Freedom Machine 2018 by Jon Morrow

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Freedom Machine 2018 by Jon Morrow free

Introducing Freedom Machine: The Complete, A-Z System for Earning $1,000/Month from Blogging
Based on the step-by-step system I used to generate:

Over $100,000/month in passive income
9,000+ new leads every month (without spending a dime)
23,000+ happy customers
All while being paralyzed from the neck down.

This simple approach works even if you have no idea and know nothing about business.

You don’t even need a website (we’ll build one for you — for free!)

“Freedom Machine proved to be a major game-changer multiple times for me. It probably saved me months or years I would have spent barking up lots of wrong trees.”

Jonathan Cook, Freedom Machine graduate

“Freedom Machine was exceptional. Jon taught us what we need to do, step-by-step, to grow an online following through blogging on the way to monetizing. He's done it, so he knows what it takes.”

Diane Kobrynowicz, Ph.D., Freedom Machine graduate

Diane Kobrynowicz
Cindy Martindale
“If you're serious about building a blog that makes you money, then you're in the right place… It’s worth every minute you put in.”

Cindy Martindale, Freedom Machine Graduate

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Do you ever wish you had a clear roadmap for making money from your blog?
Something that told you exactly what to do step-by-step.

So you didn’t have to waste time sorting through all the conflicting advice out there. Fighting the urge to bang your head against the desk because you don’t know what to do or how the pieces fit together.

If you want to make $1,000/month blogging on the side without all that confusion, you’re going to love this.

Hi, I’m Jon Morrow, founder of Smart Blogger.

Back in 2009, I was faced with two options:

1. Figure out how to make enough money blogging to support myself

2. Go to a nursing home and die

Sounds dramatic, but it’s the truth.

More on that crazy story in a minute. What’s important for you now is how this led me to find a bullet-proof system for turning a blog into an income-generating machine.

For example, the machine I built for myself generates about $100,000 a month — and it pretty much runs on autopilot.

Monthly Sales Totals
Monthly automatic income from my Freedom Machine.

Want to know how much I pay for new leads?

Nothing. Not a penny. Yet new sales come in every month like clockwork — whether I work or not.

Now I’m not saying you’ll make $100,000/month with what I’m about to teach you.

Is it possible? Sure, but I worked my butt off for nine years to get to this point.

The system I have for you today is a super simple way to earn $1,000/month in online income — without stress or confusion.

So you can earn enough on the side to take care of bills and stop worrying about them.

Or have the freedom to travel the world without caring about how much you’re spending.

And rest easy knowing you have a revenue stream you control that can take care of you and your family over the long haul.

But First, You Must Qualify

Before I introduce this system, there’s something you should know.

For this to work, you must love to write.

You don’t have to be a great writer. I’ll teach you that part.

But this automatic income machine is built out of blogs and emails. That’s what you’ll use to generate leads and sales for years to come.

If you despise writing, you may as well close out this window now.

Still here?


Now to prove that this can work for you, here’s the quick story of how I stumbled across this system. And how it can take you from a raw beginner with a tight budget to living a life of total freedom.

How a Broke, Paralyzed Blogger Accidentally Began Earning Thousands in Passive Income from a Beach in Mexico
When the 2008 financial crisis hit, the California government threatened to send me to a nursing home.

You see, I was born with Spinal Muscular Atrophy. I’ve been paralyzed my entire life. The only thing I can move right now is my face (I’m typing this through special voice recognition software.)

It costs over $127,000/year in medical expenses to keep me alive. This includes a caretaker who’s with me 24/7.

The only way I could keep my benefits was if I made less than $700/month. And the way things were going, it looked as though the government would soon cut me off completely no matter what I did.

If that happened, I’d be forced into a nursing home. Statistics show that people with my condition usually die within three years of being put in a home. (My guess is they simply lose the will to live.)

This scared the heck out of me.

So I put together this plan:

I’d move to Mexico where the cost of living was cheaper. There, I could survive off my meager savings while I figured out a way to earn enough money to cover my medical bills on my own.

The only thing I could think of for making money was blogging. I’d been doing that for three years and had gotten pretty good at it.

I’d taken my own blog from nothing to 2,000 visits a day and won a nomination for best business/money blog in the world.

I helped another company (Kissmetrics) go from no traffic to 100,000 visitors/month. Then became the top writer for several major blogs, including the popular marketing site Copyblogger.

The problem was, there was no way I could make enough money writing blogs to cover my expenses.

But I thought I might be able to earn what I needed if I taught others what I knew.

Over those three years, I developed a formula that let me consistently get tons of high-quality traffic any time I posted.

Before I discovered it, my blogging career was a disaster. My posts got no traffic. I couldn’t even get gigs writing for free because my articles were so bad!

But after blogging every day for years (yes, even on Christmas,) I eventually figured out a formula that changed everything.

Instead of hearing crickets anytime I hit publish, I started getting thousands of views and hundreds of positive comments on each post.

I reached out to owners of the sites I’d written for. I told them I was going to start sharing my secrets for writing high-traffic posts and asked them to promote me to their email subscribers.

Most said yes. They were happy to help since I’d written so many articles for them for free. (I never charged because the government would have taken every penny I made.)

Once word got out, the floodgates opened up. Before long, people were paying me $500/hour for a single coaching call.

Almost overnight, I was earning enough to cover my medical expenses — and getting more clients than I could handle.

To keep up with demand, I put what I knew into programs I could sell online. Including Serious Bloggers Only and The Guest Blogging Certification Program.

These programs brought in in tens of thousands of dollars from the start.

But here’s the incredible thing I discovered.

The posts I wrote using my formula continued to bring me traffic, leads, and sales for free!

I didn’t have to pay for ads or learn all about search engine optimization.

Because the articles I wrote were such high-quality, people continued to find them, share them, and buy from me.

Now I could finally live the life I wanted.

I got to hang out by the beach and watch the dolphins every morning. My blog was earning tens of thousands of dollars a month, and I was writing maybe a dozen blog posts a year.

Jon Morrow
If I died tomorrow, this machine would still generate 5-6 figures a month for years automatically.

Now the formula I used to write posts that bring in traffic and customers 24/7 is called the Free Traffic Forever formula.

It’s one of the three big secrets I learned during that time in Mexico. Used together, these secrets can take you from raw beginner to consistently earning $1,000+ in passive income month after month.

They’re taught in-depth inside Freedom Machine — which I’ll introduce soon. For now, I’ll walk you through all three secrets and even show you my Free Traffic Formula.

So you can start to generate recurring revenue and live the life you want. Where you’re free to work less and spend more time with family. Without the years of confusion and frustration most people go through trying to earn passive income on the side.

3 Secrets for Earning Recurring Revenue from Your Blog

Secret #1: How to ensure your blog will be a hit before you build it
If you’re like me, you’ve already torn through a bunch of books, blogs, and even courses on how to earn money blogging.

And you’ve found that consuming all that information has left you more confused than ever!

Even when the advice is good (which is rare) you don’t know what to do with it.

It’s like you’re getting all these puzzle pieces but have no clue how they fit together.

You find yourself saying things like:

“I have so many reports for finding your niche but still haven’t found mine.”
“I always think I need one more course. One more thing. But I never get unstuck.”
“Do I need a Facebook group, Facebook page, or to get Google+ set up? How can I streamline and get found on the web?”
At this stage, you don’t need tips and tricks. What’s far more valuable is a proven roadmap that walks you from where you are now to where you want to be.

Here’s a perfect example.

You can spend months figuring out a domain name, thinking about branding, etc.

Then after all that work, you launch your blog only to learn nobody’s interested!

This happens all the time. It even happened to me early on. My first website was a blog about real estate. Despite working super hard on it for years, nobody read it!

So before you spend a second on your site, you want to find an idea you know will be a hit and fun to pursue.

How do you do that? By finding what I call your Zone of Magic.

This is the area that blends your passions with what people want to hear from you.

When you find it the way I teach, you’ll have an audience of potential buyers telling you what they want to hear from you — before you even have a website!

Your Zone of Magic
Here’s a super quick overview of how to find your Zone of Magic.

Go to a website called

(It’s free, easy to use, and gets you in front of a potential audience of 30 million readers.)

Then, write a few articles in areas you’re interested in and post them there. Almost immediately, you’ll get feedback and see what people liked the most. This will show you exactly what market will be easiest for you to make money in.

Take Kassey, a Freedom Machine student who got three articles trending on Medium. It helped her get clarity on what market to work in and confidence she could do this.

9 Late Bloomer Success Stories
“From zero followers, I gained more than 500 in two weeks. As of this writing, I have two trending articles on Medium … I can't wait to see what else awaits me when I fully implement what I have learned from Freedom Machine.”
Kassey Vilches, Freedom Machine Graduate

Instead of working hard for months only to hear crickets when you launch your blog, this process ensures you’ll get off to a roaring start.

You’ll know exactly what market will be the easiest (and most fun) for you to make money in.

Once you’re clear on your idea, then you can worry about things like a domain name and traffic.

Secret #2: The “Free Traffic Forever” formula for continually generating leads and sales
Brian Clark
“Jon is a traffic genius. If he teaches what he knows to the public,
something tells me the overall level of Internet traffic is about to spike."

Brian Clark, Founder of Copyblogger and New Rainmaker

When I first started blogging, this is the process I went through.

1. Think up a blog idea
2. Spend weeks writing it
3. Publish it
4. Get no traffic, feel discouraged, contemplate quitting

I repeated that cycle for years.

After lots of testing, I found a process for writing posts that continue to generate quality traffic years after I publish them.

It’s allowed me to go from zero traffic to getting almost 2 million visitors a year with Smart Blogger.

Annual visitors to Smart Blogger
Annual visitors to Smart Blogger

I call it my Free Traffic Forever formula. With it, you can get more leads and sales with one article than most people get cranking out five blogs a week.

It’s made up of three key steps, which I’ll walk you through now:

Step 1: Stand out from the noise with 10X Topics

Imagine there was a magic genie who told you what to write about anytime you wanted a massive spike in traffic.

Well, there is no genie, but there is software that does this. It tracks billions of pageviews and shows you the most popular topics in a given market.

I call these 10X topics because they get 10X more traffic than anything else.

Let me show you how it works.

If I wanted to build an audience in the personal development niche, I’d go to this website called

Then I’d type in a popular blog in the personal development space, like

Here’s what comes up: A list of all the most popular posts on that site.

Stand out from the noise
Notice anything?

The most popular posts here are all about overcoming adversity.

So if your “Zone of Magic” is personal development and you want to build an audience in that space, a post about overcoming adversity would be a great way to break through and get noticed.

With tools like this, you don’t have to wonder “What should I write about?” You can go here and find out exactly what topics will be a home run.

Now services like Buzzsumo aren’t free. But inside Freedom Machine, you get a personal concierge to run these reports for you for three months at no charge.

Step 2: Multiply Your Audience Using “Viral Triggers”

Over my career, my posts have over 200 million pageviews. A big reason for that is I sprinkle “viral triggers” into them.

These are little elements that suck readers in and compel them to share your post. (I learned about this from Dr. Jonah Berger, a professor at the #1 ranked business school in America.)

Here’s an example: When I wanted to launch a new site, I wrote an article titled “7 Life Lessons from a Guy Who Can’t Move Anything but His Face.”

It has two different viral triggers baked into the headline. It wound up getting 72,000 Facebook shares and over 640 comments on a site few knew existed.

7 Life Lessons from a Guy Who Can't Move Anything but His Face
One of the viral triggers I used is social currency. Here’s a quote that explains what that means:

“Before people share a piece of content, they evaluate its social currency. The better it makes them look, the more likely they’ll be to pass it on.”
— Jonah Berger, PhD., bestselling author and business professor at Wharton School at UPenn.

A big reason people shared it was because it showed they support disabled people and made them look good. I always think of how to blend viral triggers like this into my posts before publishing them.

Here’s another example. This was written by a student who used social currency along with other viral triggers I teach — including emotion — and got over 2 million shares:

20 Things to Remember
After years of testing, I’ve found different viral triggers work best for different types of articles.

Inside Freedom Machine, I’ll teach you the five article frameworks most likely to get you traffic — and show you which viral triggers to use with each of them.

It’s all super simple once you know it. And will help every post you write spread like wildfire.

Step 3: Grow Fast with High-Value Sharing

With a 10X topic and viral triggers, your post is primed and ready to be a blockbuster hit.

But how do you get the ball rolling? How do you get it in front of people when you’re just starting, and nobody knows who you are?

A lot of experts will tell you to publish on places like LinkedIn or Twitter.

But as this Business Insider graph shows, most of the traffic websites get comes from either Google or Facebook. So using those other platforms is generally a big waste of time.

Traffic Referrals by Source
If you want to get your posts in front of a big audience, use what I call “high-value sharing.”

All you do is send an email to get someone with a big following to share your post on Facebook.

The key is finding the right influencer (hint: it’s not about who has the most Twitter followers) then send them a short email with a compelling reason why they should share it.

Inside the Freedom Machine course, you learn the two types of articles you can write that makes it nearly impossible for the influencer to ignore you. They’ll almost have no choice but to read and share your article.

You also get proven, done for you emails I used to get big shots to share my posts back when nobody knew who I was. Which you can copy and use yourself.

Here’s how that script works it works:

Sarah Li-Cain
“I sent five emails to influencers yesterday and got three responses already!”

Sarah Li-Cain, Freedom Machine graduate

When you combine 10X topics with viral triggers and high-value sharing, you get an immediate spike in visits.

Plus, with all those people sharing and linking your article, your Google ranking will soar. So people will continue to find your post.

This means you can sit back and relax as customers continually come to you.

Secret #3: Create a “money mailbox” to generate income 24/7
Alright, so you’ve written a post that gets a flood of traffic. And because it was high-quality and heavily shared, it ranks high on Google and brings in a steady stream of leads.

So how do you make passive income from that?

If you’re thinking about putting up ads, you’re way off.

You’d need tens of thousands of visitors a month to make serious revenue from ads.

The good news is, you can earn way more with far less traffic doing something else.

Let me show you.

First, you’ll need to build an email list.

This is super simple. When people read your blog or come to your site, you give them a little “freebie” in exchange for their email address.

For example, on Smart Blogger I offer people a cheat sheet on writing headlines. This one “freebie” has brought in 141,526 leads to date.

Freebie Subscribers
From there, you set up a series of automatic emails selling them something. (By the way, I give you proven emails you can use for this inside the Freedom Machine course.)

What do you sell them?

One option is called affiliate offers. This is perfect if you don’t want to create anything yourself.

All you do is promote products you believe in. Anytime someone buys from your link, you get a commission.

For example, one company I use and like is SiteGround. So I recommend them to my readers. When someone buys through my link, I get $100.

Siteground affiliate
Another way to monetize is with an online course.

You create a series of videos teaching people how to do something. It’s passive income, because you create the course once, and can sell it thousands of times.

For example, my course on guest blogging brought in $341,000 in 2016 alone. And I didn’t do anything with it. No promotion, nothing.

Finally, you could do a membership site. These don’t even require special skills, knowledge, or expertise on your part.

You can simply be the person who puts helpful information in one place. People pay you a monthly fee to access it. (Netflix used this model to put Blockbuster out of business.)

Keep in mind that you only need only one of these methods to earn $1,000+/month.

By the end, here’s how your passive-income machine looks:

Passive Income Machine
Once it’s set up, your machine can run on its own for months or years.

If you ever want to ramp up your income, all you have to do is repeat the “Free Traffic Forever” formula and write a new blog post that brings in fresh leads and sales continually.

If any of these steps seem complicated, don’t worry. The Freedom Machine program walks you step-by-step through all this and more in great detail. And my team and I are there to coach you through it and answer any questions you have.

I’ll introduce it in a minute. But first, it’s important you know the real reason I created this.

The Real Reason I Built The Freedom Machine Program For You

When I was a child, I couldn’t qualify for any kind of medical insurance. So every doctor’s visit, every hospital stay, every medication had to be paid for out of pocket.

For the first 18 years of my life, my father paid each and every one of those expenses — and never said a word about it.

I’m talking hundreds of thousands of dollars per year because when I was growing up, I had pneumonia 16 times.

But my dad paid for it all. He ran his own business, and somehow, someway, he always found the money.

At first, he didn’t even tell me. Then I found out he was cleaning office buildings at night so nobody could see how far he’d fallen. He was walking back and forth to work in the middle of the night, trying to save up enough money to buy a car.

This was when my blogging career started to take off. So you know what I did it?

I bought him a plane ticket down to Mexico. I paid for a cab, and he stayed with me for several weeks, unwinding from all the stress.

Jon Morrow and his dad
And when he went back home, do you know what was waiting for him at the airport?

A car.

Can you understand how precious that is? To buy your father a car? And every single week from then on, until he got back on his feet, money showed up in his account.

Not because I felt sorry for him, not because he needed to be taken care of, but because after everything he had done for me, there was no way in hell I was going to let him go through that alone.

And that’s why I get ticked off when people act like a blog is just a silly little thing where they publish their thoughts.

It’s so much more than that, or at least it can be.

For me, my blog was a machine that gave me the freedom to take care of not only myself but the people I cared about when they needed me most. That’s what freedom is to me, and that’s what I want you to have today.

If you want to create a machine like that, I’m proud to introduce you to:

Freedom Machine:
The “Everything Included,” Step-by-Step System for Earning $1,000/Month in Passive Income From Blogging
Freedom Machine is the only passive-income system proven over nine years, 23,000+ customers, 200 million pageviews, and $100,000/month in recurring revenue.

It’s a simple, A-Z program for launching a blog that brings in $1,000/month like clockwork.

You don’t need an idea, experience, website, or any tech or writing skills to get started.

Freedom Machine is the full roadmap for earning passive income from blogging.

We start at the very beginning and walk you step-by-step through the entire process.

We help you find an idea, stand out and build an audience with amazing content, then make money selling to them — even if you don’t think you have anything special to offer.

You’ll even see how to automate everything. So the machine can run without you and make you money even while you sleep.

Not Another “Online Course"

This isn’t one of those online courses that bombards you with info and leaves you to figure everything out for yourself.

When I say we’ll help you every step of the way, I mean it.

My senior coaches and I will hop on a call with you once a week for 12 weeks to go over the lessons, give you feedback, and answer any burning questions you have.

As if that’s not enough, after you’ve used our system to find a profitable idea you’re excited about, we’ll build your website for you!

Then, once your machine is set up, I will personally look key parts of it over. I’ll either give you the thumbs up that it’s good to go or show you what little tweaks you can make to ramp up sales.

This is the complete system I wish I had when I started. It would have saved me years of working 18 hour days, grinding away with nothing to show for it.

There’s a lot packed in here. Let me walk you through everything, starting with the five modules you get inside the course.

A Look Inside Freedom Machine

Module 1
Module 1: How to Cut Through the Noise and Get Noticed
Here, I’ll teach you my exact process for writing outstanding content. So you can stand out from the noise and build an audience that trusts you and wants to hear from you.

You'll discover:

The 3-step process to find and “field test” your idea. (You can have an engaged audience of hundreds of potential buyers before you even have a domain name!)
5 ways to stand out and attract an audience — even as you talk about the same things as everyone else
How to find “10X topics” that get 10X more pageviews, shares, and comments than average posts (you’ll have hard data based on millions of views telling you what works best)
The 4 “Viral Triggers” and how to use them to write blogs people are excited to share (Others will think you keep getting “lucky” gaining all that attention, but you’ll know going viral isn’t about luck, it's something you make happen.)
How to take your content from “good” to “freaking amazing!” by changing the way you think. (For example, you’ll learn the “Superhero” method for making your life stories sound exciting even if you think you’re boring.)
Module 2
Module 2: Find Your “Zone of Magic”
In this module, you’ll find the intersection between what you love and what people want to hear from you. So you can find an idea you’re excited about and know will be a hit.

(This will be much easier once you know how to stand out and get attention — which is why it’s the second step.)

You’ll learn:

The Power of Passion: How to turn your passion into a powerful brand
How to find a “Hungry Crowd” desperate to buy from you (even if they don’t know who you are … yet)
The “Umbrella” technique for combining your interests into an idea that’ll earn you money (If you can’t decide what to pursue, this shows you how to blend multiple interests into a single idea that’s profitable and helps you stand out.)
How to carve a space for yourself in the blogosphere (so you can find your audience and generate revenue as fast as possible)
How to find your “Zone of Magic” to turn your interests into passive income (including the “100-5 test”, so you have hard proof you’ve found an audience that wants to hear and buy from you)
Module 3
Module 3: Traffic School
This covers everything you need to go from zero to 1,000 visits per day and beyond. (There’s one strategy that works best for beginners — we focus on that and ignore all the other time-wasters.)

You’ll learn:

How to get influencers to share your post, drive traffic, and build your Freedom Machine for you (even if they’ve never heard of you)
The 5-word email that instantly gets my posts shared to an audience of tens of thousands (and how to make it work for you)
The “Oil Well Secret” to networking that sets you up for a massive payday (I used this to earn $30,000 in a month working 15 hour weeks.)
How to create an “Influencer Domino Effect” so one connection leads to dozens more (this lets you multiply your audience and sales)
How to get owners of high-traffic sites to promote you to their audience for free
Module 4
Module 4: Build Your Brand
Here, we cover advanced strategies like positioning, social media, design, and list building. This gives you the strong foundation so you can earn passive income year after year.

You’ll discover:

Domain name domination: How to create a domain name that immediately makes your target audience go “Yes! That’s what I want!”
How to create a system that captures leads 24/7 (doing this once got me 141,526 quality leads over the years)
The 2-step cycle for continually growing a massive, engaged audience (this is what I did to get almost 2 million visitors a month)
Your Traffic Roadmap — A 3-month plan that shows you what to post and when to maximize authority, create connections, and build an engaged audience (You’ll be shocked how little you actually need to post new articles.)
How to “ride your winners” and get as much traffic as possible from your best posts (so you can keep the customers flowing in without having to write new content)
When and how to hire a virtual assistant to build your Freedom Machine for you (and what tasks you should never assign unless you want to ruin your reputation)
Module 5
Module 5: Monetize
In this module, we cover the best monetization models to use, funnel building, copywriting, automation and more. It’s the final piece of the puzzle for dependable, passive income.

You’ll learn:

Simple online courses: How to turn your passion and interests into recurring revenue (Repeat this, and you can create multiple income streams by sharing your knowledge and experience.)
How to build a membership site that gives you reliable, dependable income that increases over time (Plus, the exact emails I use to ensure customers don’t drop out. This helped me earn $426,000 in passive income in one year alone.)
How to earn thousands in recurring revenue by recommending products you use and enjoy using Ethical Affiliate Marketing (so you can earn well over $1,000/month without ever creating a product)
How to create a “marketing machine” that generates leads and sales 24/7 (it’s like having an army of salesmen knocking on doors, closing deals, then sending you 100% of the commission — all day every day)
The 3-step system for attracting readers, building trust, and closing sales automatically (so your business can grow even as you brush your teeth, eat breakfast, or sleep)
You Also Get Full Access to the
Freedom Machine Private Vaults

As I said, I’m not going to load you with information and leave you to put the pieces together yourself.

That’s why each Freedom Machine module comes with a private vault, packed with:

Done-for-you scripts, including influencer outreach and sales emails
Step-by-step video tutorials walking you through all the “tech stuff”
Easy-to-follow guides, checklists, cheat sheets, benchmarks and more
You won’t find this material anywhere else. It’s all stuff I created and use myself. Until now, I haven’t shared it publicly.

This information makes it as easy as possible to build your Freedom Machine without stress or confusion.

Here’s a peek inside the vaults:

The Breaking Through The Noise Vault
12 ways to maximize traffic on Medium.
20 examples of how bloggers use 10X Topics to get tens of thousands of pageviews.
The content frameworks checklist — Learn the 5 types of posts that generate tremendous traffic (with examples and breakdowns of how to write them as fast as possible).
How to make your posts stand out using The Unique Angles Guide.
The “Viral Triggers” checklist — A simple guide to ensure your post has the right viral triggers for mass appeal.
The Tuning Technique: How to weave 10x topics, viral triggers, and your own unique perspective into a single post that generates high-value traffic for months and months.
The Making Magic Vault
The Map of the Blogosphere: See how to combine your interests, so you stand out while attracting a large audience.
The Proven Audience List — Our list of over 45 proven audiences in 11 different markets. If you’re unsure who to target, pick an audience from here, and you’ll know you’re in a profitable niche.
The Audience Checklists — 7 “must-haves” so you know your audience is ready and willing to pay you the moment you offer a product.
The Power of Unique Perspective — 5 questions that show you how to stand out from the competition instantly.
A series of questions that ensure you never run out of interesting things to write about.
The Traffic School Vault
Your Traffic Roadmap Worksheet — The exact “rinse and repeat” steps to generate tons of high-quality traffic on demand.
3 ways to find high-level influencers who will share your articles with their list (including our Big Black Book of influencers we recommend you reach out to — feel free to tell them Jon sent you).
8 ways to build relationships with top influencers naturally (and a free, simple, time-saving tool for finding top influencers in your market).
Influencer outreach scripts: 6 proven scripts for initiating contact and getting influencers to share your post — even if you’re a “nobody.”
A word for word script for getting influencers to introduce you to their high-level friends.
The Star Student Checklist — Follow this, and it’ll be impossible for influencers to ignore you (in fact, they may reach out to you first)!
The Building Your Brand Vault
The 5 ways to come up with a domain name (and how to get readers to go “That’s exactly what I want” the moment they hit your site).
The “Ethical Bribe” Checklist” — Follow this and readers will be eager to give you their email. (Plus, a breakdown of what I did to get almost 200,000 email subscribers).
Proven, done-for-you emails for reaching out to influencers and getting them to share your “curator” or “ego bait” posts (These are the 2 article types many influencers won’t be able to resist reading and sharing — I’ll show you how I write them).
The “Power of Ping Checklist” for getting influencers to read your article, check out your site, and even reach out to you for partnership opportunities.
“Email teaser” templates — 3 proven emails you can use to get subscribers to read your posts (having them read and share your posts is a great way to scale beyond $1,000/month).
The Monetization Vault
The Successful Online Course Checklist: How to find out what to sell and guarantee your product will be profitable before you build it.
The Successful Continuity Course Checklist: The 5 things your course needs to be lucrative and stress-free.
How to avoid legal trouble when selling products (There are 4 words that can keep the Federal Trade Commission off your back).
The Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing — An in-depth tour of affiliate marketing. If you want to be a Super Affiliate and earn thousands a month recommending products you believe in, you’ll love this.
The 5 ingredients of an irresistible offer. Plus, step-by-step instruction for how to combine them to create a product so good it sells itself.
A proven sales page template to persuade customers to buy from you (we show you what to say to take your customer from “Why should I care about this?” to “I need to buy this NOW!”).
The Smart Blogger Sales Sequence — A series of three emails you can use to sell your products (these earned me multiple 6-figures in one year alone).
The Automation Resource Guide: Step-by-step tutorials for setting up your email service provider.
Here’s How Freedom Machine Works

Each module is broken down into 4-7 video lessons. The lessons are 10-30 minutes long so you can digest them easily. They each come with specific action steps so you can easily implement what you learn.

Each action step has a clear benchmark, so you know when you’re ready to move on to the next step.

We also have audio and transcripts of each lesson. So if you’d rather listen on your phone or read through them, you can.

The first two modules are so important we’ll spend extra time on them. But we cover all five over the 12-week course.

Your membership is for life so you can refer back to the training anytime you have a question.

What Students Say About Freedom Machine

I asked my students what they thought of this material. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being they loved it,) 80.3% gave it at least a 9.

How would you rate the Freedom Machine content?
Most students rated Freedom Machine a 10 out of 10.

Maria Schöning
“The Freedom Machine will take you step-by-step from defining your audience to generating your e-triumph; years of experience condensed along with a great support group. If you want freedom, get the course.”

Maria Schöning, Freedom Machine graduate

"Freedom Machine saved me a lot of time and work. It kept me from getting lost down different rabbit holes and helped me fast forward along the route.”

Rosemary Bointon, Freedom Machine graduate

Rosemary Bointon
Nicholas Zachary
“The content all makes sense. It’s not a get rich quick thing. If you do all the steps, it will work.”

Nicholas Zachary, Freedom Machine graduate

$5,346 in Bonuses FREE
— If You Join Today

If you want coaching, support, accountability, and done-for-you services like us building your website for you, then I have great news.

We have all that and more for free when you join Freedom Machine today.

Here’s a look at the 7 bonuses we have for you, valued at $5,346 in total.

Bonus #1: 20 hours of live calls with my team ($2,000 FREE)

You’ll get over 20 hours of group coaching calls with my team. We’ll answer your questions, critique your work, give you feedback on your ideas — anything you need.

If you ever miss a call, don’t worry. You can submit a question, and we’ll post the answer in the Frequently Asked Questions vault we have for each module. That way you can see my response — plus answers to other common questions students ask.

Bonus #2: Freedom Machine Facebook community ($499 FREE)

You’ll also get access to a private Facebook group we created exclusively for this program. There, you’ll get to know your fellow students, hold each other accountable, cheer for each other and support one another.

This group also includes built-in accountability. After each lesson, you’ll see a link to a post where you can tell the group exactly what you will accomplish. This will keep you motivated over time, so you make progress week after week and — until you inevitably hit your goal.

Bonus #3: Medium Masterclass ($450 value FREE)

Get personal coaching from the Smart Blogger Editorial team on your Medium posts. So you can find your “Zone of Magic” fast. This feedback will also help you write top-quality posts that stand above the competition and bring in a steady stream of customers.

Bonus #4: Your personal “10X Topic Concierge” for 3 months ($999 FREE)

As you saw, I always look for “10X topics” before writing a post. That way I know what will get the most traction.

Instead of having to pay for an expensive membership at a site like Buzzsumo to find 10X topics, we set you up with a concierge who will find them for you.

Let us know the area you’re interested in, and we'll do the research for you. Then show you what to write about that’s most likely to be a hit.

Bonus #5: We’ll build your website ($999+ FREE)

That’s right; you don’t have to deal with any coding, design, or any of that complicated tech stuff.

We will create a website for you on WordPress. One that looks great and is super simple to maintain.

I chose WordPress because they make it easy to monetize your blog.

Bonus #6: My personal Freelancer Rolodex ($399 FREE)

This can save you a ton of time finding people who can help build your Freedom Machine for you.

It’s names and contact information of quality designers, copywriters, tech support people and more.

These are the people I use and recommend. They’re top professionals who will make you look good without breaking the bank.

Recap: Join Today and You Get…

Access to the 5 step-by-step training modules
Access to the Freedom Machine private vaults
20+ hours of Q&A calls with me ($2,000 value)
Access to the Private Freedom Machine Facebook community ($499 value)
Medium Masterclass ($450 value)
Your personal “10X Topic” concierge ($999 value)
A website built by my staff that’ll be yours forever ($999 value)
My Freelancer Rolodex ($399 value)

Rainee Carlson
“This program packs a punch in every way. The units and lessons are well written, organized and presented. The amount of help from Marsha and Jon on the live calls is invaluable. And the PDF documents and format are clear, which helps you clarify your direction.”

Rainee Carlson, Freedom Machine graduate

Is This Right for You?

If you fit one of the three categories below, then this course is for you.

1. You want to make money online but don’t know where to start. You’re overwhelmed with all the information out there and want a clear path to follow with additional coaching and support.

If that sounds like you, then Freedom Machine was built for you. Remember, you don’t need a website, idea, or a following to get started. Even if you think you have nothing to offer, we’ll show you how to stand out, draw a crowd, and make passive income with your blog.

2. You’re a coach, speaker, or other professional who wants passive income while sharing your ideas and making a positive impact on the world. This course teaches you to write top-quality posts that get tons of traffic. It’s a great way to spread your message while opening up an extra revenue stream that helps you free up your time.

3. You’re a writer and want clients to come to you. This course will sharpen your writing skills and show you how to create and promote posts that bring customers to you, so you can grow your freelance business and land clients who immediately see the value of your work. All while earning passive income on the side.

Sarah Li-Cain
“As a result of following what Jon said, I got my first coaching client without cold calling. They came out to me and said: “I will pay you for coaching.” Three other people emailed me saying “Hey, can I hire you?”

Sarah Li-Cain, Freedom Machine graduate

Who Should Not Join

There are some people who should not join the course. If any of this sounds like you, please don’t sign up.

You hate writing. You don’t have to be a great writer to join — but you do need to enjoy writing. This is about earning passive income through blogging so if you hate reading and writing, please don’t join.
You’re looking to “get rich quick.” This is more of a “get rich slowly” program. We’re not looking for a flash in the pan — where you make $1,000 in passive income one month then nothing the next. It’s about building a machine that generates leads and sales consistently. One that keeps humming for years after you’ve built it.
You already have 500 subscribers or get 500 unique visitors a day to your site. If you’re that far along, this isn’t the best fit for you.
My Outrageous Money-Back Double Guarantee: (This Works, Or It’s Free)
Money-Back Double Guarantee
I’m putting my reputation on the line with this course. I want to make sure everyone who joins is thrilled with it. So to do that, I’m going to eliminate all the risk with this double guarantee.

First, you get a 30-day money back guarantee.

You’ll have a full month to go through the entire program, join us on all the calls, and check out all the modules. If you’re not happy for any reason, shoot me an email, and I’ll send you a full refund — no questions asked.

Now for the crazy part.

If you follow all the steps we outline, I guarantee you will get to a minimum of $1,000 per month.

If you don’t get to that point, the entire course is free.

There’s no time limit on it.

A year from today you could be making $999/month in passive income and go “What the hell Jon! It didn’t work! I want my money back!” And I’ll give it to you.

If you put in the effort, you deserve to get results. Otherwise, I don’t deserve to get paid.

I think $1,000 per month is the bare minimum every student will get if they follow these steps.

Get Freedom Machine For 50% Less
Than Most Premium Online Courses

As for the cost of the course, I’ll be straight with you: we struggled with this one.

I’ve done consulting calls with CEO’s of multi-million dollar companies. They’ve told me my traffic-generating strategies alone were easily worth $100,000 to their business.

The honest truth is we should charge $10,000 for this. That’s about what it comes to when you add up all the pieces of what you’re getting.

Since this can make you well over a thousand dollars every month for the rest of your life, it’s more than worth it.

At the bare minimum, we could charge $2,000. That’s what premium online courses go for. And those don’t even include coaching or a done-for-you website!

But two grand is a lot when you’re starting out. So we decided to do something special.

I may regret it, we might even lose money, I’m not kidding, but here’s the question that kept going through my mind:

If you had a machine that generated $1,000/month every month for as long as you wanted, would it be worth investing $1,000 to get it?

That’s why you can join the entire program for $999.

If money is tight, we offer a 12-month plan that lets you pay only $99/month. That’s just $3.30 a day.

Or, you can save $200 with the one-time-only investment of $999 today.

The price may go up, but it will never go down. If you think this is for you “someday” I’d encourage you to save yourself a ton of time, money, and headache by making that day today.

Yes! I Want to Join Freedom Machine
Save $200 by investing in full today

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One Last Free Bonus

Freedom Machine won’t be open long.

I always get emails weeks after it closes from people asking to join. Unfortunately, I have to tell them no. The course already started and I’ve got to focus on helping students.

To help you avoid putting this off, I’m going to throw in a recording of a special workshop I did called Scale for everyone who joins today. It’s all about going from $1,000 a month to $100,000 a year and beyond.

This may be the most advanced presentation on growing your Freedom Machine I’ve ever given. You’ll learn how to get other people to build and run your machine for you!

We’ll cover where to find writers, what kind of content to have them write, how to manage them and tons more.

We’ll also talk about traffic that scales. You’ll learn advanced strategies for search engine optimization, how I use paid advertising, and how to go viral on social media to get millions of visitors.

Most importantly, we’ll talk about how to build a team. You’ll learn everything from outsourcing to hiring employees to the structure of the organization you build.

The value of this information is priceless. You can’t find it anywhere online or in any book. It doesn’t exist. I honestly think there are companies that would pay me $10,000 for this workshop alone, but if you join today you will get it free of charge.

Kassey Vilches
“If you are willing to put work in blogging, I honestly can say Freedom Machine is the way to go. The staff and support by Jon and Marsha are truly genuine. I think that's what makes them golden in this blogging world.”

Kassey Vilches, Freedom Machine graduate

Ready to End The Confusion and
Earn an Extra $1,000/month Like Clockwork?

You can spend years beating your head against the wall, as I did. Feeling overwhelmed as you try to put all the pieces together. Doing all this work to find an idea and get traffic to your blog only to have nothing to show for it.

Or, you can rocket past those struggling people who insist on doing it themselves. You can eliminate the confusion and frustration by letting me guide you down this clear, proven path.

The result: $1,000 appearing in your bank account month after month.

Money you can use to fuel the life you want.

Where you’re free to work less, travel more, and even quit your job.

Instead of worrying about money, you can relax knowing you have this reliable income stream. One you can use to provide for yourself and your family over the long term.

Since this course requires a lot of my team’s time, we have to keep a tight cap on the number of people we let in. So spots are given away on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you wait, we may not have space.

I don’t know when or if I’ll do it again. So if you think this is for you, now is the time.

A few months from today you can either read about one of our success stories — or you can be one.

The fact you’ve read this far shows me you have the drive to be successful with this.

So let’s get going. Click below and join Freedom Machine today.

I’ll be right there in your corner, every step of the way.

I can’t wait to start this journey with you.

Jon Morrow

Yes! I Want to Join Freedom Machine
Save $200 by investing in full today

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Frequently Asked Questions

Still not sure if this is for you?

Here are my answers to the most common questions I get that may be lingering in your head about now.

“What if I don’t have an idea?”

If you don’t have an idea for your blog, that’s great!

We have a custom process for finding an idea you’re excited about. One that blends your passion and interests with what people are willing to pay for.

It eliminates all the guesswork and confusion. In a few weeks, you’ll have hundreds of people telling you exactly what they want to hear from you. So you’ll know the easiest path to go down to earn passive income.

What if I’m not a “tech person?”

This course was designed for people with zero tech skills whatsoever.

We’ve included step-by-step video tutorials that walk you through every technical piece you need. Even something as basic as setting up a Facebook page.

We have them for every conceivable tech hurdle. If you ever have trouble, send us an email, and we’ll help you out.

“What if I’m not a writer?”

If you’re not a writer that’s a great reason to join.

I don’t care if you can’t even write a shopping list. You don’t need to be a great writer to start.

I’m going to give you some of my best secrets for writing outstanding blog posts. My team and I will even critique your writing. By the end, you’ll be better than the vast majority of bloggers online.

That being said, you should at least enjoy writing. You’ll be doing it a lot, so if you don’t love writing, then this isn’t for you.

“How much time do I need to put into this?”

I recommend at least 10 hours a week during the 12-week course. Then continue working at that rate until you hit the $1,000/month goal.

“How long until I make $1,000/month?”

It’s impossible to say because there are so many factors at play.

For example, if you’re a great writer or already have a proven product to sell, you can move through the course much faster than most.

There are so many factors that any timeline I gave you would be completely made up. So I will say this:

If you’re expecting to start making $1,000/month within 90 days — don’t join.

This isn’t about creating some flash-in-the-pan where you make a lot of money one month then nothing the next.

It’s about building a rock-solid machine that continues churning out sales month after month, year after year — reliably and consistently.

It’s not about building a machine fast; it’s about building a machine that lasts.

“What if there are already tons of blogs in my market?”

This may sound odd, but the more crowded a market is, the easier it’ll be for you to succeed.

It’s strange but true. Here’s why:

When you see people doing what you want to be doing, that’s proof it’s profitable.

All you need to do is stand out — which is easy since most of the content online is terrible.

Once you master my formula for writing outstanding content, (which my team and I will coach you through) you’ll be running circles around the people in your niche.

They’ll be cranking out the same tired “How to…” and “7 ways …” blogs week after week while you sit back and get more traffic by writing way less. Simply because you have better posts and a smarter promotion strategy.

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