cool, right?It takes hard work to make this happen, but it’s not overly complicated.You can absolutely get results like I have, too.I created Blog to Biz Hive to give you the complete system I used to turn my passion into a thriving business.I haven’t always had a successful blog and business. I know what it’s like to work constantly and feel like you’re getting nowhere. Truuuust me.When I started my blog, I was a busy teacher living in a 300-square-foot studio apartment on a tiny income.In other words, I. freaking. get. it.And despite spending all of my time on my blog, willing it to grow, things weren’t moving fast enough.sales-bg-15I was so broke that I was using my then-boyfriend’s bar cart as a desk because I both couldn’t afford an actual desk and didn’t have space for one. I had to check my bank account before buying the occasional Starbucks because I wasn’t sure I had enough money for a latte. There’s nothing fun about living on pennies.But then, things changed.In less than a year, I started to develop a system — one that actually worked — in order to turn my blog into a wildly successful business. Nine months into blogging, I was able to quit my day job to run my blog full time.Now, three years later, the community I’ve grown through my blog includes over 100,000 go-getters across the world. Not to mention, in three years, my annual salary grew from $30k to $1 million… all because I learned how to use my blog as an insanely effective tool to help me build an online empire.mg_bbh-mockup-bundleBlog to Biz Hive™ compiles the most powerful lessons and strategies I’ve learned into a fool-proof, step-by-step system that will turn your blog into a money-making biz.In Blog to Biz Hive™, I’m showing you the exact strategies I’ve used and steps I’ve taken to grow my following to over 100,000 subscribers and a million dollars in annual income.I believe your blog is your #1 asset. And I’m going to show you how to use it in order to increase your income, launch your first e-course and grow an engaged community that absolutely loves what you create.Blog to Biz Hive is the only community and course you need to truly achieve your goals, grow your audience, and launch your first online course. Let’s do this, yo.In Blog to Biz Hive, you’ll learn how to create a buzzing, engaged community AND turn it into a full-time business by launching an online course. It’s kind of like two courses in one.Enroll Now!cassieI can honestly say that the greatest decision I made for my business in 2015 was choosing to enroll in Blog to Biz Hive. After implementing Melyssa’s strategies in BBH, we opened enrollment for our signature e-course and tripled our sales from our list of 1,000 people, making over $12,000 in our two-week launch!If you’re truly ready to invest your time, money and energy into a system that will actually take your blog or business to the next level, then this course will be your secret weapon!Cassie, graphic designerlloydI had big results very quickly. 4 weeks after implementing the course, I went from 299 subscribers to 1,047. Another 4 weeks later, I’m hitting 1800!My traffic increased, too. I started at 3,900 pageviews, and within 3 months, I’m now hitting 17,500! The best of all is it’s converting between 3-6% of that traffic to a mailing list and it’s all free traffic.lloyd, debt and finance bloggerkoreenThe accountability buddy program was worth the price of the course alone. To be able to go through this journey together and see them take risks (her first webinar!) and be supported by them is invaluable.It’s been incredible to be able to talk through my successes, challenges and goals with someone at the same stage as me. I’ve done a variety of other courses, but this is something unique to BBH and I wanted to thank you for including it.Koreen, Yoga Teacher + Former Neuroscientistelizabeth4 months after taking BBH, I feel like I’m getting the kind of traffic that normally takes years to earn. I also grew my list to 900 subscribers (from zero) and it’s growing everyday.I’m just so happy that I made the decision to join BBH. It was a big decision and a huge monetary commitment but it was totally worth it.ELIZABETH, productivity + organization teacherAs a member of Blog to Biz Hive™ you’re going to:Grow Your Audiencegrow your audienceMajorly grow your trafficRule the Blog WorldNurture Your HiveNurture Your HiveBecome thego-to expertBecome the go-to expertPick ane-course ideaPick an e-course ideaCreate ane-courseCreate an e-courseCreate Profitable WebinarsSetup a Flawless Sales ProcessWrite high-powered launch emailsLaunch your e-courseearn passive income in your sleepMake it PassiveLet’s take a look at what you’ll learn in each of the seven modules:Module 1: Rapidly Grow Your Traffic With Fresh Strategies Module 2: Understanding Your Email List + Newsletter Module 3: Email List Growth Hacking Module 4: Map Out Your Amazing Online Course Module 5: Build Your Entire Course from A to Z Module 6: Marketing and Launching Like a Boss Module 7: Tech Trainings Oh, bonuses? Yeah, you’ll get plenty.Over $2,000 worth of bonuses, if you’re keeping track.Let’s take a peek at the extras you’re gonna get:BONUS #1: Sell Out Your Course With Affiliates ($197 VALUE)mg_bbh-mockup-bonus-affiliatesSell Out Your Course with Affiliates00Days07Hours26Minutes34SecondsThis limited-time bonus expires on December 8th at 11:59pm PST.Have you ever seen those online business owners who create a MASSIVE amount of hype for their course launch by recruiting affiliate partners to promote it? Well, now you can be one of those people. In this bonus course, you’ll learn how to find and pitch perfect affiliates, how to set up the back-end for you and your affiliates, what you need to give your affiliates so that they can promote, and ultimately……how to have an incredible course launch even if YOU don’t even have an email list. Boom.BONUS #2: Plug & Play 10-Part Launch Email Sequence ($297 VALUE)mg_bbh-mockup-bonus-launchemailsequencePlug & Play 10-Part Launch Email Sequence00Days07Hours26Minutes34SecondsThis limited-time bonus expires on December 8th at 11:59pm PST.Writing sales and marketing emails for your launch is…not the easiest thing in the world. Especially if you don’t consider yourself a writer or marketer. So, in this special bonus, you’ll get TEN plug and play emails that you can use for your next course launch!This sequence includes every single email you’d need to use in order to have a crazy successful launch of your course, written with conversions and sales in mind (but still totally personable valuable — no sleazy marketing here, friend!).BONUS #3 : STRATEGIC ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER ($297 VALUE)mastermindaccountability Partner**Pro and Exclusive Tiers Only**Have you ever wished you had someone who “got it” to hold you accountable to your goals?Would you like someone to push and motivate you each week so that you could finally accomplish that endless to-do list and start making a dent in your empire planning?Now, you will!Each Blog to Biz Hive™ member will be strategically paired with another member (and if I’m being honest, this course attracts majorly high-quality action takers). This person will be your biggest resource and source of motivation so that you actually get jiggy with all the awesomeness you’ll learn in Blog to Biz Hive™.BONUS #4: Beginner + Advanced Launch Master Plans ($197 VALUE)mg_bbh-mockup-bonus-launchplansBeginner + Advanced Launch Master PlansHave you ever launched a course or product? Well, there can be a LOT of moving parts, even for more minimal launches. In this bonus, you’ll get two strategically mapped out launch master plans.The first master plan includes a more minimal schedule — perfect for beginners or anyone who wants to start smaller. The second master plan is more extensive, great for people who are more advanced or for when you want to re-launch your course and go all out.Both master plans include a checklist and calendar of events so you can be as organized as humanly possible.BONUS #5: Impressive Ads ($297 VALUE)mg_bbh-mockup-bonus-impressiveadsImpressive Ads: How to Create Facebook Ads That Build Your List + Sell Your CourseWhile Blog to Biz Hive shows you how to get free, organic traffic and subscribers, you may choose to invest in Facebook ads to expedite your growth. With the Impressive Ads bonus course, now you’ll know how!I collaborated with my personal Facebook Ads Manager, Andrew Hubbard, to create this exclusive course, which walks you through everything you’d need to know in order to get started with FB ads and set up your first, high-converting campaigns.BONUS #6: MEMBERS-ONLY FACEBOOK COMMUNITY ($297 VALUE)mg_bbh-mockup-bonus-fbcprivate facebook communityThis private group is our “hive” headquarters and a wonderful place for you to ask questions, share your successes, and meet other ambitious online entrepreneurs and bloggers.Not to mention, Blog to Biz Hive™ members are savvy and well connected… these people could be future collab partners, networking connections, and more. I, Melyssa, will also be frequenting the Facebook group to make sure your questions get answered.BONUS #7: 6 MONTHS OF GROUP COACHING + Virtual Co-Working Days ($1,997 VALUE)mg_bbh-mockup-bonus-virtualcoworkingdays6 MONTHS OF GROUP COACHING+ Virtual Co-Working Days**Pro and Exclusive Tiers Only**Want extra hand-holding, accountability, and personalized advice? If you enroll in BBH with either the Pro or Exclusive tier, you’ll get SIX MONTHS of group coaching calls and virtual co-working days.What are these special bonuses?Group Coaching Calls are when I’m on-camera, answering any and all of your questions LIVE. I’m there to offer feedback, discuss personal-to-you challenges, and help you craft your own unique plan of action. You’ll also have the opportunity to hop on with me to do a one-on-one hot seat where I’ll help you figure out a solution to a big problem you’re currently having…within minutes!During our Virtual Co-Working Days, you’ll come with ONE item you want to work on — it could be anything from creating an opt-in incentive to recording your e-course videos. I’ll be live on camera for several hours (to answer any Qs you might have), while YOU will be working on your big project at the same time as other BBH students. These days offer major accountability and motivation.We will have a group coaching session and virtual co-working day every month for six months, starting in January 2017.Most blogs fail.I’m going to show you how to be the exception.It’s not about luck. And that’s a good thing.Creating a profitable blog is about learning and implementing the proven strategies for turning your blog into a business.As it turns out, successful bloggers have a few tricks up their sleeves. Wouldn’t you like to know how they do it? I can’t wait to share them with you in Blog to Biz Hive.sales-bg-15LogoBetween now and DECEMBER 20th,you can join Blog to Biz Hive™12Days07Hours26Minutes34SecondsENROLL NOWin blog to biz hivelindsayMy blog traffic literally doubled every single month for 6 months! It’s crazy. I also followed the step-by-step system exactly how you outlined it in the course and made $1,000 on my first webinar!I took BBH because I did not have the time to figure this out myself. It would have taken me hours and hours to figure all of this out on my own. So, when Blog to Biz Hive came out, it’s exactly what I needed! It’s been a game changer.LINDSAY, etsy shop strategistmindySince joining Blog to Biz Hive, I’ve tripled my traffic, grew my email list to 2,500 subscribers, and made $3,000 from my course launch.I followed other bloggers and they were teaching me things that weren’t working. I was getting no traffic and I didn’t have any products to sell. Now I’m getting tons of traffic and subscribers after implementing all of the strategies in Melyssa’s BBH course.I fully, 100% trust everything Melyssa teaches so I decided to join her course and I’m so glad I did. I would join again in a heartbeat!mindy, copic marker teachermeagenSince signing up for BBH, my blog traffic has doubled each month, my Pinterest account is on fire, and I have a newsletter system in place. And you wanna know the best part? I didn’t have to spend hours upon hours searching the internet trying to find the answers.Melyssa does an A+ job explaining everything you need to turn your blog into your business while making it fun. Now that I’m gaining followers, seeing insane blog growth, and most importantly understand what in the heck I am doing, I’m planning my first course and I cannot friggin’ wait to release it! Meagen, graphic designerLEAHI got way more than I had bargained for! The course took me through a step-by-step process from really thinking about my audience and narrowing my niche, to creating a profitable product and a web-based business I could build on.Blog to Biz Hive isn’t just a course about blogging, it’s an all-encompassing program to help turn blogging as a hobby into a full-time job you love. The support from the BBH community was invaluable and I would highly recommend this course to both new and seasoned bloggersLEAH GREY of grey ministriessarahI’ve been blogging for a long time and I thought I knew everything already. But deep down, I knew I didn’t know it all because if I did, I would have already done it all already!One thing I loved about BBH was that my accountability partners and I were all at the same level and we helped keep each other accountable and grow. We’re really close now and still talk all the time!sarah, writing and media coachOnce you have the skills from Blog to Biz Hive™, it’ll be so much easier to multiply your income again and again.The whole point of Blog to Biz Hive is to show you how to grow your audience and then create a scalable, digital course that will make your money back many times over. The best part is you don’t need to over-complicate this whole business thing. I won’t lie: the system takes time + work to implement, but anyone can do it (no matter how long you’ve been blogging or which niche you’re in!).Blog to Biz Hive includes four years of strategies and lessons that have helped me use my blog to grow a community of over 100,000 and an annual income of over a million dollars. Now that’s a great return on your investment!I’ve done the work of experimenting, researching, and implementing and now you have the opportunity to steal my strategies to create your own online empire. Think about how much time and money you’d save by joining Blog to Biz Hive… by finally knowing the exact path you need to take to reach success.Join now to take advantage of a system that works and start rapidly growing your blog’s audience and income.Are you willing to wait another year to grow your audience and turn your blog into a business or do you want to start having big wins right NOW?Join Blog to Biz Hive™Blog to Biz Hive™ is for you if you want to create a profitable blog over the next few months.You’re going to fall head over heels for Blog to Biz Hive if…You have a blog that you’re passionate about and would LOVE if you could turn it into your full-time income. Some of my past students include those in the health and nutrition, design, k-12 education, business, art, travel, and sewing niches.You’re interested in selling e-courses, but you don’t know where to begin or how to create and sell them.You’ve struggled to grow your audience or engagement and just wish people cared more about what you create.You’re SO OVER trying outdated strategies you found on random websites, feeling overwhelmed, and not knowing if you’re doing things right. You want a system that works.You’ve been trying to make money online for a while now, and you’re frustrated and feeling like you’re “not cut out” for success. It’s not true!I have to be honest. You’re not going to love Blog to Biz Hive™ if you’re looking for a way to “get rich quick.”Blog to Biz Hive’s system works incredibly well and is much, much faster than trying to figure everything out on your own, but only if you’re willing to put in the time and do the tasks.I aim to make things as SIMPLE as possible, because I know that many of my students have full-time jobs, children, or other obligations, but you need to be willing to do the work, too.This course is also best for people who already have a blog — even a brand new one — and want to take it to the next level ASAP.sales-bg-15Here are some good signs that you should not join Blog to Biz Hive:sales-bg-44You’re looking for something that will help you earn oodles of cash overnight without having to do much of anything (good luck with that).sales-bg-45You don’t have a blog and don’t plan to start one anytime soon. (It’s okay if you don’t have a blog YET…but you should plan to start one soon after joining the course).sales-bg-46You want something that will show you how to earn money from sidebar ads and brand sponsorships. This is a course about building YOUR brand, not someone else’s.Wistia video thumbnailMEET eve, sewing and fashion design teacherEve was worried that you can only make money from e-courses…if you teach people how to make money online. But since starting BBH as a sewing and fashion instructor, she’s added 260 people to her e-course waitlist in preparation of her upcoming launch. Watch her interview to hear about her specific stats and major growth.Wistia video thumbnailMEET carla, instagram e-course teacherCarla went from restaurant owner to e-course teacher in order to take her offline skills to the online world. She now helps food bloggers and start-ups in the food industry. She recently launched her Instagram for food bloggers course to her 250-person list and made over $1,000 in 3 days. Watch Carla’s interview to learn more!Wistia video thumbnailMEET Elizabeth, productivity + organization e-course teacherElizabeth went through BBH as a full-time mom, grad/PhD student, and Amazon shop owner…so it’s safe to say she’s a busy woman! Yet, in a few months, she grew her list from 0 to 1,300+ and her traffic from 30 to 1,000 pageviews per day. Check out her interview to hear great insights on how to achieve success online even when you’re crazy busy.It’s ok if you’re nervous or have doubts. Once you get inside Blog to Biz Hive, it’ll all start to click together.bbhWhen you see the lessons and strategies in Blog to Biz Hive, you’ll have so many “aha” moments that you’ll want to get to work right away.It makes me so ecstatic when I see that lightbulb go on for BBH students so quickly because here’s what I know for sure:It’s time for you to turn your blog into a profitable system and community where you get to help people, where you’re seen as a leader, and where you’re able to dramatically grow your income.This is your chance to follow your dreams, to help hundreds (if not thousands!) of people, and to earn an income that excites you.Don’t let this opportunity pass.It’s time to take action.If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today?-STEVE JOBSsales-bg-49So who is this Blog + Biz expert showing you the ropes?Yo. I’m your teacher,Melyssa Griffin.I lead an ever-growing community where I help bloggers and online entrepreneurs grow their tribes and earn a full-time income online. I’ve tried almost every business model out there, like selling handmade greeting cards, collaborating with big brands, and running a six-figure web design studio.Now, as an e-course instructor, I’ve taught more than 5,000 paid students and grew my business to over $1 million in less than 3 years. I also lead over 40,000 hustlers in my Facebook group and have a community of over 100,000 entrepreneurs on my email list. And I’ve done all of this by using my blog as the foundation of my empire.But things weren’t always so sweet. Back when I started my blog, I was living on $30k/year as a teacher, feeling lost, uncreative, and bored out of my mind. What started on a whim quickly grew to become one of the most powerful decisions of my life and I’m grateful every day for this business and community I’ve created online.So even if you’re new to blogging, have an audience of 1 (your mom), or have no idea what to create a course about, Blog to Biz Hive will become your online academy for making big things happen.mg_pgl-salespage-moneybackguaranteeYou get 60 Days to test run Blog to Biz Hive™.If you don’t love it, I’ll give you a full refund.Not sure if Blog to Biz Hive is right for you? Well, I’m giving you TWO FULL MONTHS to try my strategies. If you reach out within 60 days after enrollment to let me know that you’re not seeing any growth with the program, I’ll happily give you a full refund.I’m offering this unusually lengthy money-back guarantee because I believe so strongly in the contents of Blog to Biz Hive and I want you to see how game-changing this course can be, risk-free.Are you ready to take a leap and turn your blog into a business?Join Blog to Biz Hive™ NowYou’ve got questions? I’ve got answers.WHAT WILL WE COVER AT THE IN-PERSON WORKSHOP IN LOS ANGELES? What if I’m brand-spankin’ new to blogging? What if I’ve already been in business for a couple of years? Do you offer any refunds or guarantees? How long do I have access to this course? What format is the course content delivered in? Are you going to make me buy a bunch of expensive software? What kinds of industries does this work for? LogoBetween now and DECEMBER 20TH,you can join Blog to Biz Hive™12Days07Hours26Minutes34SecondsClassic7 monthly payments of$97Entire 7-Module CourseFacebook CommunityImpressive Ads: How to Use Facebook Ads to Grow Your List + Increase SalesBeginner + Advanced Launch Master PlansSell Out Your Course With Affiliates – VIP BONUS10-Part Launch Email Sequence – VIP BONUSStrategic Accountability Partner6 Months of Group Coaching Calls (With 1-1 Hot Seats)6 Months of Virtual Co-Working DaysLIVE 2-Day Workshop With Melyssa in Los Angeles in AprilENROLL NOWPro6 monthly payments of$197Entire 7-Module CourseFacebook CommunityImpressive Ads: How to Use Facebook Ads to Grow Your List + Increase SalesBeginner + Advanced Launch Master PlansSell Out Your Course With Affiliates – VIP BONUS10-Part Launch Email Sequence – VIP BONUSStrategic Accountability Partner6 Months of Group Coaching Calls (With 1-1 Hot Seats)6 Months of Virtual Co-Working DaysLIVE 2-Day Workshop With Melyssa in Los Angeles in AprilENROLL NOWExclusive6 monthly payments of$397Entire 7-Module CourseFacebook CommunityImpressive Ads: How to Use Facebook Ads to Grow Your List + Increase SalesBeginner + Advanced Launch Master PlansSell Out Your Course With Affiliates – VIP BONUS10-Part Launch Email Sequence – VIP BONUSStrategic Accountability Partner6 Months of Group Coaching Calls (With 1-1 Hot Seats)6 Months of Virtual Co-Working DaysLIVE 2-Day Workshop With Melyssa in Los Angeles in April(Learn more here!)

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