Personal Story Power Online by Bo Eason

Personal Story Power Online by Bo Eason

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Your story is what sets you apart from every other person on earth...

Discover your personal story and you’ll have a job for life on your terms
The thing separating you from more money, more freedom and more passion in your life is your mastery of your own personal story. Enroll in the Personal Story Power Online program and I will personally help you extract your personal story and turn your life and your body into a magnetic experience for your audience.

When I was 9 years old, my dream was to become the best safety in the NFL. (If you don’t know, that’s a position on the defensive side of the ball.) In 1984, that dream came true.

After my seventh knee surgery, which ended my professional football career, I began another 20-year commitment: To become the best stage performer on earth. After being coached by Al Pacino, after writing my own play … after performing that one-man play on and off Broadway thousands of times, that dream came true.

I didn’t know this at the time, but that play did more than just allow me to live into the dream of achieving greatness on stage. It gave me a voice. I didn’t have to wait for the phone to ring anymore. I created my own platform, my own business. Everything about my life changed through story.

Storytelling is everything today. It is the tissue that connects us all to one another. It is irrefutable and undeniable. That’s why it’s so effective. There’s no line. In fact, it erases every line that divides us and brings us together.
Bo Eason as a child Bo Eason while playing for the Houston Oilers

Once you start using all the miles you’ve run and scars you’ve collected to share yourself and connect with others, it’s over. The stage, or field, you’re performing on gets bigger, as do the opportunities you have to take your life to the top.

Years ago, I committed myself to spending the next 20 years of my life fighting for your story. My mission is to give you the tools critical for discovering, expressing and sharing your personal story with the world. My all-star team has helped me create a formula that takes you, right where you are, and extracts the juiciest, most crucial story (or stories) of your life. We’ve developed a way for you to take that story and mold it into the kind of story your audience won’t be able to forget.

Twice a year, we all assemble in La Jolla for an intimate event called the Personal Story Power Event. Less than 120 seats are available and we usually sell out. Even at this moment, our next event is sold out! But you don’t have to wait 6 months or more to start the journey of discovering the stories of your life that will make you utterly unique and magnetic.

With Personal Story Power Online, you can skip the line and start the work today.

Your greatness... your ability to be the absolute best in your field of work... it all comes down to how effectively you can tell your unique story.
Scott Man

As a Veteran struggling to find my higher purpose after running some rough miles in combat, Bo’s training didn’t change my life…it saved it. After nearly 23 years in the U.S. Army—most of that as a Green Beret—I was facing one of the biggest obstacles of my life … how in the hell was I going to go from years of sustained combat operations in the Middle East and Afghanistan to civilian life?!? The first day I heard Bo Eason speak, I had my answer. I was going to learn how to tell my story.

Less than six months after attending Bo’s Personal Story Power Event, I now speak for a living. I was a keynote speaker at a veterans’ gala in New York City that raised over a million dollars in one night; after hearing this keynote speech the CEO for Concerned Veterans for America hired me on the spot as one of only seven Senior Advisors and speakers. I was rated as the #1 presenter at the Joint Staff 2015 Threat Day in Washington D.C. I’ve appeared on Fox News, News Max and The Wall Street Journal Radio, and I’ve been asked to give talks on leadership and communications tradecraft all over the country. I would recommend this training to anyone yearning to make a difference in his or her life through story.

Scott Mann, Lieutenant Colonel, Retired — U.S. Army Special Forces
Tiffany Anderson

There is something magical about Bo. He has a hidden force that starts to penetrate the mind and body, because he speaks the truth. He is real. Honest. No smoke and screens . . . no facades, no scrims, no fog and mirrors. Generous. I believed him when he said that if I could learn his trade, the trade of real storytelling, I would never need to look for clients again. He was right!

After working with Bo, I am confident. And when I write “confident,” I mean that the fear is gone. The demons are stripped away, and the soul is exposed, and the nerves are tender. It feels good. It brings inner peace and a quiet strength. I have reached out to people who I was afraid to engage. I am not afraid anymore.

I was a group fitness instructor who use to take an hourly rate. Now, I am a personal trainer and volleyball coach with the potential to make a 6-figure income. Why? Because Bo showed me how to be vulnerable and relate to people through story. My story...and their story.

Tiffany Anderson, Certified Personal Trainer — Insanity/P90X Group Instructor
Jerry Lujan

If you’re interested in a bigger future and willing to do the work to get there, The Personal Story Power Event is a MUST! Bo takes you through the steps necessary to learn how to tell your story authentically. This is NOT theory; it’s practical, real coaching alongside the greatest speaker I've ever seen. He teaches you what to do and how to do it—including how to practice and what to practice on, not only for your personal story, but also in how to tell it in a way that people can’t take their eyes off you.

There are so many areas that I just didn't know what I didn't know that Bo has taught me. My preparation and mindset are different. The confidence I now have when in a group setting has literally changed my life. I'm eternally grateful that I made the investment to learn from the best. Bo is a pro—he gives you all he has to help you become a pro. If you really are interested in playing a bigger game and are willing to work at what Bo coaches you on, I guarantee it will have a tremendous impact on both your personal and professional life, as it has on mine.

Jerry M. Lujan, Founder: Elevation180 — Albuquerque, New Mexico

You see, I’ve spent my entire life preparing for the next Personal Story Power program and if you’re the right person, this could elevate you to two or three levels beyond where you currently are… When I say I’ve been preparing for my entire life, I don’t mean that lightly. It is my job to give you the tools and coaching so that you can discover your personal story and enjoy the level of success other graduates have experienced.
As a Personal Story Power Online enrollee, you will receive:

Hours of Video Training on...
The mindset needed to fully connect with your audience and how to get in that state every performance, like clockwork. Confidence is self-created and with this training, you’ll understand why it’s your birthright to be on the stage.
How to capture your greatest personal stories. You’ll cut past the “dump” stories and find the gems that will keep your audience begging for more.
How to use your body intelligently and effectively. I’ll help you link every word of your story to the molecules of your body, allowing you to express your story, through your hips, your hands and your movement. This is exactly the opposite of what our politicians do and you’ll be able to keep the attention of your audience by this alone!
The exact rehearsal rituals I do every single time I speak to an audience. Everyone has a will to win, but nobody has the will to rehearse. I’ll teach you the secrets of rehearsing so by the time you’re on stage, you’re fully confident.

Downloadable writing exercises that will help you…
Clear your mind, focus on the training and create clear goals or outcomes you want to achieve with this course. As you’re listening to me get your mindset where it needs to be to fully absorb this training, you’re reinforcing what your intentions are so that there’s no confusion about what we’re trying to accomplish together. Everything we do over the course of this training has a purpose. We don’t waste time, which is why you have to surrender to the training and agree to play full out.
Capture the basics of your personal story. These writing exercises are taken directly from the event and are the building blocks we use to flush out your story. So many people say to me, “Bo, I don’t know where to begin.” And usually that’s because they’re overcomplicating the process. These exercises are simple, straightforward and will help you start connecting the experiences you’ve had in your life.
Get physically warmed up ahead of a big client meeting, presentation, event, etc. This warm-up has become a sacred ritual for me. I rely on it ahead of every performance. It frees me up so that when I’m about to go on stage, I’m not even thinking about what I’m going to say. Now, my whole life is about preparation so I’m always rehearsing (more about that below) but this is about you performing with your truest self so that no one will be able to look away.

“No Admittance. Players Only Beyond This Point.”
Pam Hendrickson

Bo really helped me hone my story, hone my reviews were greater, doubled the sales I closed in the room, all because of his ability to draw out my story from a standpoint of authentic connection and influence which is profound. If you have the opportunity to work with Bo, take it, he's the best in the world.

Pam Hendrickson, Founder & Creator of Make, Market, Launch IT
Dan Tugender

The only thing that didn't change in my life after attending The Personal Story Power Event was my name. I've become a better husband, father, son and friend. I see the world differently now, through the eyes of a predator who is out to take over the world. Bo has a way of connecting with people unlike anyone I've ever met before. He empowers you to tell your story, despite how mundane you think it may be. He expects you to be the best...and who better to teach becoming the best than someone who has been the best his entire life. The Personal Story Power Event was hands-down the best event I've ever attended!

Dan Tugender, Melrose, MA
Tim Dixon

Bo came into my life about two years ago during a time of transition. The timing could not have been better. It is hard to describe what happens when you are in the presence of Bo. Things change. The way you think, the way you speak, the way you look at life. The Personal Power Event, simply put, is life changing. I have been to three and each event gets better. As long as Bo keeps doing them, I will keep attending. No doubt Bo has made me a better speaker, but more importantly, he has made me a better father, husband and has me playing a much bigger game in life. I could go on for pages about the magic of Bo Eason, but I will not. I will say if you have not attended his event you MUST. You will walk away with a higher purpose for everything you do.

Tim Dixon, Elite Performance Academy
Kevin Ward

Nothing has had a greater impact in my life in the last 5 years than Bo Eason teaching me the power of sharing my own story...and especially inspiring me and showing me the unconquerable power of deciding to be THE BEST.

Kevin Ward, Founder of YESMasters Real Estate Success Training

When I played for the Houston Oilers, I played with some of the best footballers to ever walk the earth. As the team and I ran out on the field, we passed a sign:

“No Admittance. Players Only Beyond This Point.”

It didn’t matter if you were a movie star or the president of the free world; the only people getting past that sign were the players.

Personal Story Power Online warriors must abide by the same rule. Players Only. You’ve got to come prepared, ready to focus, ready to dig deep. Every other attendee, every other Story Warrior who has come before you, has deeply connected with their story. The work isn’t easy, but if you want to be the best, you already knew that. Do not enroll if you’re not bringing this level of vulnerability. The stage is sacred; our space is safe, but you’ve got to own it.
Yes! I want to enroll in the Personal Story Power Online program so I can find my story, connect deeper with my audience and live my life on my own terms.
FOR $997

To be the best, you need to surround yourself with the best. It’s my mission to help you. Enroll today if you want to be The Best in the world at what you do and transform your life.

See you online,

— Bo Eason
100% Money Back Guarantee, the way it should be.

Personal Story Power Online is transforming how people communicate. However, it's not a "one-size-fits-all" approach. You've got to immerse yourself in the content on this website, playing just the way you would if we were standing on stage together at my live event.

Here's my guarantee for you — I guarantee that I've given this training my absolute best. While this is an online program, I want you to feel like you're standing shoulder to shoulder with me. If within the first two weeks you don't think the program is right for you, just email Mindy Fowler ([email protected]) and let her know. I'll have my team refund 100% of your tuition and no hard feelings.

Bo Eason

Old Price: $59.90

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