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26 lessons from the brightest minds in online marketing and SEO. Anytime. Just press play.

MozCon brings together the best in online marketing and SEO to discuss actionable tips, next-level strategies, and trends that are shaping the industry’s future. Get inspired and level up your online marketing expertise: This bundle of 26 presentations covers SEO, content marketing, customer experience, brand, digital strategy, analytics, and more.

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Buy the MozCon 2017 Video Bundle
26 Future-Focused, Actionable Lessons from Industry Experts
Rand Fishkin
Welcome to MozCon 2017!
Presenter: Rand Fishkin
Lisa Myers
How to Get Big Links
Presenter: Lisa Myers
Session Details: Everyone wants links and coverage from sites such as The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the BBC, but very few achieve it. This is how we cracked it. Over and over.
Oli Gardner
Data-Driven Design
Presenter: Oli Gardner
Session Details: Data-Driven Design (3D) is an actionable, evidence-based framework for creating websites and landing pages that will increase your leads, sales, and customers. In this session you’ll learn how to use the latest industry conversion data to inform copywriting and design decisions that impact conversions. Additionally, I’ll share a new methodology for prioritizing your marketing optimization that will show you which pages are awesome (leave them alone), which pages aren’t (massive ROI potential here), and help you develop a common language that your teams of marketers, designers, and copywriters can use to work better together to collectively increase your conversion rates.
Joel Klettke
How to Write Customer-Driven Copy That Converts
Presenter: Joel Klettke
Session Details: If you want to write copy that converts, you need to get into your customers' heads. But how do you do that? How do you know which pain points you need to address, features customers care about, or benefits your audience need to hear? Marketers are sick and tired of hearing 'it depends.' I'll give you a practical framework for writing customer-driven copy that any business can apply.
Daniel Russell
What We Learned From Reddit & How It Can Help Your Brand Take Content Marketing to the Next Level
Presenter: Daniel Russell
Session Details: It almost seems too good to be true — online forums where people automatically segment themselves into different markets and demographics and then vote on what content they like best. These forums, including Reddit, are treasure troves of content ideas. I'll share actionable insights from three case studies that demonstrate how your marketing can benefit from content on Reddit.
Katie Cunningham
How to build an SEO-intent based framework for any business
Presenter: Katie Cunningham
Session Details: Everyone knows intent behind the search matters. In e-commerce, intent is somewhat easy to see. B2B or, better yet, healthcare, isn't quite as easy. Matching persona intent to keywords requires a bit more thought. I will cover how to find intent modifiers during keyword research, how to organize those modifiers into the search funnel, and how to quickly find unique universal results at different levels of the search funnel to utilize.
Ian Lurie
Size Doesn't Matter: Great Content by Teams of One
Presenter: Ian Lurie
Session Details: Feel the energy surge through your veins as you gain content creation powers THE LIKES OF WHICH YOU HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED... Or, just learn a process for creating great content when it's just you and your little teeny team. Because size doesn't matter.
Justine Jordan
The Tie That Binds: Why Email is Key to Maximizing Marketing ROI
Presenter: Justine Jordan
Session Details: If nailing the omnichannel experience (whatever that means!) is key to getting more traffic and converting more leads, what happens if we have our channel priorities out of order? Justine will show you how email — far from being an old-school afterthought — is core to hitting marketing goals, building lifetime value, and making customers happy.
Purna Virji
Marketing in a Conversational World: How to Get Discovered, Delight Your Customers, and Earn the Conversion
Presenter: Purna Virji
Session Details: Capturing and keeping attention is one of the hardest parts of our job today. Fact: It's just going to get harder with the advent of new technology and conversational interfaces. In the brave new world we're stepping into, the key questions are: How do we get discovered? How can we delight our audiences? And how can we grow revenue for our clients? Come to this session to learn how to make your marketing and advertising efforts something people are going to want to consume.
Phil Nottingham
Thinking Smaller: Optimizing for the New Wave of Social Video Platforms
Presenter: Phil Nottingham
Session Details: SnapChat, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Periscope... the list goes on. All social networks are now video platforms, but it's hard to know where to invest. In this session, Phil will be giving you all the tips and tricks for what to make, how to get your content in front of the right audiences, and how get the most value from the investment you're making in social video.
Wil Reynolds
I'd Rather Be Thanked Than Ranked
Presenter: Wil Reynolds
Session Details: Ego and assumptions led me to choose the wrong keywords for my own site — yeah, me, Wil Reynolds, Mr. RCS. How did I spend three years optimizing my site and building links to finally crack the top three for six critical keywords, only to find out that I wasted all that time? However, in spite of targeting the wrong words, Seer grew the business. In this presentation, I'll show you the mistakes I made and share with you the approaches that can help you build content that gets you thanked.
Rob Bucci
Reverse-Engineer Google's Research to Serve Up the Best, Most Relevant Content for Your Audience
Presenter: Rob Bucci
Session Details: The SERP is the front-end to Google's multi-billion dollar consumer research machine. They know what searchers want. In this data-heavy talk, Rob will teach you how to uncover what Google already knows about what web searchers are looking for. Using this knowledge, you can deliver the right content to the right searchers at the right time, every time.
Matthew Edgar
More Than SEO: 3 Ways To Prove UX Matters Too
Presenter: Matthew Edgar
Session Details: Great SEO is increasingly dependent on having a website with a great user experience. To make your user experience great requires carefully tracking what people do so that you always know where to improve. But what do you track? In this 15-minute talk, I’ll cover three effective and advanced ways to use event tracking in Google Analytics to understand a website's user.
Jayna Grassel
A Site Migration: Redirects, Resources & Reflection
Presenter: Jayna Grassel
Session Details: Site. Migration. No two words elicit more fear, joy, or excitement to a digital marketer. When the idea was shared three years ago, the company was excited. They dreamed of new features and efficiency. But as SEOs we knew better. We knew there would be midnight strategy sessions with IT. More UAT environments than we could track. Deadlines, requirements, and compromises forged through hallway chats. ... The result was a stable transition with minimal dips in traffic. What we didn't know, however, was the amount of cross-functional coordination that was required to pull it off.
Kane Jamison
The 8 Paid Promotion Tactics That Will Get You To Quit Organic Traffic
Presenter: Kane Jamison
Session Details: Digital marketers are ignoring huge opportunities to promote their content through paid channels, and I want to give them the tools to get started. How many brands out there are spending $500+ on a blog post, and then moving on to the next one before that post has been seen by 500 people, or even 50? For some reason, everyone thinks about Outbrain and native ads when we talk about paid content distribution, but the real opportunity is in highly targeted paid social.
Tara-Nicholle Nelson
How to Be a Happy Marketer: Survive the Content Crisis and Drive Results by Mastering Your Customer’s Transformational Journey
Presenter: Tara-Nicholle Nelson
Session Details: Branded content is way up, but customer engagement with that content is plummeting. This whole scene makes it hard to get up in the morning, as a marketer. But there's a new path beyond the epidemic of disengagement and, at the end of it, your brand and your content become regular stops along your customer's everyday journey.
Matthew Barby
Up and to the Right: Growing Traffic, Conversions & Revenue
Presenter: Matthew Barby
Session Details: So many of the case studies that document how a company has grown from 0 to X forget to mention that solutions that they found are applicable to their specific scenario and won't work for everyone. This falls into the dangerous category of bad advice for generic problems. Instead of building up a list of other companies' tactics, marketers need to understand how to diagnose and solve problems across their entire funnel. Illustrated with real-world examples, I'll be talking you through the process that I take to come up with ideas that none of my competitors are thinking of.
Dr. Pete Meyers
Facing the Future: 5 Simple Tactics for 5 Scary Changes
Presenter: Dr. Pete Meyers
Session Details: We've seen big changes to SEO recently, from an explosion in SERP features to RankBrain to voice search. These fundamental changes to organic search marketing can be daunting, and it's hard to know where to get started. Dr. Pete will walk you through five big changes and five tactics for coping with those changes today.
Joanna Lord
How to Operationalize Growth for Maximum Revenue
Presenter: Joanna Lord
Session Details: Joanna will walk through tactical ways to organize your team, build system foundations, and create processes that fuel growth across the company. You'll hear how to coordinate with product, engineering, CX, and sales to ensure you're maximizing your opportunity to acquire, retain, and monetize your customers.
Krista Seiden
Analytics to Drive Optimization & Personalization
Presenter: Krista Seiden
Session Details: Getting the most out of your optimization efforts means understanding the data you’re collecting, from analytics implementation to report setup to analysis techniques. In this session, Krista walks you through several tips for using analytics data to empower your optimization efforts, and then takes it further to show you how to level-up your efforts to take advantage of personalization from mass scale all the way down to individual user actions.
Cindy Krum
The Truth About Mobile-First Indexing
Presenter: Cindy Krum
Session Details: Mobile-first design has been a best practice for a while, and Google is finally about to support it with mobile-first indexing. But mobile-first design and mobile-first indexing are not the same thing. Mobile-first indexing is about cross-device accessibility of information to help integrate digital assistants and web-enabled devices that don’t even have browsers, to achieve Google’s larger goals. Learn how mobile-first indexing will give digital marketers their first real swing at influencing Google’s new AI (Artificial Intelligence) landscape. Marketers who embrace an accurate understanding of mobile-first indexing could see a huge first-mover advantage, similar to the early days of the web, and we all need to be prepared.
Tara Reed
Powerful Brands Have Communities
Presenter: Tara Reed
Session Details: You are laser focused on user growth. Meanwhile, you're neglecting a gold mine of existing customers who desperately want to be part of your brand's community. Tara Reed shares how to use communities, gamification, and membership content to grow your revenue.
Heather Physioc
From Anchor to Asset: How Agencies Can Wisely Create Data-Driven Content
Presenter: Heather Physioc
Session Details: Creative agencies are complicated and messy, often embracing chaos instead of process, and focusing exclusively on one-time campaign creative instead of continuous web content creation. Campaign creative can be costly, and not sustainable for most large brands. How can creative shops produce data-driven streams of high-quality content for the web that stays true to its creative roots, but faster, cheaper and continuously? I'll show you how.
Britney Muller
5 Secrets: How to Execute Lean SEO to Increase Qualified Leads
Presenter: Britney Muller
Session Details: I invite you to steal some of the ideas I've gleaned from managing SEO for the behemoth bad-ass Learn what it takes to move the needle on qualified leads, execute quick wins, and keep your head above water. I will go over my biggest successes, failures, tests, and lessons.
Dawn Anderson
Winning Value Propositions for Crawlers and Consumers
Presenter: Dawn Anderson
Session Details: In an evolving mobile-first web, we can utilize pre-empting solutions to create winning value propositions, which are designed to attract and satisfy search engine crawlers and keep consumers happy. I'll outline a strategy and share tactics that help ensure increased organic reach, in addition to highlighting smart ways to view data, intent, consumer choice theory and crawl optimization.
Rand Fishkin
The State of SEO & How to Survive Google's Trojan Horsing of the Web
Presenter: Rand Fishkin
Session Details: Google is falling into a familiar pattern. First, they offer web publishers in a sector (flights, recipes, local, video, e-commerce) increased visibility and SERP display options. Next, they incent participation in specific formats and data structures. And, finally, they take that data for themselves, changing the SERPs to favor advertising, their own properties, and/or instant answers that can reduce publisher traffic. For web marketers, it's a prisoner's dilemma -- Do we give Google what they want now so a competitor doesn't cave first, or do we hold back and miss out on traffic potential for fear of losing out long term? In this presentation, Rand will show data on how Google is being used today, how it's changing, then dive into strategic initiatives and specific examples of how savvy players can build a moat to protect against long-term risk. Included will be tactical wins every site can take advantage of to drive more traffic and improve their content and web marketing strategies.

Old Price: $29.90

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