Your First 1K 2022 by Mariah Coz

Your First 1K 2022 by Mariah Coz

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Old Price: $79.90

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Create and Launch an Evergreen Digital Product the Quick + Easy Way!

Watch the free video training before it expires

Here's what you get when you enroll today:

    Guided, step-by-step list building and digital product creation & launching lessons.
    Everything you need to launch a small, simple digital product and put it on evergreen in just a few weeks
    Course Community for finding collaborators and networking
    Monthly Q&A Calls with the team
    BONUS: Find Your Niche Mini-Course
    PAY IN FULL BONUS: Flash Sale Templates
    PAY IN FULL BONUS: 17 Evergreen Content Topics


Get your first 1,000 Email Subscribers and Launch & Evergreen Your First Simple Digital Product

Are you ready to get your first 1,000 email subscribers and launch a tiny digital product?
In YOUR FIRST 1K®, you're going to do 3 simple but powerful things for your online business:


Attract and build an audience and email list of raving fans around your offers (so they are the perfect fit when you're ready to sell!)

Launch a simple, small digital product and put it on an evergreen funnel for year-round sales. This simple digital product is the foundation of your future signature programs!


Cultivate your confidence as a course creator and coach. Prove to yourself you can sell online and that people love what you offer!
Fed up and frustrated with vague "strategies" and outdated "tips and tricks" about growing your audience and creating a simple digital product?
You're in the right place.

"The day I enrolled in YF1K I had 29 email subscribers. I hit 1000 less than 6 weeks later (and now I'm well over that). Even though I was always confident in my blog, I didn't have a clue how to launch a digital product. YF1K basically held my hand through the whole process."

- Becca  

“If you enroll in just ONE course this year, choose Your First 1K®. It really is as good as people say. I’ve surpassed my first 1K already, and the tips in this course are still priceless. It’s one of my all-time faves."   

 - Nesha Woolery

"I made just over $2K in sales and 1K subscribers from a pre-sale and the list building strategies I learned in Your First 1K®. Then I surveyed my people and really looked at what they were saying. So I very quickly put together mini-offerings from things that I had created in YF1K that answered these needs and have not only already earned what I made from initially launching, but more importantly: I've been able to help way more people, convert readers to customers, and not just amplify my message, but also make a career from it. There is a right way to do all of these things and YF1K gave the skills, know-how, confidence, and belief in myself to do these exact things. I can't thank you enough for this gift. I am SO PASSIONATE about helping parents and educators teach kids to be kind online and because of you and YF1K I'm lucky enough to have this be my job! #pinchme"  

 - Galit Breen

"I'm really grateful to you! I got Your First 1K® and was able to make my first $1,000 and that was a great feeling. Your First 1K® did exactly what it promised and it gave me my first 12 students and first $1,200. And I was able to create a basic version of the course and sell it to 6 more students."  

 - Tomi Adeyemi

If you're frustrated with your list size, your stagnant audience growth, and the slow progress

(You know, the one that calls you on your BS and won’t let you waste your time on strategies that don't work!).   

Let's be real - at this stage, you're not thinking about "7-figures" or "scaling". You're just getting started and looking to make those first few sales!

You may be just getting started but you've got big dreams and plans for yourself. You have a vision for your future and know your business is going to impact thousands of people with signature courses, powerful coaching programs and more.

But today, you need to lay the foundation for where you're headed. You don't need to get bogged down in any of that fancy stuff right now - what you need is just some proof of concept that people are interested in buying your digital products!

At this stage, you just need 2 things:

1. You need to prove to yourself that you can sell SOMETHING to SOMEONE online (aka, you need that Confidence!)

2. You need real sales to validate your offer idea and get you into momentum moving forward (aka, you need some Cash!)

This is exactly what Your First 1K® is designed to do!

A lot of people think that building their email list and making their first digital product is some mythical, magical secret. It’s not.    
It’s about creating value, educating your readers, and getting in front of the right audience.   

"Guys, Mariah’s tips about guest posting seriously work. I doubled my email list in the last 2 days! #soexcited”

- Katie Steckly

"I made ten sales within the first 14 days of the course. I made my first 1k. Hooray! My launch goal was to get 10 people to sign up. I'm now at 22 people. To be honest, I still can't believe it.   

I went from 15 subscribers at the start of this course to 236 subscribers today. Because of this course and the $1k I made extra, I had more income during the month of July than I have ever made with my own business. To be honest, I think this course changed my life. I now believe I can become my own boss and do this for real. I have a lot more confidence in my work and in myself as an expert. I still can't believe this and I'm so grateful for all the sales and this wonderful course you set up.   

PS: While writing this to you I made another sale. So make that 23 sales in less than 30 days."  

- Kathleen
This is a step-by-step process that takes you through growing your email list and creating your first, small, evergreen digital product.

In Your First 1K®, I’ll show you how to grow your list of email subscribers, and how to create and sell your first tiny digital product (like a workshop, email course, or download). You'll get all the tools, the strategies, and the support you need to reach Your First 1K®!
For the first few months of my business, growing my audience and income felt so slow! So what changed?

    I stopped screwing around and implemented real, effective, high-ROI list building techniques.
    Nothing spammy or icky - just some hard work and strategic planning (as in, I stopped throwing pasta at the wall).
    I stopped trying to make pennies with ads, sponsored posts or affiliate links, and instead created a really valuable digital product for my readers, which they were happy to pay for.   

It doesn’t have to take ages to grow your readership or monetize your blog, platform or skills. You just have to have to spend time on the right things - things that really work.

"Your First 1K® was a huge game changer for me, it helped me to actually be strategic about my email list which resulted in it growing from around 400 when I started the course to nearly 2,000 six months later.   Your First 1K® also kick started the creation of my first online course, The InDesign Field Guide, which earned $20,000 in it's first launch (just 6 months after starting Your First 1K®).   

In Your First 1K®, I also got to know 2 other designers who had been acquaintances before, and we've now formed a mastermind group. Our mastermind has been an incredible benefit to all of us, and it all started in Your First 1K®. Your course was a great foundation for me to learn about strategic list building and product creation in an easy-to-follow format that I could apply to my business right away. Thanks for all the work you put into it, it's been a fabulous resource for me, and many others."   

- Kelsey Baldwin

“I started YF1K in September. I had just under 200 subscribers already but was in no way growing consistently. I started implementing your strategies from the very thorough YF1K class and immediately began seeing results. Now they're consistent and passive. It's so amazing to see that I gained a dozen subscribers that day without doing ANYTHING. Your course really sets you up for success by doing a lot of the work up front.

Today I have a few shy of 900 subscribers. I know that every time I make time to work on them I see increases in my subscribers. YF1K is the most thorough and informative class I've taken to date and has been worth every penny. Not only have I increased my subscribers by 700 people in the past few months, but I've more than doubled my page views! I've also made more money with my e­-products in the past two months than I have in my entire two years of self employment. I have you to thank.”

- Mary England
It's all connected.

The biggest mistake I see aspiring course creators and digital product CEOs making is that they build their email list separate from creating their own products, when in reality the two are completely related and need to happen in tandem.   

So many people build up their email lists first (usually in a way that takes forever), and then when they go to create and sell their first product they have the WRONG audience. Yikes.

This is why you need to build your list and create your products in a cohesive and connected way, where it all ties together. When you start with the end in mind, building your list AND your product becomes so much easier.

Your First 1K® is the foundation of building your future online course & coaching company.

But you gotta start small and simple. You gotta walk before you can run. Everyone starts from scratch with that first sale!

By starting with the end in mind, we can build a powerful audience on a platform that you own (your email list) that become your future customers for life.

What starts out as your $29-$99 small digital product, has the potential to evolve into a $500 premium course or even the foundation of a $5,000 group coaching program in the future!

It starts with planting the seed now.

    Validate your offers with a simple digital product that's easy to put together.
    Build an email list of raving fans who will become customers for life.
    Get started with a simple evergreen funnel you can build in a day so you have a solid foundation.

Stop creeping, start climbing.

Many new content creators, aspiring course creators and coaches start off monetizing their platforms in really backwards ways, because an “expert” told them that display ads, sponsored posts and affiliate links were the way to be successful and make money. They start by making $20 a month, then $30 a month, then maybe $100 a month, and they do this for months and months creeping up the ladder, wondering when this "big break" they were told about is going to happen.   

But that is not the right way to approach monetizing your platform!

You can do better. You can sell your own digital products to an audience on a platform that YOU own.

We will show you how.

"Officially made my first 1k! Pre-launched to my list of 280 people and sold $900 + $170 due next month from payment plans."  

 - Scarlett

“I'm already seeing results - I went from an average 5 subscribers per week to 50-60 subscribers weekly and growing. And I haven't even started blog posting yet or done all my content upgrades for my top 5 posts!”  

 - Sam Brown

"Your First 1K® has changed everything for me. It’s all step by step and the support network is amazing!"  

 - Eleanor

"I took the course with just under 500 on my email list and I'm now at just over 5000 - and I haven't used all the strategies yet. The thing is, everything you do generally keeps earning you subscribers, so I currently get around 30 subscribers a day on autopilot - without me doing anything. It's also great for launching a digital product - I have made more in 6 months that I have in the last four years of blogging put together and I know I will reach my target for the year easily. If you are on the fence I would encourage you to go for it - it really is great."  

 - Audrey Ann

"I got 1000 followers in 59 days with 3 opt-ins. I did a few Facebook live videos. I only marketed to a few targeted groups."  

 - Lia Kurtin Sip

"Your First 1K® has been ground breaking! This course helped me not ONLY to make my first $1k, but to have my first $6k month! I launched my first product using Mariah's lessons...and it did 5 times better than I thought it would. This course is going to be one re-visit quarterly to keep my methods on track and my launches and plans growing."  

 - Terra Dawn

YOUR FIRST 1K® is designed for implementation. It's simple, but comprehensive.

We give you templates, scripts, and training so you're not starting from scratch.

    Step by Step lessons with easy-to-follow list-building and  digital product creation strategies so you can start now, from where you are.
    Foundation and Blitz strategies so your website becomes a conversion machine, & you create influxes of new subscribers.   
    Tried and true strategies and templates that hundreds of our students have used to grow their email list and sell their first digital product.
    Resources & tutorials, easy to understand graphics and examples so you see how to implement the simple strategies into your own business.    

The Your First 1K® program is an accelerated step by step plan to launching your small digital product and putting it on evergreen, with simple but powerful list-building strategies to grow your audience.

Each module includes easy-to-follow lessons, templates, and scripts so you never get stuck!

WEEK 1: Choose Your Digital Product & Create a Simple Sales Page

    Choose one of 7 types of simple digital products that is suited to your strengths and easy for you to create and deliver
    Determine your perfect price point for your digital product
    Create a simple sales page that showcases the value of your digital product using our template and outline
     Includes our "fill in the blank" Simple Sales Page Copy Template to make writing your sales page quick and painless!

WEEK 2: Write Your Launch Promo Emails and Promo Posts

    Write powerful promotional emails for your digital product launch with our templates and scripts
    Create promotional posts for your social media to promote your digital product
    Prepare to go live with your digital product launch
     Includes our "fill in the blank" Launch Email Sequence Template so you can write your promotional emails and social media posts with ease

WEEK 3: Launch Your Digital Product

    It's time to launch your digital product to your audience!
    Open the cart, send your emails, post with confidence, and welcome your first customers
    Celebrate your launch - you just took a huge step in your online business
     Includes our day-by-day Launch Calendar, tracking tool, and checklists to keep you on track

WEEK 4: Deliver Your Digital Product

    Depending on your digital product delivery type, you'll publish your digital product to your new customers (either a video, a downloadable, a template or tool)
    Get initial feedback from your first customers for social proof
    Prepare to go evergreen with your digital product
     Includes our Customer Survey form examples and Why Didn't You Buy survey examples

WEEK 5: Set Up & Publish Your Simple Evergreen Funnel

    Create the simplest one-page evergreen funnel to sell your digital product year-round
    Use our strategic templates and page layouts to craft a perfect funnel page
    Track your opt ins and sales and optimize your metrics
     Includes examples of funnel pages that convert and our metric tracking tool

List Building Blitz & Foundations: Attract Email Subscribers

    Optimize your website for list-building with foundational strategies
    Set up a simple, high value lead magnet to attract the right audience
    Create Content Upgrades that amplify your content into list-building machines
    Collaborations and Relationship-based audience growth (Guest posting, getting featured and more)
    Viral List-building: Create a viral giveaway to grow your audience
    and more!

Bonus: Find Your Niche Mini-Course

Our classic "Find Your Niche" training will set you up for success if you're just starting to narrow down who you can serve. Discover your perfect niche that combines your skills and passions into a clear focus you can build an audience around.

Pay In Full Bonus:  Flash Sale Template

You can run a simple, email-based 4-day Flash Sale anytime you desire a boost in your business. Pay in Full and receive our 4-Day Flash Sale email templates that you can deploy anytime you desire.

Pay In Full Bonus: 17 Evergreen Content Topics Mini-Course

Never run out of content ideas again! In this 17-part mini-course and template pack, we are giving you 17 evergreen, pillar content topics and themes you can use for social media posts, blog posts, videos, podcasts, emails to your audience. You will be overflowing with ideas of what to send your list with this powerful resource! This is a pay in full bonus.
12 Months of Support in Our Your First 1K® Community and Monthly Group Calls

When you join Your First 1K®, you're plugging into a built-in network of potential collaborators, guest posting opportunities, business besties, and more. Many business relationships, partnerships, and best friends find each other in our unique community!

We host a weekly Q&A thread in the group where you can ask our team questions, along with all the daily peer support.

We also host a monthly group call so that you can ask your questions as you implement the strategies.
Launch & Evergreen Your Own Digital Product With Your First 1K®

Join now to get $500 off regular enrollment!


Instant Access to  The Your First 1K® Content & Curriculum   

Calendar, Templates, and Resources  

Private Client Group

Monthly Group Call

12 Months Access to the Course, Community and Calls

Everything you need to grow your email list and launch a small, evergreen digital product

+PAY IN FULL BONUS: Flash Sale Templates

+PAY IN FULL BONUS: 17 Evergreen Content Topics    




Instant Access to The Your First 1K® Content & Curriculum   

Calendar, Templates, and Resources  

Private Client Group

Monthly Group Call

12 Months Access to the Course, Community and Calls

Everything you need to grow your email list and launch a small, evergreen digital product






PLEASE NOTE: If you choose to enroll with an installment plan, you are 100% responsible for completing all of your payments. The installment option is offered as a courtesy. This is NOT a membership that can be cancelled. This is a 12 month commitment to completing your payments.
This program is designed to be implemented in just a few focused weeks, and includes 12 months access to the program, content and community.
Here’s why this will help you become more successful, faster:   
You can launch and evergreen your digital product in just a matter of weeks.

I know you are super motivated to create your digital products and lay the foundation for your future courses and programs. I know you're ready for all the freedom, impact, and fulfillment that comes with it.

Now here's the truth: no matter how motivated you are, if we give you lifetime’ll never take action and the procrastination gremlin could get in your way.

I know, I know! But we’ve tested it extensively, and the reality is that our clients who have 12 months access get the best results and they get them QUICKLY.

12 months is the PERFECT container of time for you to make massive progress and nudge you to beat the procrastination gremlin that’s standing between you and your goals!

You’ll make the most of our time together and accomplish more than you thought possible in the 12 months.

We actually care about your results. We care that you implement these strategies. That’s why we designed this program to be 12 give you more than enough time to implement everything and then some, but to make sure you actually do take action!

"I seriously can't thank you enough, you have put my butt in gear and made me take my business up to the next level! Seriously, this course is so packed with such valuable info. I have taken my list from 150 to about 550 in just about a month's time. This blows. my. mind. If I could have told myself that would happen, I would not have hesitated one bit about purchasing your course! This list growth confirms that your course is awesome!”  

- Jamie Starcevich

"I can't believe how awesome this is - just over 24 hours in and I've already turned a 25 page ebook into a 4 week course, drafted a $97 product, built a landing page for my website and finalized my logo. Mariah, you are some kind of wizard! Today while on a tea break and thinking about how to plan out everything, I had my first official 'I really can do this and it's going to happen' feeling - and it made me feel so 'awake'. I really had NO idea this course would be so transformative."  

- Penelope Neil

You can do Your First 1K® from home, from anywhere in the world.

We have a vibrant, international community in Your First 1K®. You are going to be surrounded by people in all different niches (from crystal healing to engineering, health and wellness, art and business, and everything in between). Many of our clients create digital products in their native language!

You can participate in the experience from the comfort of your couch or kitchen table, as long as you have an Internet connection! The program is digital so you can access it from anywhere through our private course portal.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to get started with digital products, Your First 1K® is designed for aspiring course creators, coaches and CEOs

"I already have a small audience but have never launched a digital product before..."

Perfect! If you're starting with even a small audience, you can jump right into our 5-week product launch accelerator path and create, launch and evergreen your digital product right away.

Then you can dive into our list-building strategies to grow your audience and amplify your sales from there.

"I don't have an audience or email list yet, I'm just starting out..."

Great! You're in the right place. If you don't have any audience or email list yet, you're going to start with 30-60 days of implementing our simple list-growth strategies before you launch your digital product.

After you've grown your list to a few hundred fans, you will start your product launch process and validate your first small digital offer with your first sales.

Raving fans and email subscribers. A solid foundation.   

The tools to build an audience and launch a small digital product.   

A digital asset that you can sell again and again on evergreen.
Are you ready to get your first 1,000 email subscribers and make your first small digital product?

"You are going to loooove Your First 1K®. It’s the best investment I’ve made for my business."   

 - Patty Schuster

"This course gives me all the tools, resources, structure I needed to finally step up and launch an English version of my skills. I've been able to write a powerful sales page and to simplify how things work. More importantly, I've found 2 amazing entrepreneurs I'm gonna work with (as an introvert, it means a lot for me)."  

 - Ophelie

Hi, I'm Mariah, The founder and creator of Your First 1K®!

Your First 1K® is our classic list-building and digital product creation program. So many of the 6- and 7-figure course creators and coaches you know and love today got their start in this very program when they started their business years ago! We've got a star-studded roster of graduates and we can't wait to see what you create with our entirely updated and upgraded Your First 1K® experience.

Founded and created by Mariah Coz, Your First 1K® is lead by our team of talented coaches, experts and the executives that run the Fearless CEO company. We've got a team of sales, marketing, mindset, program design, and funnel experts - the same team that runs our multi-million dollar company and has helped hundreds of our clients reach their goals over the years.

This program is where you will build the foundation for your signature course & coaching program company. We teach you the timeless strategies and principles for building your own audience on platforms you own, and how to make sure you are building an audience that loves your digital products!
When you sign up for YOUR FIRST 1K® you get:  

    5 weeks of step by step digital product creation and launch lessons
    Tools and templates to make implementation simple
    Instant access to the curriculum and trainings
    A library of list-building strategies
    The simplest way to create a digital product your growing audience will love and how to ship it fast.  
    Simple but powerful strategies that work.

Connect with Cami, our Client Concierge and Coach, now!

Our client concierge and coaching team is ready to chat you up in the DMs and answer all your questions!

We would love to know what's on your mind. Questions, hesitations, feelings, or celebrations - don't be shy!

You can send Cami a text any time at (866) 727-3286

You can find Cami on Facebook here.

Follow and feel free to DM Cami here on Instagram.
There are no refunds for the Your First 1K® program.

We wholeheartedly believe Your First 1K® is the best program for getting started with small digital products, and have had hundreds of successful graduates.

Because of the instant access nature of this online program, there are no refunds available under any circumstances.

Make sure to make an informed decision about joining, as your purchase is a commitment to the 12 months and you are responsible for completing your payments.

We know you'll love the course and we can't wait to see what you create!
Frequently Asked Questions


Time investment: 2-4 hours per week plus product creation which really is different for everyone depending on your format (written, video, audio) and how you like to create. I've seen people create a product in a few hours, a few days, or a week. It depends on which product type you choose!


You have access to the course, community and monthly call, for 12 months. Because if we give you lifetime’ll never do it. I actually care about your results. I care that you implement these powerful strategies. That’s why we designed this program to be 12 months give you more than enough time to implement everything and then some, but to make sure you actually do take action! And it won't take you the full 12 months to implement everything either - you can launch your product in just 4 weeks and implement everything quickly depending on how you work.


Absolutely. You will learn new ways to grow your audience and email list, how to launch, etc. I’ve used these same classic and timeless strategies to grow my list to 25,000+ and beyond, so it’s extremely scalable (you just keep doing more of what works).


Yes - growing a very focused pre-launch list is a great way to utilize this course.


You will be given the tools and framework to come up with an idea and choose a profitable digital product topic, but you will have to choose an idea in Week 1 and start taking action! Don't get stuck in perfectionism - we want you to choose your idea and start making progress.


Yes! Your enrollment INCLUDES access to the private Your First 1K® Community.  

When you join Your First 1K® you'll be plugging into a built-in network of potential collaborators, guest posting opportunities, business besties, and more. Many business relationships, partnerships, and best friends find each other in our unique community!


All of the strategies are “platform agnostic”. The strategies aren't platform specific, and you can implement them on any platform in different ways.


Yes, it is designed for people starting from scratch. You do NOT need to have an established blog audience or email list to start.


Most people in the course are not business related actually, just people wanting to start a biz in all different niches. We have some people in the fashion niche, food photography, writers, crafters, health coaches, decluttering, spirituality - everything! Seriously, this is NOT just for B2B entrepreneurs (though it works well for them too) - it’s for ANY niche.


The most common problem I see with my clients and students is that they don’t know where to focus, so they try to do everything in a scattered way and the result is that nothing works.  

If you’re not completely focused on the strategies and methods that bring the highest ROI and get the best results, building your email list can be slow and frustrating. You end up waiting to see one or two subscribers trickling in each day instead of creating systems that bring people flocking to hit "subscribe".


You will receive a confirmation email and INSTANT ACCESS to the entire course, all of the modules and lessons.  

You can log in right away and get started immediately, no waiting necessary!  

The whole point of this course is to give you the tools and guidance to stop over-thinking and over analyzing everything and just start getting subscribers and making sales.

Old Price: $79.90

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