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Leveraged Influence Academy by Andrew O'brien

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Old Price: $39.90

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Leveraged Influence Academy by Andrew O'brien Discount

The Challenge With Public Relations

PR is one of the most under-utilized tools in the Entrepreneur space due to lack of money, knowledge or mindset. You either can't afford it, don't want to learn it or think that you're not "big enough" to get it.

So we created tools for it all. A software that streamlines the process and simplifies it to the point that it doesn't make sense NOT to focus on PR. The training that shows exactly how to do it. A team member who will learn it and implement it for you for $49 a month and work for you 40 hours a month.

However, there's still a gap....

You still have to onboard and support a team member around PR which can cause challenges because you don't have any PR experience and wouldn't know how to answer their questions, provide insight or support.

So, here's what we did to make it even EASIER...


Russell Brunson

CEO of Click Funnels

Anik Singal

CEO of Lurn

Caleb Maddix

Public Speaker

Leveraged Influence Academy





The purpose of Leveraged Influence Academy is to provide support to both the owners of the business and their new apprentice they bring on board. The goal is to take away the headache from the owner of trying to support a team member who is doing a skillset they have no idea how to support on.

Breaking It Down...

Systems & Processes

On-boarding and Tracking Work

For the Founders...

We provide you all of our systems and processes to hiring, on-boarding and tracking the work of your newest apprentice and team member. This way you can follow the same exact process we use with our team to ensure they are getting results and you're able to keep track of what they're doing on a daily basis.

What's Included:

Hiring Process
How to hire the right apprentice following our testing strategy
Project Management
How to keep them on track with daily work using our PM systems
Key Performance Indicator
How to track their progress and work in real time using our KPI system
On-Boarding Training
We show your new team member how to use the above systems

Public Relations Training

Learning to be a Publicist

For the Apprentice...

We provide your apprentice with an entire members portal filled with trainings on how to be a publicist. These are pre-recorded video trainings with worksheets and downloadable PDFs. We go even deeper than just your normal "Perfect Pitch Training" most people purchase. This is our entire Masterclass.

What's Included:

Perfect Pitch Training
How to write the perfect media pitch
Media Worthy Story
How to capture the perfect media worthy story
Building a Media Kit
How to build a digital media kit that will increase credibility
Finding the Media Avatar
How to find the perfect media contact for the story
Follow-up Sequence
How to follow-up when the media contact doesn't respond
Continued Education
We will add new lessons and trainings regularly to keep them up-to-date with what's working now
Access to interviews with media contacts from the world's largest media outlets telling you how they like to be pitched and the best way to win a feature on their outlet

Unlimited Support System

Unlimited support for all questions

For the Founder and Apprentice...

We have a dedicated team member just for this program. This team members only job is to support both the apprentices and founders and answer all of their questions when ever they need it. We want to ensure that both the founder and the apprentice has everything they need to succeed.

What's Included:

Unlimited Email Support
Responses within 48 hours during working business days
Facebook Group
Access to our private community just for members where the team will monitor and answer questions
FREE Pitch Review! We will review up to 3 pitches per month for your new apprentice to ensure they're catching on to the strategy and give feedback/edit suggestions. Reviews within 72 hours during working business days.

Office Hours

Monthly Live Q&A

For the Founder and Apprentice...

Every month founders Andrew O'Brien and Omari Broussard will do a 90 minute Office Hours where they will provide additional trainings, answer any pending questions and give insights on how to get results from the media and capitalize on that exposure with specific marketing strategies.

What's Included:

90 Minute Office Hours
Monthly live calls for 90 minutes from the founders
Unlimited Replays
All replays will be added to the members portal for unlimited access


More value without spending more money

For the Founder and Apprentice...

You're an entrepreneur, so you understand that we always want to provide as much value as we can... So here are some added bonuses for you joining us in Leveraged Influence Academy.

Bonus #1


Streamline the process

Easily answer questions on a form, press submit and find the perfectly generated pitch in your email for you to send out to the media contact. This software speeds up the process of writing a pitch instead of having to manually write it every time. This helps you capitalize on your new apprentice that's working 40 hours a month. Along with this tool, you get access to our Link Shortener which allows you to capitalize on every earned media placement you get.

Bonus #2


Weekly updated database

We have a dedicated team member working 30 hours a week finding media contacts with their name, email address, author profile link and what topic they write about. Get access to the entire database and contacts that are updated on a weekly basis. Take away the pain of having to research all the time, start out by looking in our constantly growing database first.

The Investment

Monthly Investment

Total Monthly Investment: $297/month

Old Price: $39.90

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