List Surge by Melyssa Griffin

List Surge by Melyssa Griffin

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Old Price: $29.90

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List Surge

Get 1,000 new email subscribers in the next 90 days with strategic list-building methods for bloggers and entrepreneurs

If you’ve been blogging or running an online business, then you know how frustrating it can be to grow your email list.

Despite your best efforts, it just seems to be inching along...while others are growing their lists by the hundreds and thousands with seemingly little effort.

What’s the deal?

You watch other people’s blogs and businesses take off as their lists grow, and you wonder if that could ever happen to you.

Not to mention, you’ve got heaps of stellar product ideas you know your email list would love to buy...if only you had a list of subscribers to begin with.

Yeah, I get it. And I’ve been there. Now, my list grows by the thousands every single month.

You can do it, too! Imagine if...

...You finally hit the coveted “1,000 subscribers” benchmark and felt confident launching your first product.

...You no longer felt like you were creating content that disappeared into thin you have a list of subscribers who will eat up your blog posts and buy your products.

...You could stop struggling with social media algorithms and instead were able to pop into your audience’s inbox whenever you wanted to.

Yes, you can grow your list to 1,000 engaged subscribers in the next 90 days with a clear list-building system.

Over the past four years, I’ve discovered just how POWERFUL an email list can be. Let me share a little case study of how my email list affected my own sales and income.

Here are four of my e-course launches, along with the number of email subscribers I had at the time:

As my email list grew, so did my income! Not only that, but I finally had a community to lead -- one with engagement and people who were excited about the things I created.

And even though I’m in one of the most saturated niches, I was able to grow my email list from 2,000 to 30,000 subscribers in ONE year.

Here are a couple reasons why growing your email list should be your top priority:

1. There’s a simple formula that says: the more engaged subscribers you have on your list, the more sales you’ll be able to make. It’s basically the easiest math equation on the planet, and trust me, it works. (And how exciting to know that with the right list-building strategies, you could be on your way to a profitable business, too!).

2. Straight up, you don’t own Instagram or Twitter or Facebook. They can (and have) changed their policies and algorithms with ZERO notice to make it harder for you to reach the audience you've worked your butt off to build. Frustrating = Understatement.

But with your email list you control EVERYTHING! And that list isn’t going ANYWHERE. So, even if Instagram changes their site so that only three people ever see your posts, you’ll still have an email list full of dedicated followers who will read your emails and buy from your funnels.

No, there isn’t a “magic pill” you can take that will give you a large, engaged list overnight. But making this happen is easier than you’d think and literally ANYONE can do it.

I created List Surge to share the EXACT principles and strategies I used to exponentially grow my list in a matter of months so that I could finally have the profitable, engaged community I’d always wanted.

I haven’t always been a list-building ninja. In fact, just a few years ago I didn’t even have a list. And when I finally made one, I didn’t put any effort into it for over a year because I felt completely stuck.

I’d tried other list-building strategies -- outdated tactics I found on Google -- and felt like I was wasting my time on methods that didn’t work.

That is, until I decided to experiment for myself. And quickly, things changed.

Just a few months after putting effort into my list’s growth, I had my first $10,000 month. And now, just 1.5 years later? I earn $50,000-$100,000 per MONTH...and it’s all because I figured out how to rapidly grow my list full of engaged subscribers.

List Surge combines the most powerful list-building strategies with heaps of tech tutorials to give you a fool-proof list-building SYSTEM that will help you rapidly grow your email list.

Here’s everything you can expect to learn when you enroll in List Surge:

1. The basics of list-building that will give you a SOLID foundation for future growth (even if you're a total beginner!).

2. Why to create landing pages and thank you pages in order to get the biggest email list gains.

3. The vital things you need to know BEFORE growing your email list.

1. Over ten list-building strategies that are designed to give you MAXIMUM growth with your list (these are the same exact strategies I used to gain 30,000 subscribers in only one year).

2. The simplest way to grow your list from scratch (that could get you 50-100 subscribers in a matter of DAYS and plenty of people referring their friends to your list, too.

3. Want to create a free email course or challenge? You need to do it strategically. You'll learn how to create your high-value freebie in a way that converts people into engaged community members.

4. How to optimize your website for conversions because almost EVERYONE is incorrectly using their website and missing out on tons of potential leads.

5. How to utilize content upgrades, host a high-powered list-building giveaway, and teach your first webinar in order to bring in hundreds of new subscribers.

6. ...and SO many more super-powered strategies.

1. Ever feel completely confused by all of the technology that goes into growing a list? Not anymore! This section contains more than 10 tech tutorial videos to ensure that you're comfortable with all things list-building.

2. Learn how to create an on-brand opt-in box and super sexy opt-in landing pages in a matter of minutes.

3. How to use social media scheduling tools to massively grow your list on autopilot with my special system.

4. How to set up your very first webinar (ALL the tech is covered and each tool is completely free!).

5. How to create a resource library, set up automations for your free email course, and MORE.

I'm not new to online business, but I'd surrendered to the fact that list building was a painful, slow process until I enrolled in List Surge. My list is now growing in the double digits every day and the best part is that most of it is on autopilot thanks to Melyssa's strategies. - Courtney, Rule Breaker's Club

List Surge worked! In spite of the fact that I am trying to reach a very niche group, within one month my email list doubled to 2,000 subscribers. Now, just a few months later, my list is approaching 4,000! List Surge is amazing and Melyssa is one of the best teachers out there! - Cheri, Super Power Speech

List Surge helped me understand how to grow my list faster than ever. I already got over 900 subscribers! And now, I get around 10 to 30 subscribers every day. I've even had some days where 50+ people have subscribed! The best part is that it hasn't required a ridiculous amount of effort on my part. I just post new content on my blog about once a week and use the strategies in the course, and it works like a charm! -Jorden, Writing Revolt

I've only implemented two of Melyssa's strategies so far, and my list is already in the triple digits (176 as I'm writing this!). I'm not super tech-savvy, but Melyssa's tech tutorials made it really easy to implement her strategies. Every video is packed with useful information. No fluff, just good stuff! - Lysandra

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

List Surge combines my very best list-building strategies, which helped me skyrocket from 2,000 subscribers to over 60,000 subscribers in just 15 months. And I’ve taught these strategies to over 500 other students! But if for some reason List Surge doesn’t work for you? Then I’ll gladly give you a full refund within 60 days.

60 days?! You betcha! Unlike most courses that only offer 14-30 day guarantees (Or *gasp!* No guarantee at all!), I want to give you time to try my strategies and start seeing results. I am more than confident that this course will work for you, just as it’s helped hundreds of other List Surge students.

At this point, you might be feeling excited, knowing that List Surge will help you grow your list and community.

But I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re also having some doubts and worries about whether this system will work for you.

(It’s in our nature to worry right before making a big, powerful change!).

So in case you’re feeling nervous, let me clear up some of the myths and fears you may be thinking right now...

1. I haven’t set up my list yet, so I’m already behind.

Not the case! Plenty of List Surge students are just getting started. Even if you’re a total beginner, this course will help you grow your list with a running start.

2. I’m not sure these strategies would work for my obscure, non-marketing niche.

A majority of List Surge students have blogs and businesses that AREN’T in a “marketing” or “business” niche...yet they still get incredible results. No matter what your niche, you should have an email list (even political candidates rely on their email lists to win elections!), and List Surge will show you how to grow yours, fast.

3. Will growing my list really help me make more sales online?

That tends to be the logic, yes! Of course, you also need to engage with your list on a regular basis, but adding more engaged subscribers will ONLY benefit your business.

4. I’ll probably have to spend tons of money on ads to see results.

How does $0 on ads sound? Because that’s exactly what I teach. I didn’t spend any money on ads in order to grow my list to 60,000 subscribers, and you don’t have to, either! All of the strategies in List Surge include FREE tactics you can use to see great results without big fees.

5. Or perhaps you're thinking that you could just find this info on Google.

I tried that for a couple years myself...and left with very little to show for it. (Yikes). A lot of the info you’ll find on Google was written years ago with strategies that are now obsolete.

Don’t make the mistake of spending all your time regurgitating old blog posts with outdated information. Instead, List Surge shares proven methods you’ll only find inside the course. It’s also updated on a regular basis to ensure that the lessons are relevant and fresh.

Yo. I'm your teacher, Melyssa Griffin.

I lead an ever-growing community where I help bloggers and online entrepreneurs grow their tribes and earn a full-time income online. As an e-course instructor, I've taught more than 2,500 students. And as a business woman, I've launched multiple successful, highly profitable businesses… all using my blog as the foundation. I’ve also been mentioned on sites like The Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, and Brit+Co.

But things weren’t always so sweet. Back when I started my blog, I was living on $2,500 a month as an English Teacher in Japan, feeling lost, uncreative, and bored out of my mind. What started on a whim quickly grew to become one of the most powerful decisions of my life and I’m grateful every day for this business and community I’ve created online.

So even if you’re new to list-building, have an audience of 1 (your mom), or have no idea where to even begin, List Surge will become your step-by-step system for seeing BIG growth with your list.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What if I’m brand new to list-building?

Fantastic! List Surge will help you get a running start with your email list. You could spend 1-2 years treading water and trying to figure out how to grow your list (like I did), OR you could start growing your list ASAP.

2. What if I already have thousands of people on my list?

Well, would you like to increase the number of people who sign up to your list each day? Almost everyone I meet -- no matter how big their lists are -- has gaping holes in their list-building strategies. Lost opportunities. Wasted time. Bleh. In List Surge, I share the BEST list-building strategies that will help you get rapid results, no matter how many subscribers you do or don’t have.

3. Do you offer any refunds or guarantees?

You bet! You have SIXTY days to go through the course, try my strategies, and get results. If my methods don’t work for you, just shoot us and email and we’ll gladly give you a full refund.

4. How long do I have access to this course?

Uhhh how about FOREVER?! As long as List Surge is alive, you’ll have access to the course (and I expect it to live a loooong, healthy life).

5. What format is the course content delivered in?

The course includes videos, worksheets, swipe email copy, and transcriptions of each video! (**Transcriptions are coming soon!)

6. Am I going to have to buy a bunch of pricey software or spend money on ads?

Pshhh NO. I am all about making the most of what you have, wherever you are in your list-building journey. I may recommend a paid tool from time to time, but by no means does the course revolve around you buying any pricey software. You can get solid results without spending a penny.

Want to know how List Surge will TRANSFORM your business and blog? After completing the course, you’ll...

>> Have 1,000 subscribers who are gnawing at the bit to buy your next product.

>> Finally stop feeling like a “fraud,” because now you have hundreds (or thousands!) of people who LOVE what you create and open all of your emails.

>> Be on your way to creating a profitable business because you’ll finally have the MOST necessary ingredient: an email list that grows on autopilot.

>> No longer feel mystified by the technology that goes into running and growing your email list because List Surge will teach you everything you need to know.

>> Finally feel you can DO this. You’ve got the tools, the know-how, and the strong foundation to leverage your email list for exponential growth.

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Old Price: $29.90

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