Emotion Sells The Masterclass by Talia Wolf

Emotion Sells The Masterclass by Talia Wolf

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Emotion Sells: The Masterclass

Emotion Sells: The Masterclass
Grow Your Sales and Revenue Using Emotion


The only on-demand training program to show you how emotions move your unique customer to say ‘yes’ time after time

What if you could:

10X the results you get for your business, boss or clients.
10X your salary or the fees you charge
10X your confidence every time you make a change on a page, launch a test or pitch ideas to your boss, client or team.

Custom-designed for digital marketers, founders and freelancers, The ‘Emotion Sells: The Masterclass’ is the missing link in your growth strategy


20+ Easy To Follow Lessons And Video Trainings

The Step-by-step Process I Use To 10x My Clients’ Conversions

All The Templates, Checklists And Insider #Cro Resources

I Use These With All My Clients

5 Live Group Coaching Calls

Where i’ll give you personal feedback and suggestions, keep you accountable, and answer all your questions

3 months of Ongoing Feedback From My Team And I to make sure you succeed.

You can send us your coursework or questions and we’ll reply with specific feedback and suggestions for next steps.

You Also Get To Be A Part Of My Private Community

On facebook (get answers to your questions and connect with fellow students)

Plus, you’ll get the exact framework I used to...

Increase Revenues By 86% on a top fashion E-commerce site

Increase Sign Ups By 316% on a landing page for an online presentation platform

And Increase Paying Users By 304% for a dating service website.

This Masterclass Is Made To Eliminate Every Frustration You Have When It Comes To...

Understanding Your Audience
Fixing The Leaks In Your Funnel
And 10xing Your Conversions

If you want to take the guesswork out of high-converting websites. then,

in just 6 weeks from now, you could:

Get Into Your Customers’ Heads - So you can speak their language, build trust, and increase loyalty.
Fix The Leaks In Your Funnel - So you can double your sales, leads, and downloads.
Make More Money - For your clients or your business over and over again.

If you want to take the guesswork out of high-converting websites. then, in just 6 weeks from now, you could:

GET INTO YOUR CUSTOMERS’ HEADS so you can speak their language, build trust, and increase loyalty.

FIX THE LEAKS in your funnel, so you can double your sales, leads, and downloads.

MAKE MORE MONEY for your clients or your business over and over again.

THIS MASTERCLASS is broken into 4 modules…


We’ll do a complete overview of Emotion Sells: The Masterclass and the step-by-step process we’ll go through to increase your conversions with emotion.

You’ll see exactly why the online world is doing conversion rate optimization wrong—and how you can do it right.
We’ll dive into the the foundations of the emotional targeting framework and review the step-by-step process that uses emotions to grow conversions.

Explore real-life case studies, examples and best practices you can apply in your business immediately.
Understand the 3 most important pillars of emotional targeting and how you can use each one to grow and increase conversion rates.


Learn exactly why customers buy from you, what their emotional drivers are, their concerns, hesitations and how they expect you to speak to them.

Discover the pitfalls and leverage of your competitors, learn to critique your current assets from an emotional standpoint, discover where your team is and what your customers think about you using my frameworks, worksheets & checklists.

We’ll identify your customers’ emotional triggers, layout your content strategy, new testing ideas and your key messages from that day on.


Define the images, colors, fonts, social proof and other elements you need to use based on your customers’ emotional triggers so you never have to waste time and energy creating websites your customers don’t care about.
Follow the examples and frameworks I use to map out AB testing ideas or launch new variations without testing.
Complete the Emotional Targeting Framework, which includes 2 complete A/B test outlines you can use to:

test immediately
align with your team
prepare a testing plan
map out design & copy for every single ad, landing page, pricing page, email marketing campaign, and funnel you launch


Map out the final 4 hypotheses you want to test, based on the Emotional Targeting Framework.
Learn how to:

run meaningful A/B tests.
share this framework with your designer.
reuse this framework in future tests.
Watch as I walk-through additional case-studies and map out the exact step-by-step process I used to double and triple their conversion rates.

How Freelancers are Using Emotion Sells to Grow Their Business

In direct mail today, the average response rate for B2B clients is generally 0.25%—I’ve been able to get 1.5% for my client using what I learned in Talia’s masterclass. That’s 6x the industry average!

Talia has an interesting way of presenting, she draws you in so you’re kind of hanging on every word. I want to make sure I don’t miss what she says.

Talia will say something on an offhand basis which is like an ‘of course’ to her, but for everyone else it’s like ‘drop the mic, walk off the stage!’” ~ Dave Brennan, Business Development Manager

“I got a $90,000 client"

My latest clients are surprised by how flushed out my process is. I don't get as much pushback when making suggestions for how we should go about a conversion optimization test. Before enrolling I figured that even if I was able to get one client out of my CRO offering after this class, it would be well worth my time and investment. I got a $90,000 client!” Wesley Bush, Marketing Scientist at Traffic Is Currency
How Founders are Using Emotion Sells to Grow Their Business

"My landing page conversions are up 25%!”

"I've completed two of the four modules in Talia's Emotion Sells masterclass and my landing page conversions are up 25%, can't wait to see the full results!" ~ Gary Dean, Owner at GLD Media Solutions

"We got a 20.3% conversion lift!"

I really appreciated that Talia was personally paying attention. It wasn’t just the material of the course, she was actively involved on Facebook. She was very responsive via email and on Facebook. The personal attention was really important. We’ve also decreased our bounce rate by 8%. That’s huge.” ~ Steven Sashen, CEO at XeroShoes

“No more frustration or hoping to improve conversions”

“We were so frustrated trying to throw marketing ideas against the wall and hope they improved conversions. Talia’s class taught us how to get deeper insights into why our customers buy from us and how to methodically turn those insights into landing pages and sales funnels. It dramatically reduces the risk of wasting precious time and marketing dollars on strategies that won’t work.” ~~ Michael Gremley, President at Natural Acne Clinic

Hey there, I'm Talia

When I’m not teaching this Masterclass I’m helping a select number of clients 10X their conversions using this exact framework.

After co-founding a conversion optimization agency that focuses on emotion, today I run a consulting business and lead CRO training workshops around the globe.

Why did I turn the method I use in my $20K/month service into a masterclass?

When I started out as an optimizer, I’d test random stuff, based on tips I read in blog posts, I followed random best practices and… basically hoped for the best.

Then I’d see the results (or lack of is more correct)...

And end up with not much increased conversions (if any) and absolutely nothing I could use to grow my client’s business.

Since I’m not one to call quits, I slowly developed my own method and framework (Emotion Sells) to help me get those results I was craving so badly.

Once I used this framework to optimize all of my clients’ websites I started teaching parts of it on stages at events such as MozCon, CTAConf, Google and many others.

The one thing that kept coming up over and over again from clients and conference attendees, was that almost everyone was struggling the way I did.

It wasn’t enough to just do it for my clients, this is something they needed to learn in order to truly grow their entire business.

After fielding questions about the process and framework I use to 10X conversions for my clients I decided to build this masterclass.


Because I wanted to help people like me out of that hamster wheel.

If you know me or have seen me on stage, you already know that I love to teach, share, and empower others.

It makes me feel good to help and impact those who really want to learn and become better at what they do. (<-- my emotional drivers)

And, yes.

I charged $20K a month per client using this exact framework...

So imagine what YOU’LL be able to charge in your business OR the value you can bring to ANY company.

Wondering how I can help you achieve jaw-dropping results in your business or for your clients?

Once you master the method I’ve tested with hundreds of clients, you’ll never have to second-guess yourself again.

You’ll finally hit conversion rates that seemed unimaginable only weeks ago.

You’ll build a fiercely loyal community of customers, because you’ll finally speak to their emotions, needs, concerns and motivations (...and they’ll love you for it).

You’ll feel confident when you present your work to clients or colleagues, because you’ll be able to defend your choices and the process behind it every single time.

If you’re ready to join me in EMOTION SELLS: THE MASTERCLASS and finally hit record-breaking conversion rates repeatedly, this is your moment.

Why should you trust me?

Don't take my word for it. Take the word of the biggest names in marketing

“If you have a chance to work with Talia, don’t miss the opportunity...”

“Talia Wolf is one of the rare people who can simultaneously command a room, provide unique, actionable information, and maintain humor, humility, and entertainment throughout…

If you have a chance to work with Talia, don’t miss the opportunity.”

-Rand Fishkin, Founder of Moz

“...Talia is one of the top people in the world to learn from.”

“If you’re struggling to get real results from your CRO efforts, Talia is one of the top people in the world to learn from.

Her emotional targeting approach helps her bring in consistently strong results for her clients and brings new AHA moments to those lucky enough to see her speak at marketing conferences worldwide.”

-Joanna Wiebe, Co-founder of Copy Hackers and Airstory

“Talia makes me want to go fix things that I know make sense for me and my business.”
Screen Shot 2016-11-09 at 5.17.40 AM.png

“I’ve seen Talia present a few times, each time I walk away having head smacking moments, where things that have been staring me in the face for years and could help my business have been ignored.

Talia makes me want to go fix things that I know make sense for me and my business.”

-Wil Reynolds, Director of Digital Strategy at SEER Interactive

“I don’t know of anyone who gets the emotional side of conversion better than Talia.”

“I first met Talia when she spoke at our conference—Unbounce CTA—and she pulled one of the boldest moves I’ve ever seen a speaker make on stage…

Talia turned her presentation into a LIVE—this shit could go wrong at any minute—workshop with a *very* lucky attendee.

It takes moxie to even think of pulling that off-the-cuff move, which is why Talia is not only a talented and very charming speaker, she’s also a teacher.

Her content is original—I don’t know anyone who gets the emotional side of conversion better than Talia.”

-Oli Gardner, Co-Founder of Unbounce


Your Instructor

Talia Wolf
Talia Wolf

As founder and chief optimizer at GetUplift, Talia uses customer-centricity, emotional triggers and persuasion to generate more leads, sales and revenue for businesses.

Recently listed as one of the most influential experts in conversion optimization, Talia is a conversion optimization specialist, consultant, trainer and keynote speaker who’s taught on stages such as Google, MozCon, CTAconf, Search Love and many more.

Old Price: $79.90

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