High Ticket Closer Certification by Dan Lok

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Old Price: $79.90

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High Ticket Closer Certification by Dan Lok Free

The original High-Ticket Closer™ Certification Program was designed to only have 49 spots. But because of extreme popular demand, Dan Lok has made a small, handful of new spots available. If this program interests you, read this page carefully as Dan has high-standards for the students who want to enroll and may choose to close the doors for the program at any time.
Dan Lok’s LIVE 7-Week High-Ticket Closer™ Certification Program
This Program Is Not For Everyone.
It Is For Serious Players Only.
If You’re A Wannabe, Lookie-Lou
or A Whiner, This is NOT For You.
In a few months, you could be making an $100K-$500K a year because you joined the High-Ticket Closer™ Certification Program.

How do I know?

Because I will be PERSONALLY mentoring you in LIVE weekly trainings. AND I am GIVING you the clients you need to make that kind of money.

(See Week 7 of the program schedule below).

So the question is do you want to be one of the people I work with and who I pass clients to?

If you do then read this page carefully because the truth is the High-Ticket Closer™ Certification Program is not for everyone.
The High-Ticket Closer™ Certification Program is ONLY for You if:

You want to be mentored by me, Dan Lok, in an intensive 7-week program. In this program, every week I get on a LIVE online training class where you get to learn one of my most valuable skills in life
You are ambitious and you are willing to work VERY HARD for a short period of time. In return, you get a LIFETIME of financial success
You want more money to travel the world, give back to your family or help others
You want to set your own hours, make good money, and become financially secure by having your high-income skill
You want to experience one of the most intense personal growth periods of your life

If you meet the criteria above, then certification program may be what you’ve been looking for. Because once you’re certified...
You are getting paid $1,000.00-$3,000.00 dollars for every ONE sale you make - one sale which takes you 30-minutes or less
With these big commissions coming your way, how many sales a month do you need to cover all monthly living costs for you and your loved ones?

How many sales a month would it take you to have enough money to invest in a property or to have the seed money for a business?

How many sales do you need a month to travel the world and live a good lifestyle?

If you’re like most people, you only need a few sales every month. Which means when you’re having a good month you could work for 1 day, make $10,000 dollars and take the rest of the month off.

So when you think about it -
To live a comfortable 6-figure life, you only need to make 3 maybe 4 sales a month. That’s it.
So while other people are networking... drop shipping... SEO-ing… making funnels... and doing this or that…. You’re getting paid REAL money while doing -

Zero networking
Zero cold-calling
Zero money wasted on advertising
Zero inventory
Zero spamming people on Facebook
Zero selling friends or family
Zero technical skills
Zero trying to keep up with the latest algorithms

And keep in mind, this is NOTHING like cold-calling where you’re getting rejected 95% of the time. With the leads you get from myself and the clients, you will be closing at 20-40% on average.

That is once you have know our high-ticket selling secrets. So...
Here’s What The High-Ticket Closer™ Certification Program Will Do For You
Benefit #1:
This is one of the ONLY 7-Week LIVE Online Training Programs you will ever find.
This is NOT a certification program where you get a login and a password to a set of pre-recorded videos.

This is one of the ONLY 7-Week LIVE online mentorship program you will ever find.

Every week’s mentorship session you join is live. Meaning every single week at a set time, you will be LIVE online as Dan answers your questions, mentor you and do LIVE demonstrations with you.
Benefit #2:
This Is the ONLY Program Where You Can Walk in As A Noobie and Walk Out A Superstar With Your High-Income Skill As a High-Ticker Closer™
Because our clients are ONLY looking for REAL high-ticket closers™. So our certification is a REAL program that takes work, and that you can feel proud of. This is NOT one of those certification where you watch a video; take a quick quiz; and you get certified.

This is the ONLY sales apprenticeship in the world for where you are trained by Dan Lok - the King of High-Ticket Sales™ himself.
Here’s what you get during the 7-week program:
Week 1:
How To Dominate In Life and In Business With A High-Ticket Mindset
Whereas all other sales programs teach you to be aggressive, salesy and slimey techniques. I show you the opposite right in the first week. This is the week where you’ll see how you NEVER need to be pushy at all - especially when it comes to high-ticket sales. In fact, the less pushy you are, the more successful you’ll be.
Week 2:
The Advanced Human Psychology of High-Ticket Sales and Ultra-Luxury Selling
This is the ONLY program you will find where you get these high high-level strategies at this price point. Typically, Fortune 500 companies pay TENS of THOUSANDS of dollars for one afternoon of this type of training. You’re getting it at a small investment and you get to practice USE it in real life by the end of the program.
Week 3:
The One-Call Closer Methodology That’ll Get You Paid On Command
You've met people who spend months, sometimes years, trying to become great public speakers. -yes? I'm sure you've also met people who speak really naturally on their first speaking engagement. It’s the same thing in sales. You’ll find most sales people take months to close a deal. What you get in this week is the secret to close in ONE single call.
Week 4:
The High Ticket Sales Scripts - The 7 Secrets I, Dan Lok, Have Used To Close Tens Of Millions Of Dollars Over The Phone
You will NEVER find these scripts on Google or any sales training. These are the holy scripts which I’ve developed over the years which has helped me close millions in sales over the phone. With these scripts, you will never be phased by any client, prospect or sales conversation again - no matter how intimidating the person you’re talking to is. close someone.
Week 5:
How To Handle Objections and Resistance Like A KungFu Master Easily Handles A 300-Pound Boxer
Imagine never getting rejected again. Well you don’t need to imagine because you’ll know how to turn around any conversation at any time with this week’s strategies. What you’ll see is the more resistance your prospect gives you, the more power you have over him. And the more easy you can close someone.
Week 6:
How To Find Highly Lucrative High-Ticket Partners - With LIVE Role Play With Me, Dan Lok, And Others On My Team
In this week, you get your hands dirty. The gloves comes off and you’ll be practicing your moves LIVE in front of your class before dealing with REAL life clients.

The best performers in this week will get to work with my clients. In this week’s lesson, I will also show you how to get your own clients.
Week 7:
How To Guarantee Yourself A
6-Figure Income (And Keep Growing) As A High-Ticket Closer™
This is one of the MOST important classes in the program. In this class, you’ll discover the quickest and easiest way to make 6-figures as a High-Ticket Closer. This includes how to structure win-win deals with your clients. The 4 requirements every one of your clients must meet for you to make money – for the long-term. And much, much more.
Benefit #3:
You’re Getting A Solid $70,000.00 Dollars Worth of Value - For a Tiny Fraction Of The Investment
The fact is people pay $5,000 an hour for my time.

Within the high-ticket program, you get 14 hours of my direct mentorship through a 7 week period. This means you’re getting $70,000.00 worth of coaching at a fraction of the investment.

In the program, you and I will get to know each other quite well. If you do well in the program, you will get a chance to join my High-Ticket Sales Team™. On the team, you will be closing deals for A-players most people would never get to work with if they were on their own.
Benefit #4:
You Get Ready-To-Go Clients Who Have Commission Cheques Waiting To Write Your Name On Them
I get DOZENS of request a week from thought leaders and entrepreneurs who need closers. If you do well in the program, all leads that I get will come to YOU. You can expect to work with some of the world’s LEADING thought leaders and influencers. You may even be able to close for some of your favorite celebrities now or in the future.
Benefit #5:
You Put Yourself On The Fast-Track To Living A Financially Confident Life
When you’re a high-ticket closer™, you can close anywhere you are in the world. All you need is a phone with reception. That’s it. That’s all it takes for you to make more money than most internet marketers, doctors, engineers, and even most lawyers.
Total High-Ticket Closer™7-Week Certification Program Value: $70,000
For Fast Action-Takers - For The People Who “Get It” And Take Action NOW, You’ll Also Get:
Get Instant Access To Dan Lok's 6 Steps To 6 Figures Formula™
Retails For $1,995.00
Recordings Of Actual Role Plays And Sales Calls
$5,000.00 Value
Lifetime Access to A Private FB Group With Latest High-Ticket Sales Gigs
Value: Priceless
Total Bonuses Value: $6,995.00
In Total That's $76,995 For The High-Ticket Closer™ Certification Program
But You Aren't Going To Pay That Much...
Choose ONE of The Following Payment Options Below Now.
High-Ticket Closer™ 7-Week Certification Program
Choose Your Best Package Below
3 Easy Monthly
Payments Of $995

The 7-Week Online Certification Program & LIVE Workshop event. ($70,000 Value)
BONUS #1: 6 Steps To 6 Figures Formula™ ($1,995 Value)
BONUS #2: Recordings Of Actual Role Plays And Sales Calls ($5,000 Value)
BONUS #3: Lifetime Access to A Private FB Group With Latest High-Ticket Sales Gigs (Priceless)

3 Easy Monthly
Payments Of $995
Single Payment Of $2,495.00 (Save $490.00 Immediately!)

The 7-Week Online Certification Program & LIVE Workshop event. ($70,000 Value)
BONUS #1: 6 Steps To 6 Figures Formula™ ($1,995 Value)
BONUS #2: Recordings Of Actual Role Plays And Sales Calls ($5,000 Value)
BONUS #3: Lifetime Access to A Private FB Group With Latest High-Ticket Sales Gigs (Priceless)

Single Payment Of $2,495.00 (Save $490.00 Immediately!)
Here's What Existing High-Ticket Closer™ Family Members Have To Say About The Program
Want To See More Success Stories? Click Here
The One Call Closer™
Vancouver, British Columbia
Before Kayvon met Dan he was completely lost as a internet wannabe trying to “figure it out”. He was $120K in debt, losing $25K a month and sinking fast. He had lost all direction and was about to fail hard. Thanks to Dan's mentoring he is now making $40K a month working 25 - 30 hours a week max. He works with the world best industry experts anywhere he wants in the world.
Darius Rivera
US Army Lieutenant
Prince George, Virginia
Darius has just completed graduation in the US army but wasn’t in the pay system yet. He needed to do something to earn money. The training was a big financial stretch for him since he had only $500 in his bank account. But he felt this was the best opportunity for him. After graduating, he’s fully committed to using this valuable skill to make secondary income on the side.
William Webb
Website Designer
Lexington, Columbia
William had a lot of mindset issues that kept him living a mediocre life. It prevented him from taking his life to the next level. But, upon graduating, everything changed for William. The program was one of the best decisions he’s ever made and feels he can be the best High-Ticket Closer™ in our family.
Ed Reay
Freelance Copywriter
Vancouver, British Columbia
Ed is a great Copywriter but had trouble selling his copywriting services. He was forced to take on clients, who pay very little for what he delivered. We showed him what to do to charge higher prices and recently closed a $1000 deal.
Gary Wilson
Veteran Salesman
United Kingdom
Gary has been in sales all his life. He joined the High-Ticket Closer™ Certification Program to learn a new way to make money online. Traditionally, he’s always done sales offline and wanted to do something online. Within weeks of graduating, we showed him a different way of closing sales, that he wasn’t used to. He implemented what we taught him and sold over $100,000 pounds worth of products.
Christopher Charles Rios
High-Ticket Closer™
New York City
Christopher has always been interested in making money online so that he could have more time and freedom. He’s joined many other courses before, but none of them compared to the value offered in the High-Ticket Closer™ Certification Program. Upon graduating, he got his first client, which will make him $15k a month.
Blake Wyatt
Facebook Ads Agency
Kitchener, Ontario
Blake was spending too much time working in his business, instead of on his business. He knew that he needed a high-income skill that would allow him to work fewer hours while making a lot of money. And that’s what the High-Ticket Closer™ Certification Program has given him.
Kenneth Duhaylungsod
Social Media Director
Toronto, Ontario
Kenneth previously met Dan at a major entrepreneur’s conference in Toronto. He was blown away by the value Dan delivered. Ever since joining the High-Ticket Closer™ Certification Program, he’s loved it. He’s now on the path to making $500K in revenue in 12 months.
Philip Pich
Business Owner
Philip went through a transformation greater than he had ever anticipated, after completing the 7-week certification program. He’s previously been through many different programs but the High-Ticket Closer™ Certification Program stood out the most. Since graduating, he’s now closed over $3,000 worth of sales.
Mauricio Talero
Young College Graduate
Perth, Australia
Upon graduating college, Mauricio felt lost about life and didn’t know what to do with his life. He tried other ways to make money online such as MLM, Drop Shipping, and Affiliate Marketing. But none of them worked out. However, after graduating from the High-Ticket Closer™ Certification Program, it was one of the best investments he made. He felt HTC was different from the other programs he’s taken and appreciated the personal touch he got from Dan and the team.
Want To See More Success Stories? Click Here
This Program Will Give You The Ability To Write Your Own Cheques As A Certified High-Ticket Closer™!
So, if you want to:

Get the quickest and easiest way to make a great 6-figure living...
Become someone of greater value and have a skillset that you can use for lifetime...
Get personally trained, mentored and maybe work for me Dan Lok...

Then this certification program is for you.

So now you have two choices.

You can read through all this and do nothing.

In other words, by doing nothing, you’re pushing away your opportunity to get paid 6-figures as a high-ticket closer… you’re pushing away the opportunity to work directly with me an 8-figure multimillionaire… and you may be pushing away the opportunity to get ready-to-go clients who I will be sending you.

Or you can be an action taker and go for your dreams.

The time to act is now.

There is no later.

Dan Lok
Choose ONE of The Following Payment Options Below Now.
High-Ticket Closer™ 7-Week Certification Program
Choose Your Best Package Below
3 Easy Monthly
Payments Of $995

The 7-Week Online Certification Program & LIVE Workshop event. ($70,000 Value)
BONUS #1: 6 Steps To 6 Figures Formula™ ($1,995 Value)
BONUS #2: Recordings Of Actual Role Plays And Sales Calls ($5,000 Value)
BONUS #3: Lifetime Access to A Private FB Group With Latest High-Ticket Sales Gigs (Priceless)

3 Easy Monthly
Payments Of $995
Single Payment Of $2,495.00 (Save $490.00 Immediately!)

The 7-Week Online Certification Program & LIVE Workshop event. ($70,000 Value)
BONUS #1: 6 Steps To 6 Figures Formula™ ($1,995 Value)
BONUS #2: Recordings Of Actual Role Plays And Sales Calls ($5,000 Value)
BONUS #3: Lifetime Access to A Private FB Group With Latest High-Ticket Sales Gigs (Priceless)

Old Price: $79.90

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