Email Catalyst By Kasey Luck

Email Catalyst By Kasey Luck

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Old Price: $39.90

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Email Catalyst
Grow Your Email List of Qualified Business Leads And Brand Ambassadors

Enroll in Course for $350

My very first job was selling conferences with a $500 price tag for 500 Startups (the world’s most active venture fund and startup accelerator).

I thought: well, how many people would buy a day in a dark hotel ballroom with a bunch of strangers for $500?

We sold out almost every time.

The secret?

An email list.

Of course you have to count in the reputation 500 Startups already had in the tech community, but the fact of the matter is, 86% of our sales came from a moderate-sized, but engaged and loyal email list.

Not social media, not paid marketing, but good ol’ email.

It wasn’t until I left 500 Startups, started my blog (yeah, it’s about email marketing – I know I’m a geek), and then started a new job as the Head of Marketing at HACK Temple that I realized just how much goes into building an email list like that from scratch.

At HACK Temple, I was a one-person team, responsible for ALL demand-generating activities, with an emphasis on building a big email list.

I was excited by the challenge, but the more I worked, the more I felt like there were a million things I wanted to do, but couldn’t because I was the only person.

Coming up with ideas to get lots of users was a lot harder than I had thought.

As I was dragged into the day-to-day operations and minutia, the big picture (aka strategy) kept slipping away from me.

If I could only figure out a way to build an automated funnel that effectively moved people into my email list and then into the user base, I’d be all set.

After trial and (lots of) error, that’s what I did. I finally took a step back, put the big picture together and developed a step-by-step plan for attracting more users to my product and systematically converting them into paying clients.
Introducing Email Catalyst

My name is Kasey Luck. I am the founder and Chief Email Mastermind at Bold & Zesty.

Over the past 2 years, I’ve grown three email lists by over 40,000 subscribers in total and used them to effectively sell products with price tags ranging from $25 to $6,000.

I’ve tried a few dozens strategies for growing an email list, got lost in the sea of “tactics” and “sure-fire ways” to do everything, and then found my way back again. With the amount of generalized and mediocre content out there, it’s easy to fall into the same trap — but I don’t want you to!

Using scattered blog posts and podcasts, advice from experts and colleagues, and mostly trial and error, it took me 2 years to learn strategies that actually work. And then I realized that this journey can be a lot shorter if packaged and delivered correctly, and that’s why I decided to create this course.

I packaged the best strategies I know for acquiring email subscribers into this course to help YOU grow your email list of qualified business leads and your brand ambassadors.

Over the past 3 years I’ve worked with dozens of startups and larger companies like 500 Startups, helping them with email marketing, lead generation and email copywriting. My writing has been featured on The Huffington Post Business, Jeff Bullas, and VentureBeat, among others.
The crazy part?

This time two years ago, I didn’t really know what “email marketing” was. I came into a marketing role with almost no background (because, let’s be honest, a Bachelor’s degree in “Business Administration” is not good prep for a world of digital marketing).

Now, I reach tens of thousands of people (who know and trust me), and can effectively deliver my message to them…all because of one thing…

Yup! My email list.
What Topics Does the Course Cover?

I created this course curriculum with the mindset that every strategy I cover should be worth every second of your time. You’ll learn 6 comprehensive, methodical approaches to growing an email list that you can implement right now.

Every strategy is effective (makes a real difference to your list), approachable (you can implement it in 5-20 hours), and cost-effective (aims to bring the maximum results with minimal investment).

Module 1. Vital Website Optimizations

Instead of creating something brand-new, you’ll start by optimizing what you already have — you website — to get 10X results for you and convert more of your traffic into email subscribers.

Module 2. Content Upgrades

You’ll learn the step-by-step approach for how to create, set up, and deliver content upgrades, and most importantly, how to psychologically craft your blog posts to maximize conversions, double your work pay-off, and grow your pipeline of business leads and email subscribers.

Module 3. Smart Guest Blogging

You’ll learn how find and tap into existing communities with your exact target audience, and use a smart guest blogging strategy to pull them into your email list.

Module 4. Co-Hosted Webinars

You’ll learn how to create and host your first webinar, and how to leverage strategically-aligned communities and brands to turn webinars into a list-building machine.

Module 5. Email Referral Programs

Wouldn’t it be nice if your existing subscribers did the work of growing your email list? In this module, you’ll learn how to create effective email referral campaigns (aka ambassador programs) that are easy to set up, and work on autopilot and grow your email list consistently.

Module 6. Cold Lead Generation & Cold Email Copywriting

Cold email tactics are usually reserved for sales people, but I learned that mastering cold lead generation techniques and cold email copywriting improved everything I do. You’ll learn how to find an email for anyone, build large lists of cold prospect cheaply, and write cold emails that get 80%+ open rate and 15%+ reply rate.

Module 7. Cold Email Campaigns

This module is a cherry on top of everything you’ve learned in the course — here you’ll learn how to set up massive cold email campaigns, and send hundreds of personalized emails that look like one-to-one communication in 3 clicks. You’ll also learn how to go beyond cold email and integrate your campaigns with your email list, CRM, and Facebook audiences.

Class Details: Here Is What You Will Get

Here is what your course will include:

Full Email Catalyst course (7 modules, plus all future updates)
Resources section for each module: worksheets, guides, examples
Comparative charts of tech solutions for essential tasks (ESPs, webinar tools, optin builder tools, etc.)
Checklists for each strategy you learn
2 live Q&A sessions with me
A private Facebook community feedback forum with fellow students (use it to ask questions, share experience, hold yourself accountable, even find potential collaborators & partners beyond the scope of this course)
Slide presentation downloads
How will you get access to the course? Immediately after purchasing, you’ll be sent a private link where you can jump in and start the course immediately. You could literally be watching a workshop 5 minutes from now.

This course is grounded in proven principles and strategies that worked for me after extensive testing, trial and error. The course is broken down into digestible step-by-step video lessons (10-20 minutes) that allow you to easily dive into each strategy and revisit specific parts of it without it getting too overwhelming.

At the end of each module is an easy-to-follow checklist and detailed action steps, so you can methodically implement what you’ve learned. No guesswork. Just follow the plan.
Who Is This Course For?

I designed this course for people who do marketing at startups and small businesses — depending on circumstances, these could be founders, first marketing hires, or digital marketing consultants who get hired by startups and SMBs.

This course is for you if:

You have a general understanding of digital marketing and want to dive deep into email as a revenue channel.
You’ve already worked with email, but your knowledge is fragmented, so you want a more comprehensive understanding of how to grow your email list effectively and efficiently.
You don’t have much patience for theory and want to learn actionable strategies that you can implement right away.
You don’t want to do any guesswork on tech and tools again, and have somebody just tell you which tools makes the most sense for which purposes and why.
This course is NOT for you if:

You are an advanced email marketer and have attracted over 10,000 subscribers to your email list(s).
Email is not one of your primary channels because your target audience is not on email (for example, college students).
More specifically, this course is ideal for:

Email marketers at B2B companies looking to grow their company email list and attract more leads into the business pipeline.
Marketing Directors at B2B companies looking for high-quality onboarding material for marketers who do email on their team.
Digital Marketing Consultants and Agencies looking to grow their clients’ lists with more high-quality, engaged subscribers. You’ll also learn cold email outreach techniques that will expand your reach and help you start conversations with more prospective clients.
Online business owners and bloggers looking to grow their email list so they can monetize their blog.

30-day money back. NO questions asked.
If the course didn’t live up to your expectations and didn’t help you attract new subscribers, you can get 100% of your money back within 30 days of the purchase.

Question of the year

A question I get often is “Why would I want to pay you when I can just google “email marketing” and read all those articles Google serves up?”

Let me ask you an honest question: if there is so much free information online, why is your email list still small, or your subscribers are unengaged and don’t buy?

If your list is 10K+ subs strong and engaged, then this course is not for you, so just close the window and go make a sandwich.

If you’re still here, I want to talk to you.

This course is a systemized combination of everything I learned from experience over 2 years of doing email marketing. I only teach strategies that are tested and proven over time, unlike many blog posts that are collections of paragraphs from five other blog posts.

I don’t just give you a tactic here and there (which, it’s true, you can easily get online for free). I teach a systematic, methodical approach for attracting your target persona to your email list, the end goal of which is to increase your revenues.

Too much of online advice is centered around getting one metric up, without looking at the big picture. Moreover, 92% of articles on email marketing focus on vanity metrics, with no perspective or deep understanding of how email complements other functions, from other marketing channels to sales.

(My favorite is the frequent advice on cleaning your list and getting open rates from 10% to 15%, which, when you do the math, reduces the number of actual opens by hundreds or thousands of people, depending on the size of the list.)

This course presents the most effective, actionable information, sparing wordy intro’s and fancy phrasing, and valuing your time above all else. If you’re ready to advance in email marketing and value your time, this course is for you.
“Kasey did fantastic work for us at 500, especially re: growing our in-house marketing database and email lists. she helped perform list segmentation and customization, wrote copy & produced custom graphics, reviewed email analytics & open rate / clickthru metrics — these efforts resulted in us substantially growing our events and conferences business & attendees. she’s super awesome :)”

– Dave McClure, Founding Partner, 500 Startups

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Your Instructor

Kasey Luck
Kasey Luck
Kasey Luck helps entrepreneurs grow their email lists and convert subscribers into users. She runs Bold & Zesty, leads local evens for email marketers, and heads up growth marketing at a fast-growing San Francisco startup HACK Temple.
Previously she did event marketing at the world’s most active venture fund in the world, 500 Startups, where she grew their email list by 25,000+ subscribers in one year.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I expense this?
Yes! Your employer / manager is interested in you becoming more equipped with the strategies taught in this course, so they should be happy to cover the costs of your education. Many companies have a standard monthly or annual allocation for covering employees’ educational expenses, but even if your company doesn’t, here’s an email template ( to send your manager with details and arguments for why this will be a valuable investment for them.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
If the course didn’t live up to your expectations and didn’t help you attract new subscribers to your list, you can get 100% of your money back within 30 days of the purchase.
For how long will I have access to the course material?
You get a lifetime access to everything in the course, including all future additions and a growing private community of peers.
Will this course continue to be updated? And will I get free access to future versions?
Yes! This will be the flagship Bold & Zesty product and it will be updated on a regular basis. Once you are enrolled, all future versions are free at no cost.
How involved is the accountability schedule? Is there any type of continued support as far as accountability goes? What does it look like?
There are a few aspects to this. First, there is a Chrome plugin that you have the option to add to your computer. It monitors your list growth and shows your progress every time you open a Chrome tab to keep you in the list-growing mindset. Also, each lesson includes concrete action steps for implementing the strategies you learned step-by-step. In addition to that, you can pick an accountability buddy in the private Facebook group for this course and help each other stay on track.
How much time will this take?
Each lesson in the course can be studied in 30 to 60 minutes. As far as implementation, that depends on your experience level, skill and how quickly you learn. While I can’t guarantee anything, I am trying to design it so that anyone with a base skill set can implement the tactics with 1-2 hours per day. If you take 30 minutes per day to study the material and 1.5 hours per day to implement what you learn, the whole course should take you about two months to go through (implementing each and every strategy!). The best part is that you have a lifetime access to the course, which means you can choose your own pace, come back to modules you want to polish, and come back to the course once I update it with new material in the future.
How often SHOULD I work on it?
See above. The more you work the faster you go. If you’re looking for a lazy way to build a list, this isn’t the course for you. But if you’re willing to work HARD and follow a proven plan — this will work.
What if I’m literally starting from step 0? No audience. No released products. I have a handful of clients that I/my company have gathered over time in complete
Yes! If you want to learn how to build an email list and convert subscribers into customers, this course is for you. Note, however, that I do *not* teach product-market fit or any product management in this course, so you’ll have to have an idea of what you’re collecting emails for (so you know what kind of content to produce). If you have an idea of that, you can implement all strategies taught here and get the maximum value out of the course. Also note that I do not teach email service provider basics. I DO provide a comparative chart of top email services, so you can choose one that makes sense for you. Once you have an email service provider, they should have enough material in their knowledge base to get you up and running with their service.
Would I have direct access to you for specific questions?
There are 2 live workshops with me that are included in the course — that’s when you get access to me to ask anything you want. I’ll space out the sessions in a way that you get to participate when you’re in different stages of going through the course. I’ll also be jumping in the private FB community group from time to time to answer questions that go answered by other students.
Would it work for a service-based business / B2B / B2C ?
While many of the concepts covered in the course could be used by B2C companies, this program is tailored for B2B. Many strategies I teach are based on intimately knowing your target persona, and it’s much easier to do with B2B. General consumers are less defined, have different buying and online habits, and make decisions in different ways. So if you’re a retail store or e-commerce business, for example: you sell razors or skinny jeans, this is not for you. If you sell a photo sharing or to-do list app that can be used by anyone, this is not for you. However, if you’re selling a highly targeted product and can narrowly define your audience, this course will work great for you. For example, if you sell fitness programs to new moms who are career-focused and have demanding management jobs, this is for you.
Get started now!

Enroll in Course for $350
$350 is cheaper than most conference tickets, and delivers 10X the value compared to what most people take away from a conference (including connections to peers through the private support forum).
$350 is at least 10X cheaper than hiring a email marketing consultant or a coach.
$350 is probably less than what you paid for a fancy piece of electronics last time. And while tech makes our lives easier (or at least more fun), this course is an investment you make in yourself — and you’ll be reaping the benefits for the rest of your lifetime.
$350 is what you pay to learn everything I did over 24 months in 1 or 2 months. If you do the math, that means you’re buying yourself 22 months of time (which you can use to get ahead) for $350, which is $16 per month. Let’s say that on average, you spend 4 hrs per week on professional development. That means you’re buying yourself 16 hours/month at $1/hour. How much is your time worth? If you’re valuing your hour at $10/hour or more, this is a steal deal.

Old Price: $39.90

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