The Peaceful Profits Foundations Program by Mike Shreeve

the peaceful profits foundations program by mike shreeve

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Old Price: $399.90

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The Peaceful Profits Foundations Program
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The Peaceful Profits Foundations Program

Setting The Foundations For A Business You’ll Love!

“Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.” - Jim Rohn

How This Works

The goal of The Peaceful Profits Foundations Program is simple:

Take you and your skill set for helping others and turn it into a business that you love and sets the “Foundation” for scale!

How do we do this?

Step 1. Create the right offer

Step 2. Use strategic partnerships to get consistent clients

Step 3. Turn those clients into more clients through repeatable referrals  

Step 4. Rinse and repeat as necessary.

That's it.

It’s that simple.

No need for funnels, paid ads, or a mastery of marketing.

In the Foundations program we’ll help you:

    Turn your skills into a profitable offer
    Build a system for consistently establishing strategic partnerships that work for you
    Build a semi-automated referral system so your business grows without having to chase new clients all the time

The program and approach is simple on purpose.

Focus, consistent effort, and a simple system is all it takes to hit consistent 6 figure annual profits. No need for complexity or advanced marketing and selling at this stage.

Who It’s For

If you have a service or offer that you’ve been struggling to get to a consistent 6-figures per year, this is for you.

If you’ve just started on your growth journey and are looking to plug into a system you can work with predictable results, this is for you.

If you want growth but aren’t quite ready for writing a book or building a funnel, this is for you.

This is not for anyone who:

    Is still struggling to figure out what they want to do with their life
    Doesn’t have a skill that helps people
    Has advanced level marketing or sales experience - this might be too simplistic for you
    Is in the scaling stage of your business - this is for people whose goal is to reach their first consistent 6-figures per year

What You Get

How we’re going to help you to implement and achieve these results is:

    Six months of one-to-one chat based coaching with a Peaceful Profits staff member
    Six months access to the Foundations Facebook community
    Six months access to 4x per month Q&A and group critique sessions per month with my coaching team to help you with your offer and sales/marketing of that offer
    Access to the complete training, tools, and templates program included with Foundations access

It will take you a few weeks to master the training and systems, then you’ll have six months of support from my team to help you achieve the goal of $10,000 in your business.

The Guarantee

We guarantee that you’ll earn at least $10,000 by being in this program…

… or we’ll give you your money back.

There are some stipulations you need to be aware of:

    You must follow our recommendations and track all work
    You must communicate with your coach throughout (at least weekly)
    You must give it a good honest effort for the duration of the program - no early refunds

If you can commit to those 3 things, I can guarantee you’ll hit at minimum $10,000 which will be accomplished through a system which can be repeated and managed sustainably.  

Does that mean you’ll only ever make $10,000 for the entire time you’re in the program?

Of course not!

This is just a guarantee to protect you and your money. You pay us and we guarantee the WORST thing that will happen is you’ll make $10,000 in profit as a result of the work we’ll do together.

Never have to worry “is this gonna work”?


It will.

I guarantee it.


One Payment Of $4,800

Payment options available upon request

Next Steps

If you like what you see here, the first step is to make sure that you’ve chatted with my team via email or a call to make sure you are qualified for the guarantee.

If you haven’t received a barrage of questions from us asking about you and your business, please reach out to [email protected] so we can walk you through the qualification process.

Once we’re both happy and confident that you’ll succeed in this program, we’ll send you a checkout link.

Once paid you’ll be given access and your coach will invite you into your personalized coaching base to chat through your goals and help you create a plan for what to accomplish next.


Q: “Does this mean selling a book doesn’t work anymore?”

A: Heck no!

I love books as business builders. They are still my #1 recommended, most used, and most successful strategy for scaling a business in The Help Industry.


… not everyone is ready for a book in their business.

Books take time and expertise.

Writing a book is a big commitment that requires time and expertise. Maybe it's not a commitment you are ready to make yet, but that doesn't mean you can't start building your business TODAY. You shouldn't wait for your business to be successful until after you've written a book.

What the Foundations program is all about is helping those who are under $10,000 a month who aren't quite ready to take on writing a book, building a funnel, running paid ads, optimizing the funnel, etc.

My hope is that everyone who takes the Foundations program becomes so successful, enjoys working with our team so much, and has so much fun building their business that we also get to help them write and launch their book when they are ready to do so. Foundations is just to help you get things started. In my opinion, $10,000/month is just getting started.

My goal is to help you grow way beyond what we accomplish in Foundations together.

So,"no" this is not a replacement for writing a book or building an acquisitions funnel. This is simply a program that focuses specifically on building that solid six-figure foundation which you can then add on to when you are ready.

Q: “Why are you asking me so many questions instead of just giving me the link to purchase right now?”

A: Good question!

The Peaceful Profits Foundations program has a powerful guarantee:

We will help you achieve $10,000 in profit or we will refund you.

In order for me to be able to guarantee something like that, I have to be incredibly picky about who we take on as a client.

There are certain personality types, certain offers and niches, and certain experience levels that are more likely to hit six figures per year than others.

The reason I ask so many questions is because I want to know what kind of business you have, what kind of person you are, what kind of mindset you have, and what sort of experience you have. I do this to determine whether or not we could guarantee you specifically the guarantee of this program.

If you are not a good fit, I will tell you.

If you are a great fit, I will tell you.

Either way, you can rest assured that the guarantee of this program comes from a place of confidence in you specifically. Meaning, as long as you are answering my questions honestly, I have genuine and real confidence in your ability to achieve what we are setting out to achieve in Foundations. Hence, why I am able to offer the guarantee.

I apologize if the questioning comes across in a bad way, but it’s the only way I can maintain the integrity of the guarantee of this program.

Q: “Why is it so cheap?”

A:  This is a smart question!

The price you have been given today is not the price it will be tomorrow. That’s the first thing to understand.

It won’t always be this cheap. Right now, you are benefiting from being one of the first few cohorts into the program.

The second, and perhaps more important, reason is because the Foundations program is just the start of what I hope to be a very long client relationship with you.

Helping you to achieve $10,000 in profit isn’t even the tip of the iceberg of what I can do to help you over the course of your career. It’s barely even the start.

My goal is for you to enter the Foundations program, achieve everything that is laid out in that program, have so much fun doing so that you ask us, “that was fun, what’s next?”

What’s next?


Working you out of the day-to-day

Writing and publishing books

Becoming the number one authority in your field

Reaching seven figures per year in profit

Building legacy and intergenerational wealth

Etc. and etc. and etc.

The Foundations program is just step one in everything I can help you with.

It’s cheap because I want to lower the barrier of entry so we can get you a result you’ll love so that you will continue to work with us for years to come.

This is how I like to do business and I find it works well for everyone involved.

Q: “Why is it six months long? Will it take me six months to hit $10,000?”

A: It will only take you a few weeks to learn and master the content and strategies in this program.

However, life is life.

Things happen, often unpredictably.

I am including six months of coaching and access to the community as a safety mechanism for you. Neither one of us can predict what will happen in your life between now and you hitting that $10,000 mark. Instead of trying to squeeze that achievement into an arbitrary timeline, I will be paying my team to give you the space to achieve for 6 full months.

Does that mean it’s going to take you that long to hit your goals?

Probably not.

But just in case…

… I want you to have that support.

So, what happens if you hit your goal before the end of your coaching time?

Well, I bet all the pennies in my pocket that you will establish friendships through this process because of the way we have built the community. So, even if you hit your goals early you can still enjoy the camaraderie and support of the community.

Second, for those clients who hit their goals early and then would like to graduate into one of our other programs or services, we have Fast Achievement discount codes which allow you to purchase other services at a discount because you “finished early”. I always like to find ways to reward clients who get stuff done.

But more than all of that, my recommendation would be to set aside worrying or stressing about timelines and just understand that my team is here to support you for a full six months.  You’d be surprised how much faster you’ll be able to achieve things when you know you have the space in support to make mistakes, fix those mistakes, try again, and still be supported throughout the process.

Q: “Can I get a refund before the coaching time is over?”

A: No.

There will be no refunds before your coaching time is up. If your plan is to get in, get the info, then bail… don’t even bother buying in the first place.

I’m committing six months of resources to you to help you, all I ask in return is your honest effort and willingness to try new things. If you can do that, my team and I can help you achieve great things.

If you’re already thinking of the exits, I wouldn’t recommend this program.

Q: “Will this work for my niche and offer?”

A: The only way to find out is to ask.

I promise, I will not let ANYONE in this program that I don’t think will succeed. It’s why I ask so many questions before letting anyone have the checkout link.

Ask me. I’ll be honest with you and tell you whether or not it will. You lose nothing for asking.

Q: “Roughly how long per week will be needed to start and succeed in the program?”

A: There are 3 "phases" you'll go through:

Phase 1. Passive learning

There are training videos you'll want to watch to learn the systems and strategies.

1 hour a day or less and you'll be done in a few weeks. You could probably complete this phase during the 2 months in your inbetween times 15 minutes at a time. Just pop on the video (there is a mobile app so you can even listen on the go) when you're going from place to place.

Phase 2. Building the systems

This is less than 2 weeks on 1 - 2 hours a day. This is just building out the system to fit your specific need. I'll give you most of the tools and scripting etc. you'll need, this is mostly just customizing and filling in the blanks etc. for yourself.

Phase 3. Execution

At this phase it's just about how much you wanna pour on and how fast you want things to happen. More input = more output type of deal.

Old Price: $399.90

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