Tiny Offer Lab by Allie Bjerk

Tiny Offer Lab by Allie Bjerk

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Old Price: $169.90

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What if you could...

Create a Low-ticket Offer That boosts your authority, attracts high-end clients, and generates profit?

(Spoiler Alert: You can)
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Allie Bjerk, Tiny Offer® Queen

Hiya, I'm Allie

Let me guess...you didn’t start your business to be shackled to your laptop.


You started it because you were DONE letting someone else dictate your day.


You wanted to be in charge of your income and how you spent your time (AKA your LIFE).


You wanted to do what you love, have more time with those you love, and create a business and life you love.


And then reality happened...

You Ended Up Just as Worn-Thin and On-Edge as You Were When You Had a “Day Job”

What happened to your dream business?


The day-after-day (+ nights and weekends) grind of running a service-based business is what happened...

And now you feel like you’re pinned to the wall on one of those 3x the force of gravity, spinning rides at the county fair…CAN'T MOVE.


You’re so focused on keeping your clients (your new bosses) happy that you’ve completely lost sight of WHY you started your business in the first place.


Never mind “scaling” your business, or shifting away from 1:1 work...you have bills to pay. (Duh.)

And what’s even worse?

You’re wondering if it’s all worth it…maybe the old 9 to 5 cubicle life wasn’t so bad after all. Letting someone else tell you what to do seems so EASY now.



You left for a reason.

You started your business for a reason.


But how do you stop the spinning and exit the ride?

The thing is...
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No one tells you how to transition from employee mindset to CEO mindset...at least no one told me.


And I struggled to step out of that freelancer, paid by the hour, beholden to clients model for YEARS.


The fact is: Although it looked like I was successful, I was going nowhere really, really fast.

What finally stopped me from spinning in circles in my business?

It wasn’t the big 6-figure premium course launch that you hear all the gurus talk about…

It was one Tiny Offer®… the little funnel that could (and did) change my entire business and life. (To the tune of multiple seven figures in revenue and counting.)

Now, people call me the Tiny Offer® Queen, and I’m spilling my secrets... so you can stop spinning and get back to the reason you started your business in the first place.



Tiny Offer Lab
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is a step-by-step, 9-module online course that helps online business owners create and launch extremely profitable products, so they can make an impact and income without working 24/7.
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The Secret Is in Following the...

Step-by-Step Success Roadmap Modeled After My Own Tiny Offer Process

(The process behind the Tiny Offer that generated $730K+ in 17 months)   

Here’s how your Tiny Offer journey unfolds…


The Tiny Offer Idea Generation Process

It all starts with the right offer for the right audience…

In Module 1, you’ll learn to avoid the mistakes most digital product creators make, that cost them HUGE profits -- not to mention months of frustration and wasted time.

We'll dive in to...

5 reasons you need to be super clear on your WHO before you ever start building out your Tiny Offer Funnel

How to use the 3P Method to easily identify your perfect WHO

The 3 recession-proof niches you must be aware of before you narrow down your options

Simple ways to validate demand and supply for your idea before you create your Tiny Offer

The Stealth Map Method to learn how your ideal client feels, what they know, what they do, and what they buy

Why your competition is irrelevant once you discover your blue ocean


Imagine Your Offer Suite

The most crucial piece of your Tiny Offer success puzzle is your irresistible offer...

In Module 2, you’ll set up your 3-part Tiny Offer suite for maximum profits -- and maximum results for your buyers.

We'll dive in to...

The 3 types of problems you need to solve with your Tiny Offer Suite

3 easy questions to ask to generate ideas for your Tiny Offer and a simple system for validating your offer

How to create and name one-of-a-kind frameworks for your offer

Turning your framework into a product and finding the Standout Element of your offer

How to use the Offer Suite Wheel to determine the dollar value of each component of your Tiny Offer


Nail Product Creation

High-converting offers have pleasing visuals and practical assets...

In Module 3, you’ll create a unique style for your Tiny Offer and get down to brass tacks by building out assets.

We'll dive in to...

How to brand the Tiny Offer way, including how to select eye-catching colors, fonts, and graphics

The 10-minute logo method that will save you HOURS of head-banging-against-keyboard frustration

The inside scoop on the BEST tools to use for slide creation, video recording, worksheet creation, and other assets

Allie’s Go-to Equipment List with links to everything you need to create a polished Tiny Offer Suite


Your Stellar Sales Pages

You won’t get any traction without a sales page that speaks to your ideal buyer...

In Module 4, you’ll learn Allie’s secrets to copy that converts at each step in your funnel.

We'll dive in to...

A walkthrough of Allie's Livestream 365 and Client Multiplier Method Sales Pages, so you can understand the flow of the page and use these “swipes” for inspiration

Customizable templates in Google Docs for your main offer sales page, check-out page, one-time offer page, and confirmation page

Customizable video sales scripts in Google Docs for your main offer and one-time offer


Optimize Your E-mail Sequences

Don’t downplay the power of emails when you’re selling digital products...

In Module 5, you’ll learn how to circle back and reclaim lost sales and how to deliver exactly what your buyer expects.

We'll dive in to...

Why potential buyers start buying but don’t finish checking out and how to recoup those “abandoned cart” sales using 3 simple emails

Exactly what to include in your confirmation emails to ensure happy customers

The secret to making sales after the sale by increasing cart value, nurturing your audience, and planting seeds for high-end offers

Customizable templates in Google Docs for all email sequences


Focus On Tech

Tech doesn’t have to be scary...

In Module 6, you’ll get the step-by-step system for my recommended Tech Stack, learn how to make it work for you, and how to hire someone if you need to.

We'll dive in to...

How to master creating lists, tags, and automations, so your email back-end flows seamlessly

Setting up your sales page stack using my Clickfunnels template and how to make it your own

The in’s and out’s of uploading and organizing your program assets in a course platform

How to make your tech talk and work together for a smooth customer experience from start to finish


Engineer Your Traffic

Rake in the sales before you ever spend a penny on ads...

In Module 7, you’ll learn the nuances of an organic traffic strategy and pick and choose what works for you from a menu of proven tactics.

We'll dive in to...

How to get your first 100 buyers without investing in paid ads using the TOL Organic Traffic Strategy

How to make ONE piece of content work 10X harder with a repurposing strategy + Allie’s Content Inspiration Swipe File

The 4-Part High Converting Tiny Offer Webinar + Allie’s webinar slides template

Tactics for a quick cash infusion for your paid ads, and how to create profitable, win-win partnerships


Fund Your Ads

The paid-ad strategy to put your profits on autopilot...

In Module 8, you’ll walk step-by-step through setting up, creating, launching, and troubleshooting your ad campaign.

We'll dive in to...

What you need to have in place before you run Facebook Ads to your Tiny Offer and understanding the Ads Manager

How to choose from the 3 types of ad campaigns based on the results you want

How to profile your audience and choose an audience type, plus setting your budget, optimizing your ads, and using retargeting ads

Creating compliant and effective ad copy + creative, and what to do if your ad is rejected or shut down

Bonus: How to advertise your Tiny Offer on other platforms


ROI Multiplier

You’re building a list of buyers -- time to leverage that...

In Module 9, you’ll learn exactly how to lead buyers of your Tiny Offer down the high-end path.

We'll dive in to...

How to choose from the 3 types of High-Ticket Offers, map out your framework, and create your assets

Hosting a live webinar to sign high-ticket clients and how to decide on the best webinar call to action

Getting subscribers to register, show up, and buy -- it’s all about the emails

Customizable templates in Google Docs for opt-in page, webinar slides, emails, sales page, application page, and more

As Seen On

By the end of this process, you’ll have a profit-generating, authority-building, power-packed Tiny Offer® of your own

You Get These Four Amazing Bonuses
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Access to 18+ Months of Recorded, Searchable Q+A Calls

(Tech, Copywriting, Strategy, FB Ads)

You’ll get to eavesdrop on 12 months worth of expert coaching calls from my high-end Tiny Offer Group Coaching Program. From Tiny Offer strategy, to tech, copywriting, and Facebook Ads, my team and I cover it all. Stuck on a particular point? Search by keyword and you’ll be directed to the exact timestamp in the calls on that topic.

(Value: $7,994)
Allie Bjerk Tiny Offer Lab


Free VIP Recording of Profit Camp

Profit Camp is a two-day event that is comprised of four value packed sections:

Your 20 Hour Week @ $1k Per Hour

Map Out Your High-Ticket Group Program

Design Your VIP Offer

Create an Irresistible Tiny Offer®

(Value: $1497)
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A HUGE BUNDLE of Customizable Copy Templates

Skip the overwhelm and frustration of creating everything from scratch by using my proven best-selling templates!

(Value: $2,497)
Video Player


Tiny Offer® Sales Page Builder

Let me write your ENTIRE sales page for you in just a few minutes using my Sales Page Copy Builder Tool. Simply answer a few questions and my algorithm will write your sales page for you!

(Value: $297)
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12 Weeks of Facebook Group Access

For accountability and community building with your fellow Tiny Offer Lab students to keep you on track and doing the work!

(Value: $997)

Here’s what you get:
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Lifetime access to the program and any future updates!

*BRAND NEW* BONUS: Tiny Offer® Sales Page Builder (Value $497)

LIMITED TIME BONUS: Free VIP Recording of PROFIT CAMP (Value $1497)

BONUS:  Access to 18+ Months of Recorded, Searchable Q+A Calls (Value: $7,994)

BONUS: 12 Weeks of Facebook Group Access (Value: $997)

BONUS: A HUGE BUNDLE of Customizable Copy Templates (Value: $2,497)

and so much more... I love to surprise members with extras along the way!

Total value: $20,982

1 payment of $2,497

1 PAYMENT OF $1,997


6 payments of $547


Using this system, I’ve sold 100 digital products within the first month of launching.

“When I was a photographer, I used to have to spend a weekend away from my family to make as much profit as I have in the last week (without working AT ALL), and then I’d STILL spend more time editing the photos.”

- Jenny Hansen Lane

Founder at Vulnerability Boss

When you implement the Tiny Offer System in your business, you can expect to:

Know from day one if your ads are working or not (never again sit by helplessly while your ads sink)

Get paid to build your email list by selling your Tiny Offer on autopilot (say buh-bye to the freebies)

Attract ready-to-buy, high-end clients through your ads (just say no to cold emailing)

Bring in leads while also making passive income from your Tiny Offer (stop wasting your time on zero-income lead magnets)

Build a proven, repeatable system that you can turn on again and again to bring steady cashflow and high-quality leads to your business (banish those “Ramen noodles for dinner again” blues)


 I don't teach theory. I use this EXACT system for myself...AND my private clients and students to help them build their own profit-generating Tiny Offers. I’m NOT just repeating the latest “top-secret formula” being taught by all of the gurus (insert eye roll here). My first Tiny Offer, a livestream calendar, has been sold for 18+ months and is STILL gathering a positive return on ad spend, even after seeing a market surge of other calendars (ABUNDANCE!).


 I help online business owners launch and scale businesses that allow them complete freedom, with time-leveraged business models and absolutely ZERO ceilings on their income. (I've also had clients teasingly call me their fairy godmother, therapist, and long-lost best friend.) I've been working in the coaching and service provider online space since 2010, and I've been in digital marketing for over 12 years. I GET IT.


 I've helped businesses make LOoOTS of money. (And I’ve built a multi-million-dollar business for myself.) I've worked with clients in dozens of different markets, from life coaching to industrial roofing (Yes... seriously - If you ask me to write a blog about your soffit and fascia, I may still be able do it). I've seen what works and what doesn't


 I'm a GOOD human. They don't say "Minnesota Nice" for no reason... I'm a momma to three littles + a furbaby and wife to my college sweetheart. I've created a dream life where I get to work (or play) when and where I want. I'm living proof that it's 110% possible to have it all. And I want you to have that too.
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Since launching my small offer I've made $15,000 just from my list and community.

I'm pretty happy with that. And now need to get the ads really working so I can make that every month.”

- Kathrin Luty


Hiya, I'm Allie, Tiny Offer® Queen.

I teach entrepreneurs how to create more impact and income with time-leveraging business models and tiny front-end offers.


After five years spent growing my digital marketing agency, I’ve learned exactly how frustrating it can be to function as a solopreneur, working day and night to keep up. Over time, I’ve learned how to manage a growing business, multiple revenue streams, raise my three spirited kiddos (ages 8 and under!), while scrapping the “business as usual” trade of hours for dollars – I’ve mastered how to make more money, while working less.


It’s time for you to decide what you really want this year. Perhaps you want your bank account to have more money than you can spend, so you never have to dread your credit card's statement balance emails.


Or spend more time doing what it is you really love, whether that’s time with your family, learning how to finally play the guitar, vacationing around the globe and/or never missing your favorite barre class - you decide.


If you want to know that all of your late nights and all of the agonizing over your dream business was worth it - I'm here to tell you that it was... or will be.

Just know that whatever you want is within your reach right now…

Tiny Offer® Lab IS Right for You If You’re...

    READY to boost your authority, attract high-end clients, and generate profit with your own low-ticket digital offer


    DONE making excuses about why you can’t work ON your business, or why you can’t step away from 1:1 client projects to build your own business


    TIRED of seeing ads from your competitors launching their low-ticket offers, while you kick yourself for not launching yours sooner


    READY for running your business to feel good again, to be confident that it’s working, and not have to chase after clients ever again


    WILLING to commit to using the Tiny Offer® Lab to get results

Tiny Offer® Lab IS Not Right for You If You’re...
Expecting to get rich overnight...

Not willing to do the work and follow a proven, step-by-step system…

Not open to trusting the expertise I’ve garnered from coaching hundreds of students through this process...

Not ready to listen to my tried-and-true strategies and weird hacks to make your offers FINALLY sell...

Too hung up on what everyone else is doing to focus on your own business...

Married to your belief that “entrepreneurship is hard” and that what works for other businesses “just won’t work” for you...

Quick to give up and too rigid to test, experiment, and make adjustments to your offers...

Everyone is asking...
“What is a Tiny Offer?” Expand
“How is the self-study program different from the group coaching program?” Expand
"I’ve bought a ton of business courses...and been disappointed in the results. How is Tiny Offer Lab any different?" Expand
“This is a big financial commitment for me...how do I know it’ll be worth it?” Expand
“I’m already busy...how much time is this going to take realistically?” Expand
“Can’t I just ‘funnel-hack’ your offer and figure it all out on my own?” Expand
“Do you have a payment plan?” Expand
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Lifetime access to the program and any future updates!

*BRAND NEW* BONUS: Tiny Offer® Sales Page Builder (Value $497)

LIMITED TIME BONUS: Free VIP Recording of PROFIT CAMP (Value $1497)

BONUS:  Access to 18+ Months of Recorded, Searchable Q+A Calls (Value: $7,994)

BONUS: 12 Weeks of Facebook Group Access (Value: $997)

BONUS: A HUGE BUNDLE of Customizable Copy Templates (Value: $2,497)

and so much more... I love to surprise members with extras along the way!

Total value: $20,982

1 payment of $2,497

1 PAYMENT OF $1,997


6 payments of $547

Old Price: $169.90

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