Copy Boss by Elizabeth McKenzie

Copy Boss by Elizabeth McKenzie

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Old Price: $49.90

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Copy Boss by Elizabeth McKenzie Free

Copy Boss

Write Clear Compelling Copy That Sells Out Your Offerings Every Time.

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Everyone’s bragging about sales, clicks, conversions and you’re over here screaming into an internet black hole.

Hello - is anyone reading?!

What am I, invisible?

Exhausted with the amount of time and energy you put into marketing everyday and not a single sale to show for it?

Think you’ve got a community of crickets instead of actual people following you?

Annoyed that after spending all your money building your list, nothing’s happening?

No one writes back to you.

No one takes action.

No one is buying from you.

Before you declare your business to be over, here’s what you need to know:
Copy. Is. Everything.
It starts with your message.
And it finishes with HOW you say it, and the words you USE.

It’s time to write the kind of copy that sends your audience into a buying frenzy.

And you don’t need a masters degree in writing.

Or a single creative bone in your body.

Because writing for selling isn’t for tortured artists. Or wordsmiths. Or geniuses.

It’s a learnable skill.

And it's a skill you must learn if you're going to run a crazy successful business.

Because there are two ways your writing can go down:

1. You bore your readers to death who quickly try and save themselves by unsubscribing from your business and avoiding you like the plague.

2. You delight your readers with every word they read, creating obsession-worthy words where they can't wait to open your emails, soak up your sentences, and pay you.

When you learn how to write simply persuasive + compelling copy, here's what happens:

// Your lead magnet and free gift gets click throughs that cost you less.

// Your email open rates are the best in the business.

// Your sales page turns browsers to buyers in the blink of an eye.

// Your community members turn into your clients every single time they read your posts.

// Your Facebook post engagement increases in a world where algorithm's are out to get you.

// Your ad copy brings all the warm leads to the yard, and they're like: OMG I want what she's selling.

It's exactly what happened to my client, Ashleigh.

Ashleigh came to me with an email welcome series that wasn’t getting any sales, I knew we needed to look at what she was saying and how she was saying it.

People were joining her list.

Her ads were working.

But once people had joined her list, they weren’t doing anything.

No one was buying!

Before Ashleigh started planning the funeral for her business, here’s what I told her:

You list isn’t dead, but your copy is trying to assassinate them.

We took Ashleigh's core message and put it through Copy Boss. Ashleigh learnt how to write her emails in a clear compelling + persuasive way.

The result? Ashleigh went on to sell $28,400 worth of coaching packages in the 2 months since we implemented it.

Ashleigh isn't alone.

Every single successful entrepreneur has mastered the skill of copywriting, including myself.

Writing persuasive copy helped me crack 6 figures in 6 months straight out the gates without knowing famous entrepreneur friends, attending networking events or working with the most expensive mentors.

I did it all with my words.

Writing great copy has allowed to me to consistently run Facebook Ads that are cheaper than the industry average, meaning I'm getting instant return on investment.

Writing persuasive copy has given me the reach to change the lives of thousands and thousands of entrepreneurs.

Writing compelling copy has given me the creativity to show up and convert community members to clients on a daily basis.

Writing clear copy has allowed me to express myself. My truth. My message. My soul's work. And I get paid to do it.

Here's your truth:

You’re an expert.

A truth teller.

You've got a message to change the world.

The blood, sweat, tears + trials you've been through have given you an edge.

You're more than enough to get paid for your gifts.

But when your ability to communicate falls flat chested, so does your business.

The reason you’re not making the level of impact you desire isn’t because you’re not worthy.

It’s because you haven’t communicated why you’re the worthy choice.

The reason you're not making the level of income isn’t because you're not enough.

It’s because you don’t know how to communicate in a way that shows people you are.
Don't let bad copy kill your business.
Your copy could be the sneaky assassin that’ll infiltrate every area of your business, killing your sales silently.
Or it could be your best business asset.

Double Your Monthly Income.

10 x Your Bottom Line.

$25,000 In 2 Months.

$10,000 Cash Injection.

$40,000 Monthly Sales.

150 Monthly Members + Counting.

20 New Clinic Clients A Week.

Your Articles Featured In Prominent Online Magazines.

Double Your Website Traffic.
All from your words.
It's possible.
Ashleigh, Hollie, Rachele, Katherine, Nicole, Hafsa + Kelly did it.
Are You Next?


Copy Boss

Write Clear Compelling + Persuasive Copy That Increases Your Sales Every Time.

Copy Boss is a digital program for entrepreneurs who want to sell out their services, launches, products + offerings every single time, without breaking a sweat or sounding like a sleazeball.


// Streaming + downloadable videos

// MP3s + Cliffnotes

// Worksheets

// Copy templates

// Your own learning hub

// Bonus resources and tools

“I’ve had the confidence to close between $40 - 50K in sales this last month off the back of this training which is huge. Including my first pre-paid consulting client, so I’m over the moon.

— Katherine, Boutique South America

“I clarified my message and found my people. I’m writing better emails that actually get replies. My website sells because people want to keep reading. My Facebook ads actually work, so no more spending a bucket load of money for nothing.

This isn’t just a copywriting course. Elizabeth will help you find your message, your people and your voice. This course will help you overhaul your business for the better.

— Tara Fitness, The Healthy Parent Project

The Curriculum

What you're going to learn in each module.

If you want people to pay you, you're going to need to to have a solid message, movement + opinion as your foundation. In this module you'll:

>> Discover the key framework for developing true confidence to show up and share you work with the world.

>> Unlock the easiest way to kill competition and never drown in the sea of sameness

>> Find your voice and leverage it to become the worthy choice, making you the go-to person in your industry.

>> Learn how to grow you impact with a message that moves the masses into action and into a buying state of mind.

>> Understand the exact language you must use to speak to your clients so they say HELL YES.

Module 1: The Balls, Brains + Basics

Your email, your blog post, your sales page + your FB ad all have the same goal: to convert. But how you get that sale depends on the technique you use to write it. In this module you'll:

>> Master the art of crafting high converting offers

>> Build instant trust and rapport using storytelling to convert browsers into loyal buyers

>> Learn how to write emotional copy

>> Discover your expert opinion that express it in a way that sets you up as the authority in your industry.

>> Create persuasive outcome focussed copy that is everything your clients have ever dreamed of and more.
Module 2:The Copy Skills

The tricks of the trade. The secret of the ooze. I'm giving them to you in this module. In this module you'll:

>> Get the 9 copy cures that'll transform any piece of copy you've already written without starting from scratch.

>> Discover the framework for writing and editing so you can produce high quality copy every single time.

>> Leverage your own brand story into your clients story and watch them swoon over your sales page until they buy.

>> Transform your subject lines and headlines into attention grabbing copy that hooks your readers in and gets them all the way to the buy now button.

>> Use my sleaze-proof selling formula that shows you how to consistently make offers that sell.

>> Get the simple one minute edits to transform your copy from boring to brilliant.
Module 3: The Copy Cures

Each and every word carries a certain wattage. Every word you choose matters. Emails, website, blogs + articles, advertising, funnels, social media and more. In this module you'll

>> Get my failproof check list to writing your entire email welcome and nurture series that'll convert your brand new community members to clients, without waiting months to build rapport.

>> Use my Sales Page Checklist and make sure you're hitting all the right spots to get your HELL YES happening every single time.

>> Learn how to communicate your core message on your home page.

>> Master writing about yourself with my Eyes On You About Page template.

>> Craft Facebook Ads that have the best conversions in the industry.

>> Get the 5 must have articles on your website that ooze authority.

>> Learn to leverage your copy with every launch using my Launch Messages model.
Module 4: The Copy Places

“The course felt like an absolute game changer for me. It gave me a direct line to accessing my opinion and more confidence to share it. This is a must-do course for any femme-boss! I’ve gotten so much positive feedback from my social media posts, and people booking tickets for my events solely from these posts.

— Tamara, Wolf Sister
We do things differently at Copy Boss.

We don’t focus on the latest internet marketing fads. We get to the root of what makes you special in your unique business and communicate it in a way that’s authentic, genuine, and totally exciting for you.

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ENROL NOW AND get the trainings That'll boost your bottom line, free

I'll walk you through the 5 step process I use when naming products + services. You'll learn how to name what you're selling in a way that represents the essence of your offering + cuts straight to the core of your community's wants + needs.
How To Name Your Offerings That Make It An Instant HELL YES Playbook.

Valued at $97. Yours FREE when you join Copy Boss.

Consistency is the key to success so I'm going to show you how to always know exactly what to say + share so you'll always be on top of your game.

Plus, knowing you'll never stare at a blank page again means you can go back to bed and watch reruns of Younger guilt-free knowing your content is working for you.
How To Write Consistent Content That Doesn't Bore Your Reader's To Death

Valued: $97. Yours FREE when you join Copy Boss

Your Thank You Page is the fastest way to turn your new found fan into a buyer.

And not just a once off ‘tight ass’ buyer. Psychology of selling states that once people have bought from you they’re more likely to purchase something else. Even if they’ve purchased something that’s dirt cheap.

So let's turn your business into a cash cow with this template.
Thank You Page Cash Machine Template

Valued: $97. Yours FREE when you join Copy Boss.

You Ready To Write Or Die?

Because miscommunication is a business killer.


For the ones who're ready to do it differently.

For the ones who're ready to work those back muscles and stand tall.

For the ones who're jaded AF with the online business world and ready to rage out of the “stock” standard cage and do it their way.

For the ones ready to be seen as the leaders they were born to be.

For the ones who’re ready to stand out instead of shrink their personalities into a system.

For the ones ready to spit opinions like Beyonce spits out lemonade.

For the ones who'll never be caught in the current, swept up in the sea of sameness.

For the whisky drinkers. The life lovers and the business owners who say: fuck the hustle.

For the wordsmiths waiting in the wings.

For the ones who have a message to live and die for.

For the ones who're ready to write words that sell their work.

Because the stock standard business scene doesn't seem to be working for you now, and I can guarantee it ain’t going to magically start working for you in the future.
Let’s Sum It All Up.

The way to turn your little business into a big impact business that makes more money than it spends:

Write Persuasive Copy That Actually Does What It's Supposed To: SELL.

Meet Your Instructor + Copy Coach

Oh hi there, I'm Elizabeth + I like to sit in alleyways smiling.

I’m Elizabeth McKenzie.

Creative copywriter, screenwriter + the creator of Copy Boss.

All things words are my jam.

And I make a full time living in my business all by using my words.

I’m allergic to boring, buzzwords, wanky words, crafted-within-an-inch-of-its-life copy, airy-fairy concepts that no one cares about, and anything stock standard.

I have a marketing + communication degree, so crafting copy that's marketable and sellable comes included with this pretty face (no matter how many times I try to drown my university days with bourbon).

I’m also a Master of Speech Pathology. As in if you have a stutter I could freaking treat you.


I've got one and I ain’t afraid to use it.

Personality. Let's give yours a bottle of champagne and never shut her up again.

Your quirks, your opinions, your thoughts, your stories.

Your words are what make you worth paying.

“You’re funny, honest and a damn good copywriter. I wish we lived in the same city so we could drink champs together!

— Elise Danielle

Fist bump me, yo!

The Proof Is In These Copy Bosses

I’ve spent thousands on coaching and other programs and have not learnt as much or been able to implement as much as Copy Boss.

You have reconnected me to my message, purpose, my own belief in myself and my intuition that had gone missing in the last few months.

I’ve had the confidence to close between $40 - 50K in sales this last month off the back of this training which is huge. Including my first pre-paid consulting client, so I’m over the moon.)

Elizabeth was instrumental in doubling my monthly income. I've taken my business from about $3-4k a month to $8k a month in memberships and sales.

Elizabeth is amazing in every single way. Funny, real, passionate, detailed and she cares so much about helping YOU. The BEST investment I ever made in my business hands down..

I’ve had about $10K in sales since joining Copy Boss. As a copywriter myself, I’ve implemented everything I’ve learnt not only with my own copy, but with my clients, too.

I love how you support everyone to go their own unique way with a solid framework rather than jamming the same steps down everyone’s throat.

“One of my recent articles has appeared on Mama Mia!

Without the Copy Boss Crew, and Elizabeth’s amazing advice and guidance I wouldn’t have ever been brave enough to write articles on what I was passionate about.

— Nicole Knox-Gray

“I’ve got more confidence about writing copy, and I’ve learnt how a business can run successfully and grow quickly via communication and engaged community.

Copy Boss is effective AF. Do the work and you will get the rewards.

— Ceri, Healthy Party Girl

“I clarified my message and found my people. I’m writing better emails that actually get replies. My website sells because people want to keep reading. My Facebook ads actually work, so no more spending a bucket load of money for nothing.

This isn’t just a copywriting course. Elizabeth will help you find your message, your people and your voice. This course will help you overhaul your business for the better.

— Tara, Fitness By Fitness

“The course felt like an absolute game changer for me.

It gave me a direct line to accessing my opinion and more confidence to share it. This is a must-do course for any femme-boss!

I’ve gotten so much positive feedback from my social media posts, and people booking tickets for my events solely from these posts.

— Tamara, Wolf Sister

“Copy Boss has legitimately been the best investment I’ve made for my biz to date. The support was second to none.

I was honestly surprised how all encompassing the course material was. Not only did I learn how to create epic copy, I was able to get super clear on my message and finally grow some balls to share it with the world.

Oh, and me? I’ve sold a spot to a course that hasn’t launched yet, overhauled my entire website and finally started to create a funnel to increase my list! I feel SO much more confident in my biz and you’ve given me a new found energy and excitement about it!

— Elise Danielle

“I did Round 2 of Copy Boss and it is hands down the best course I ever invested in and I have invested in about 10 courses in the last 2 years!

Elizabeth has cared more and invested significantly in my biz even after the course closed. I can honestly say if I had not done this course I would have missed out big time.

P.s. I didn’t know Elizabeth before finding her on Facebook and now I feel like I have a business and copy coach on my side. so so gooddddd!!!!!

— Michele Wienstien
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You've got a question? I've got the answers.


Shouldn't I just hire a copywriter?

You've already done that, haven't you? That didn’t work.

You’ve probably invested heavily in your business in the past. You’ve probably fallen for the fear-mongering marketing tactics and spent thousands of dollars on a formula only to be disappointed and jaded by the whole experience.

It’s scared you off investing anymore and so you’re trying to do it all on your own but you’re pretty much the Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman you see in the car park of vacuum cleaner stores.

Your eyes hurt so much from rolling them every time you get on Facebook and read the same drivel coming out of so called ‘top of the tier’ gurus.

You’re stuck between a rock and a hard place because you hate selling and being sold to, but know you need to sell to make this business thang happen.

Copy Boss will teach you to use your words to market better + sell easier.

What is the program format?

Copy Boss is taught via all the medias. Video, audio, transcripts + fun worksheets to match your learning style. Not only will you see my precious face, but you'll also see my screen where I'll explain and demonstrate the concepts you'll be learning, kind of like we're in the same room together.

Do I need to submit assignments?

Nope. Down with homework! This isn't school. The course is designed for you to be able to implement the strategies into your business immediately + see instant results

Are instalments automatically processed each month?

Yes. Our super high tech and secure system means you don't have to transfer money manually to me every month. Woohoo! Of course, when taking up the instalment plan, you agree to pay the balance in full. Remember, this isn't a monthly membership, you'll be making repayments on something you already committed to and received.

Is there are money back guarantee?

Yep. I got your back. Take us for a spin and test drive Copy Boss for 14 days, 100% risk free.

Give the modules a go. Implement the education. Do the work. If, for any reason, you’re not satisfied, write to me within 14 days, and submit proof that you did the course work.

If you do the full course work, submit your proof within 14 days and don’t feel that it worked for you, I’ll promptly refund your course fee. And I'll send you a tub of ice-cream to drown your copy-sorrows.

Why do some testimonials mention Cash, Copy + Cojones or CCC?

Copy Boss was originally called Cash, Copy + Cojones. Since it's conception over 2 years ago and after listening closely to my crew, the course has morphed and changed into the Copy Boss it is today. 

Old Price: $49.90

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